Byakuya Togami x Reader: If I was rich...

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Requested by @Vocaloid_Miyako. Hope you enjoy!

Warning: slight language warning

As you walked to school, your friend Naegi talked about the new school year.

"This year's gonna be great, trust me! I have so many friends I'd like you to meet, you'll love them for sure!" You looked at him, eyebrows raised.

"You're gushing like a pre-teen girl who just saw their favourite band on tv," Naegi blushed, then nudged you playfully.

"Just wait till you see them all," He replied. You gave him a skeptical look before giving in.

"We'll see about that." Naegi just smiled grimly, and continued on talking to you.

It's not that you were this hostile to all situations like you were now, but, leaving all of your friends at your hometown and moving houses-aswell as schools-was troubling you. Hopefully they'd all be nice.

(Timeskip cos I'm lazy)

"You ready?" Naegi asked. You sighed.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Naegi opened the door to a new classroom, and a bunch of, well, new classmates.

"Yo Naegs! Whose the chick?" A guy with spiked up, orange hair asked, his eyes lingering on your figure. His eyes weren't the only ones on you, in fact, you were pretty sure all of them were staring at you. You fumbled with the school uniform you'd spent nearly all your allowance on.

"Hey Leon! Guys, this is (Y/N), they're new and also my friend, so could you please make them feel welcome?" Almost immediately mostly all of their faces warmed up. That Leon guy was the first to come up to you, patting you on the back before talking.

"Hey, the names Leon. So, what's your specialty?" You frowned at him, and so Naegi explained.

"Each of us has something that we're really good at, or, specialty, if you will." Leon looked at you expectantly, and you blinked.

"Ah, I don't know, maybe-" But just as you were about to answer, the teacher walked in.

"Take your seats, kids. Today we have a new girl entering our class. I hope you took the time to make her feel welcome. You smiled a bit, and nodded. The teacher shot a welcoming smile back, and started the class. Although you were trying to concentrate, you couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes glaring you down. You turned, but all you saw was this snobby looking guy scoffing at you before you rolled your eyes, turning your attention back to the board. Geez, what a dick, you thought to yourself.

You walked to the lunch room with your newfound friends, with all of you sitting at some tables. The snobby one sat at a slight distance to the rest of them, which was usual for him, Naegi explained. You scoffed at that.

"What, is he too damn privileged to even look at you, huh?" Naegi frowned at this, and answered in a low tone.

"You mean Togami? He is son to the biggest oil company in the world, so he does have a huge image to upkeep, if that's what's got you so bothered," he gave you a weak smile. You looked back at Togami, who was flipping through what looked like an age old book, seemingly bored.

"Hmn, maybe. What's he reading, anyway?" you asked Naegi, who looked at you hopefully.

"Why don't you ask him and find out?" you narrowed your eyes slightly, before shrugging it off and getting up to talk to him.

"So, your name is Byakuya Togami, right?" He looked up at you, seemingly annoyed.

"Yes, that is my name. What do you want of me?" He spat the words at you, and you bit back the urge to retort.

"What's the book that you're reading there called?" he raised his eyebrow, and answered with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Ancient to Modern Architecture through the years," you raised your eyebrow. So that's why he looked so bored. Nevertheless, you answered him.

"You enjoying it?" he scoffed and looked up at you with a look of disgust, packing his things up.

"And why should I tell such an illiterate person as you? You barely understood a word the teacher was spilling out onto you. Hopefully you won't embarrass yourself too much. " And with that, he left the room.

Your hands curled into fists, it was true that you didn't really know that much in the way of (L/F/S), but you found that (F/S) was a breeze and you didn't want everyone thinking you were dumb. All you did was be kind to him, and this is what you got in return? You sat down in your seat again, aware that everyone was now staring at you.

"He's always like that, don't worry,"

"He'll lay off once you get settled in."

"He must hide how he really feels toward the likes of us with a snarky, rude personality, otherwise his reputation will be in ruins." They consoled you, and even though you felt a little better you couldn't help but want to punch him for that comment.


A couple of weeks later, and you'd found that Togami did lay off the comments of you being dumb, but would instead pick at anything you did, said or even wore whenever he could. Today wasn't any different, it seemed.

"You're looking rather trashy today, (Y/N). All your clothes have faded and fraying. Maybe it's time you brought some more?" You glared at his comment, and he awaited your reply impatiently. Defeated, you sighed.

"I don't have enough money to buy new ones. These were second hand. " You whispered out.

In fact, Naegi did mention that the prices were huge at the private school. You just didn't believe him until you gawked at the huge digits that lined the total at the bottom of the school fee list.

"Louder, if you'd please," he was getting antsy, and after a frustrated sigh you answered him.

"I'm too poor to afford the uniform! What's it to a rich snobby bastard such as yourself, anyways?!" As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. You dropped your gaze to the ground in shame, but looked up as someone tugged on your arm.

"Well, hurry up then. I can't have my class looking like some commoner infestation." You were a bit offended, but pushed that behind as you followed Togami to the uniform shop.


You looked at the price tag in horror, and Togami raised an eyebrow at you.

"What's wrong? Is it too big or something?" You turned to him, gaping.

"The...price...." His mouth quirked up into a ghost of a smile.

"I'll pay, besides I don't want you to have to forgive something like your hygiene or food in order to fit in," you frowned slightly at this.

"I don't already fit in?" you looked down at your new uniform, all crisp and flat. Looking at how you'd previously dressed, you did look pretty bad. It's no wonder you got tokens of sympathy and such, but you just weren't rich enough or didn't get a grant from the school unlike some of your classmates. You heard a sigh from Togami.

"Sorry, I...shouldn't have said that," You looked up him, startled. Togami...was apologizing to you? A giddy feeling rose within you and you smiled at him.

"That's alright. I'm sorry for what I said in the hallways. It was rude and uncalled for," you walked up to him, and continued.

"But I'm sure you'll get over it." You lightly kiss his cheek and packed up your things, before tugging at his frozen figure.

"Well then, hurry up. We cant be late to class now, can we?"

I hope this is alright, and as always, comment what you'd like me to write. This could be in Hopes Peak, but I tried to make it so that you could imagine it in any private school.

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