Mioda Ibuki x Buyakuya Togami

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Requested by: @Alisaki God this took so long but here it finally is!

Warnings: There is implied smut here omg *flies out*

 As Togami walked into the classroom, his eyes connected to Ibuki's immediatley. She grinned and gave him a wink. He scoffed at her, and looked away to hide the pink in his cheeks. He re-adjusted his tie once more and looked out the window, averting his eyes from the musician.

But is was no use, it seemed. If he rubbed his fingers, he could feel her hair caught in his grip. His lips still tingled from when they pressed against hers, he could even feel her hands wrapping around his neck. Even her gasp was lingering in his ear.

He couldn't get what just happened out of his head. Was she appealing to him in that way, romantically, sexually?

No, definitely not.

At least, probably not.

What if someone saw? Surely, nobody saw. The student body where all busy rushing to their classes, they wouldn't know. And if there was someone who saw? 

Togami stole a glance at Ibuki, to see her talking and laughing with her friends. He could see her face turning to his direction, so he turned his attention back to the teacher.

"Miss Ibuki, since you seem so engrossed in your work, how about you explain what I've been talking about?" The teachers voice rang through Togami's ears, and he gazed out at the window again. Maybe if he tried really hard to concentrate on something else, anything else, he'd get her out of his mind. Like the birds. And the leaves, all brown and scrunched up, falling to the ground...

"Have you been listening to anything this lesson, Ibuki?" There were a few giggles from some of their classmates. Her voice made him jump, and he couldn't help but look toward the scene.

"Uh, yes, actually!" Togami nearly sighed but instead drew his breath.

"Really? And what part may that be?" She fumbled for a while as their classmates died down slightly.

"Ah! Yes, Ibuki remebers when you said to listen and pay attention to the...movie..." The class roared up again, and Ibuki looked down and bowed her head to the teacher, who merely raised her eyebrows at her.

"Sorry, miss..." The teacher walked back to the front, picking up the remote and playing the movie again with a shake of her head.

And when Ibuki's eyes did come back up from their drooped position, she went to look out the window. And who should she've made eye contact with but Togami himself. He narrowed his eyes into a glare, and sat back into his chair as he stared absent mindedly at the movie playing. He had seen this quite a few times actually, and although it was a good movie it wasn't one he could concentrate on right now, not with Ibuki's eyes burning into his back.

Was he in her mind too? Or was that just on his part? He knew he should stop thinking of her, but his thoughts only delved deeper. What if she liked it? What if she didn't? What if she wants to go further than what they had done before?

The thought brung tingles down his spine, and he looked back quickly to the birds outside, desperately trying to get a hold of his emotions.

Suddenly, after a long while of unsuccesful attempts at getting the kiss out of his mind, the bell rang. He gathered himself from the seat and walked out of the classroom. I will get out. Maybe it's just this room;maybe it's too stuffy and there isn't enough happening today... 

As he got out, he realized that, once again, the hallways were empty, execpt for the pit pat pit pat of hurried footsteps. He turned around, expecting to see a teacher or maybe even that girl who kept following  him around, but instead, it was her.

"Hi, Togami...uh...about before..." He raised an eyebrow and glared at her. She wouldn't notice how much of a mess he had become.

"What of it?" Feeling more and more confident, he crossed his arms and looked down at her. She looked up, and she looked close to tears when she finally burst out.

"Ibuki's so sorry for bumping into you and accidently kissing you! Ibuki's really sorry your first kiss had to be like that!"

The last memory of her that day was the back of her as she fled from where he was standing.

Okay...So that took a long while...Sorry! I've been busy aswell as having writers block, but hey! I tried writing this.

Just so you know, it's Mioda Ibuki x Buyakuya Togami (DR1). I couldn't really envision much happening here, so I put this in with the head cannon that DR Togami is really inexpierenced with anything blatantly sexual, so to speak.

Next up: Daiya x Reader!

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