Kazuichi Souda x reader

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Requested by: @Apollos Fandom

School was the last thing on your mind at the moment. But it was back to school as the holidays finished, and you groaned and felt around for the sleep button. As soon as you tapped it, you fell back into the sheets of your bed. After a few minutes of tossing an turning to try and get that peaceful sleep you had just been in only a minute ago, you have up, throwing the sheets off as you stumbled to the bathroom.

You turned the knob, welcoming the hot beads of water running down your spine. You took your time washing the tiredness out of your body, and as you got out, you heard the blaring of the alarm you forgot to turn off. Sighing, you wrapped your towel tightly around you before walking back into your room, turning it off.

Back to the routine, I guess.

After eating your breakfast, you looked over your uniform once more before putting it on. Damn this uniform. It was the very uniform that gave any child chills at the end of their holidays. The dreary brown colour made you cringe.

"First day back can't be that bad, can it?" You told yourself. Satisfied, you checked your bag and left for the walk to the bus stop.

But it seemed that luck wasn't on your side that day. As they were doing works on the roads, your bus was cancelled. You ended up having to walk to school-something that, by this time of the morning, would definitely make you late.

You walked quickly, not wanting to be late. Last time you were a minute late you had to serve 15 minutes detention after school. You shuddered at the thought of being 5 minutes late.

"Hey!" You turned to hear the voice behind you, only to see your boyfriend Souda approaching you from what you gathered was his home with two bikes. Why did he have two...?

"Hold up there, (Y/N)!" You gave him a confused look.

"What's with the bikes?" He almost flustered as he hurried to explain.

"Well...I heard the bus got cancelled because of the roadworks, and, well, I-I've been meaning to try out these bikes, and we could use them to get to school on time!" He led one of the bikes toward you and you took it, almost confused. How did he know about the bus getting cancelled? Hinata walked because he lived so close to the school, and you didn't think Souda knew anyone else who took the bus other than you, and since you only found out this morning... Souda took notice of your hesitancy and scratched the back of his neck.

"You...do know how to ride a bike...right?" The question hit you, pulling you out of your internal conversation with yourself. You bit the inside of your lip, smiling sheepishly. 

"Well..." He sighed, grabbing the bike and opening up the gate and rested the bikes onto the fence. You looked at the time. Oh shit...there's no way we can make it to school one time walking... as the thought of detention plagued your mind, an idea came to mind.

"Hey-you don't mind if I hitch a ride on your bike, do you?" Suprised, he turned to you, his cheekd turning slightly pink.

"W-Whaddya mean?" Your lips quirked into something of a half-smile, and you walked closer to Souda.

"Like, if you ride, and I hop into the basket. " He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure wether it'll support that much weight, though..." Dating Souda meant you were kind of used to his wierd and often borderliningly...ill-favoured comments. And although you knew he meaned well by it, you couldn't help but poke fun at the loveable sharkboy.

"So you're saying that I'm fat?" His eyes widened before he spoke, raising his hands up defensively. 

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that! What I meant to say was, it might break because it's too weak to support your wieght-wait, not like that! I was just worried that you might hurt yourself and-" 

By the time he'd gotten halfway through his talk, you'd grabbed the bike and walked it out of his front garden, before interuppting him calmly.

"Come on, let's go before we're late." He nodded and got on the bike, and, once you found a comfortable spot to sit in the basket, the two of you left.

The ride to school had been resonably quiet, other than ocassional talks about teachers and people you'd have to put up with. You actually ended up five minutes early, and you got off the bike and walked with Souda to the bike shed. As he finished chaining the bike up, he looked up to you and scratched his neck for the second time that day.

"Look, I-I'm really sorry about what I said back there-"

"Souda, I knew you meant good. It's just that your flustered face is so adorable!" You went up on your tippytoes to pat his head, and giggled at the dark shade of red his cheeks had become. You pecked him on the cheek before walking out of the bike shed turning back to him, smirking.

"Maybe next time if your worried about the basket breaking I can sit in your lap," You left to put your things in the locker, leaving the blushing sharkboy to follow after you. 

"(Y-Y/N), wait up!"

I'm so sorry about how short it is but it's been a while since I last updated and I now have a huge line of requests that I've yet to even start, so maybe I can do a part two of Souda...? 

Hope you enjoyed it! Next up is Hagakure!

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