Togami x Reader: Bad Day

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Requested by: @TheFallenOne24

The day had started of fine. You were awoken rudely by your alarm, got up, sat down at the breakfast bar that you still classified as way to long and pricey to even be called that, thanked the cook quickly before eating. You heard a voice call to you from the bedrooms upstairs.

"(Y/N), don't forget you have school soon. Best to hurry up to save you from being late." You recognized them as your (family member). You gulped the last bit of French toast down, exiting quickly to get your uniform and bag.

Once you had your shower, got changed and was out the door, you walked to the garage. As usual, Pete, one of your families gardened who was also stationed to driving anyone to the places they needed to go to if need be, was just clicking on the lights.

"Ah, so the young maiden (Y/N) do hast be driven to school?" You smiled, nodding. Out of them all, Pete was your favourite. He managed to make you smile in the dullest of times.

"Unfortunate, but yes, I do have school today. Would The Lord of the Benz be able to drive this young maiden to school today?" You replied. Pete chuckled an dropped the accent o his usual one.

"Of course, (Y/N). What kind of driver would I be if i didn't?" He flashed a grin at you before hopping into the car. You did the same, getting in the front. Your (family member) wasn't there to scold you this morning. You flashed a grin back at him as you drove out to school.

You sat with Celes as usual. She'd been your friend for a while now, but it was hard to become so accustomed to your new friends.

(Y/N), you need to cut of your relationships with your old friends, your (family members voice rung through your head. We can't have you being seen with them anymore. It was a valid point, yet you couldn't help but miss them. You hoped they understood what that would do to the company your family had built.

"I wonder what we will be doing for the schools festival fundraiser. Last year was so big, I doubt we'll be able to top it off." Celes interrupted your thoughts.

"Hm, we'll think of something. We do have another family contributing, so we should be fine to come up with an even better festival." Togami came and sat down at your table, a small smile on his face as greeting. It was true, although you had only just gained riches, your family would be helping. It seemed all too soon for you.

"That is true." Celes remarked, taking a sip from her tea. She turned to you, a curious glint in her eyes.

"So how are you liking this new lifestyle, (Y/N)?" You blinked, caught of guard by the question. It had taken you a while to realize that the 2 people who you thought you were least likely to get along with had now become your friends, and were talking to you in such close talk that people only bothered doing with you in utter and complete privacy.

"'s certainly different from having to pack my own lunch, that's for sure." Togami winced, while Celes put on a tight smile and laughed dryly. Maybe you weren't as close as you'd imagined. You decided you'd have plenty of time to bang your head against your desk later about that comment as you quickly changed the subject.

"So, what stalls do you think would be good for the festival?"

The day had started off fine, but as it was going by, it seemed more like a day you'd shove into the depths of your moments to forget.

Classes passed, and as time went by you felt as if the day was piling mounds upon mounds of work onto you, and at the end of the day you wished for nothing but to get home as quickly as possible to lay in your bed and relax for a while.

But as it goes, this particular day had other plans.

"(Y/N), you dropped something," Togami told you as you turned to be presented with your pencil case which you'd dropped as you were rushing to your locker. You laughed nervously, taking the pencil case and placing back on the stack of books you had made.

"Thanks. I was of thinking about something completely different."

He gave you another small smile. He looks kinda cute when he does that...whoa, (Y/N). You blushed a little despite yourself.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was on your mind?" You chuckled a bit before replying.

"Oh, just that I should probably think before I blurt things out now that, well, you know," He looked at you, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You don't have to speak like that when your with me-or us," you looked up, raising your eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Then why-"

"We were worried that you might say that out in public. Such comments would destroy you and your families image." He explained it all, and you sighed mumbling a 'sorry' under your breath. He laughed at this, and you stuck your tongue out at him, walking away. He stopped after a while, catching up to you.

"So, what's got you in such a bad mood?" he huffed. You looked at him wearily, and sighed before answering.

"Oh, I don't know, it was a bad day I guess," Suddenly he smirked at you. Before you time to register, his lips were on yours. It was short but sweet-leaving you breathless after. He pulled away, smirking.

"Surely it wasn't that bad a day now, was it?"

Okay, hope you liked it! Sorry if Togami is a bit ooc, I may have stuffed this up badly but tell me how I do.

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