Kazouchi Souda x Reader x Tanaka Gundham: That's a promise

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Requested by: @Gizmone

The three of you were an awkward bunch.

Souda had his talents and so did Gundham, but when it came to socializing, they were hopeless.

And when they clashed, it was never pretty. What would start in taunts would usually end up in fists flying.

Somehow, in the process of running to class one day, you got caught up in their wrath and ended up in the nurses office the rest of the day. From then on, you would be the water to cool of the fuse.

So naturally, at a social event such as a party, you would think it would end in disaster.

And it did.


"Souda, Gundham, calm down! you're making a scene," you cowered into the shadows, away from the staring eyes. The two of them weren't fazed, more concentrated on humiliating the other more then themselves.

"See, (Y/N), if hamster boy over here had shut up in the first place then we wouldn't be having this argument! Look, at how uncomfortable your making them!" At this point, the argument was heating up. You knew that as soon as your name had left Souda's lips. Involving you was never a good sign. Although Gundham looked calm an unaffected, his eyes shone something that made you gulp.

"Maybe you should think up of a different insult. That one is far past it's use date, almost like yourself. And it was you who started this. It always is."

He had a point there, you had to say. Before this had all gone south, you had been with Souda and Gundham at Sonia's party. Sonia was discussing different horse breeds for a competition her palace were hosting when Souda made a snide comment about him not spending enough time with you-or was that last time? You couldn't tell anymore.

"Whad'ya mean, I'm past my use by date?!" Souda growled. Oh, no. You scanned the area. Your friends knew by now to clear the space in case anything smashed into the nothingness.

"What I mean is that you've over welcomed your stay," and here it came.

Gundham wasn't usually the one to start the fight, but that didn't mean he couldn't. You looked apologetically to Sonia, and she gave a sour grimace in their direction before giving you a knowing smile.

You tried calling out to them, but of course your voice-against the smashing of fists against flesh-was hopeless.

Finally, just as they were edging their way to the coffee table, you'd had about enough. Sure, it was dangerous to get in the middle of them-they were fighting like rabid dogs for gods sake- but it seemed like you, as their girlfriend, had to stop them somehow.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING?!" The whole room was quiet by now, leaving everyone to gape at you. It wasn't normal for you to speak, you were just as awkward as the other two when it came to social situations, and you could feel you're cheeks burning as you stuttered.

"I-I mean, it's just so annoying... when all you guys ever do is fight or insult each other! C...Can't you just get along? For once?"

Souda had long before stopped trying to shove Gundham to the ground, and it was clear to see that you had stunned them to silence. They looked at each other as if talking through the hard stares they gave each other. Maybe they were.

They turned to you, guilt clear on their faces. After a couple of failed attempts, they got up and walked up to you. You blushed harder as everyone's eyes followed the two, and you were pretty sure the shade of your face now matched that of theirs. They grabbed both your hands, holding them.

Okay, now you blush would have beat both of theirs combined.

"Sorry," Souda whined.

"It won't happen again, (Y/N). That's a promise."

And with that, they sealed the promise with a kiss to both sides of your cheeks.

Next up is Komaeda x Nanami!

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