Say The Same

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Kokichi snuck down to the goddamn tunnel Kaede was insistent about beating. It all seemed like it was so long ago. He could remember the way Kirumi had first asked anyone if they needed help. He remembered accidentally walking in on Rantaro painting Kaede's nails, Tsumugi had looked pissed. He chuckled softly at the memory. He remembered when they first introduced themselves to everyone, he had tortured poor Kiibo. He remembered the look on Kirumi's face when he first called her mom. He smiled at the memory. He looked ahead of him and hit the first contraption thingy with his electro hammer. He smiled in satisfaction as the machinery malfunctioned and sparked. Suddenly he just felt calm, content. If he got to the end of this tunnel and it wasn't like in his nightmares, he could avenge all the people they had lost. If he got to the end and it was like his nightmare, he could die and see all of them again. He smiled at the thought. No one would find his body down here, he would just disappear.

It didn't take long to beat the thing with the hammer but he was definitely tired. He had collapsed as soon as he entered the end room. It looked like it was from some stupid sci fy movie with a big vault for its door. It was uncanny how it was exactly the same as his nightmares so far. He lay there on the floor collecting his breath, so maybe he was being over dramatic but he was tired. Kokichi used the electro hammer and tugged his overworked body up. He hadn't had that much exercise in a while. After trudging over to the control panel he looked for a card reader which was actually right in front of him but he was apparently too blind to notice. After he swiped the key card the room announced that the door was unlocked, and when it opened.

It all happened so fast

He couldn't breathe.

The sky was red, the clouds were black.

He stumbled forward.

This isn't it right?

He desperately pulled his tired body out the door.

This was the same as the goddamn nightmare.

He collapsed just outside of the room.

It was just a wasteland.

And he was going to die here.


It didn't take Shuichi long to get down the ladder and almost immediately he noticed the lack of a certain purple haired boy. Had Kokichi already left? What had he even done down here? Shuichi glanced at the tunnel but his eyes caught something interesting, over half of the traps looked to be broken or shut down. Shuichi walked forward. Had Kokichi figured out a way to turn them off? Did that mean that Kokichi was down the tunnel somewhere turning more traps off? What if Kokichi had messed up and got hurt. Shuichi felt his heart beat up. He stepped into the tunnel and immediately was reminded of kaede and her cheering everyone on and pushing them past the limit. He pushed forwards, the tunnel was long, and some traps were still activated. He struggled a bit at some points being highly unfit but worry for his (crush?) friend kept him moving forward. The further he got down the hallway the more difficult it was to breathe and soon Shuichi discovered the cause. He took a deep breath of whatever air was left in the general area and pushed forwards. He didn't pay much attention to the red sky and black clouds right now, he was worried about Kokichi. Who had collapsed just outside the door. He used his strength to pull Kokichi inside the room and trudge over to the card scanner. He didn't have the goddamned card. Shuichi mentality cussed himself out as he crawled back over to Kokichi. It was getting hard to hold his breathe and he felt like his lungs were going to burst. Where would Kokichi even keep a keycard? Shuichi looked around. A weird looking hammer was laying not too far away. Looking closer Shuichi saw something next to it. It was hard to not suck in a breath as his body got more and more desperate for air. He mentally congratulated his past self for trying to be able to break the world record for breath holding. He was nowhere close but it was still helpful. Once he was next to the for some reason bright pink hammer he saw the keycard. He desperately grasped at it and then headed back over to the scanner. He could feel his chest start to hurt even more and his binder certainly wasn't helping anything. He desperately reached out and scanned the card. The room shut the door. Shuichi felt himself losing consciousness. He tried to crawl back over to Kokichi but passed out on the way.

Kokichi Ouma stopped breathing.


The mastermind huffed dramatically from where they were watching the screen. They spun around a few times in their rolly chair and then stood up. "OoOh- that made me a bit woozy. Hey Motherkuma can you give birth? Pwetty pwease" motherkuma followed the mastermind's request and a new Monokuma stood in front of them. "Hiya can you go revive the idiots, I liked where this was going." "Phuhuhu whatever ya say sweetcheeks!" "Ew that's gross, oh well, thanks I guess." They plopped themself back on their chair and watched as Monokuma did, whatever it is that he does. "Ughhgh I'm soo boreeeedddddd" they slammed their face into the keyboard. A voice spoke from behind them. "Hey beloved o' mine, what're you doing?" "Ughh hey love, can you reprogram Monokuma? He called me sweetcheeks again." The mastermind made their most convincing pouty face towards their beloved. "Of course I will, it's not like I'm doing anything else. How's it going with the killing game?" The mastermind chuckled. "Kokichi got himself killed again, you know how he is. This time Shuichi died too though and if both my main contenders are dead what fun is it?" Their beloved chuckled. "It's all going to be worth it, I believe in you." The mastermind smiled and kissed their partner quickly. "Thanks love" they watched the screen as Monokuma dragged the two smartest idiots they knew back to the entrance of the tunnel. The climax was almost here and they thrived in the feeling.

: )

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