Buyakuya Togami x Touka Fukawa: a dream for the future

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Requested by: @MiniMiniMint

"You need to get a job. A real job, that is. Your books will be famous, and you'll have boundless riches-or so you'll think. It'll leave as quickly as it comes, and you'll have nothing." Touka nodded, tilting her head to the side to hold the phone as she zipped her shoes up.

"Touka? Are you even listening, or should I repeat myself?" Touka held in a sigh at her mothers demanding tone.

"Yes, I heard. And I'm working a part time job now; I have to get going now, so you'll have to excuse me." Not waiting to hear her mother's retaliation, Touka hung up and grabbed her bag, taking a deep breath before stepping out into the outside world.

Sure, working at a coffee shop was certainly not a sustainable job, but it sure was busy. It was alined with a business that was constantly weaving in and out of the coffee shop, so her day was always cut out for her. She stopped before the door of the coffee shop, bracing herself for another day.

"Touka! Hey, your here!" Her workmate called out to her with a gleaming smile. Touka held back a smile as she gave her a little wave and walked in, making her way to the staff room to put away her raincoat and get to work.

"You know, one day your going to welcome me back with a smile of your own," Touka ignored her pouty face and tapped her name plate.

"That's what your here for, Daph." Tying her apron in a quick bow she walked out as the first few customers came flooding in. Daphne followed, and took the first few customers orders with a big smile. Touka pulled on her best smile and started pouring the drinks, nearly dropping the latte as Daphne leaned over quietly.

"Don't look now, but that guys here again." Lucky the customer had left, because as soon as Daphne said this Touka's face flushed into a dark shade of pink. She coughed once, twice, until she had to move to the staff room, feeling her saliva get caught in her windpipe. After successfully swallowing again and breathing steady, she looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe she should have put some more makeup on. Or maybe he liked girls better without excessive makeup on. Did she look good, good enough for someone as good looking as him? She sighed, tapping her faces reflection in the mirror. Let's just give him his order and continue the day today, okay? No awkward fanning over this stranger.

Touka walked out of the staff room fully recovered, and received a couple of suspicious looks from the business people. She kept her head down, focusing on the drinks and not on the rather arrogant people. The next order she knew all too well. She looked up to see the man seated next to the window, switching between reading his book an staring out of the window. Tall black with only a few drops of milk and 3/4 of a teaspoon of sugar. Daphne's face masked her questioning eyes as she whispered the order to Touka on the day he first came. He took a seat on one of the tables as she finished his order, and once she delivered his drink he said nothing, leaving it steaming as he continued reading.

For 5 minutes he didn't touch his coffee, and Touka began to wonder if he didn't like it. Then, after carefully reaching out to his cup and grasping it, he took a small sip from it, the tiniest smile gracing this mans lips. And that was when she fell for this mystery man. She knew nothing about him, yet she knew that the smile was a rare one, and she was going to make sure that every morning as he walked in, took a seat, and took that sip from his coffee, there would be a smile on his face.

But this time, as she had waited for the coffee to cool and placed it on his table, and as he grabbed it off the table and took a long gulp of the coffee, there was no smile. She waited, but still there was nothing. The man looked up, glaring at her.

"What?" his harsh undertone made Touka jump, and she stammered out her response.

"I, s-sorry, I'll take my leave now, s-sir," She turned to hurry back to the counter, but he held onto her arm. She turned to see him looking straight at her.

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