Chapter 25

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6lack's POV

"Fuck," I hissed as I looked at the photo Jaycina sent to me.

Her voice knocked me out of my daze, "Well, is it fucking true?"

I massaged my temples, trying to delay responding as long as I could.

"Answer me!" she demanded.

"I really don't see how any of this is your business or anyone else's for that matter, but yeah, it's true."

I let out a long exhale, not because I'm worried about what people think or how they're gonna feel. I was worried about how Tori was handling it, and if she even knew there was a picture like that floating around.

Jay sucked her teeth, "Really Ricardo? Syx is turning one this summer. This summer, and you're telling me you're about to have another baby?"

There was a short pause. I didn't know what else to say to her.

"Ta! This is hysterical, I guess I should petition for child support now to make sure Syx gets what she deserves."

My whole attitude changed, "Get the fuck off my phone with that shit Jay. That's the first thing your mind goes to? I'm done with this conversation." I hung up without giving her a chance to say anything else.

There was about forty-five minutes before the show was supposed to start. I calmed myself down before face timing Tori. Her cheeks were wet with fresh tears.

"So you saw...." she said soflty.

I nodded, "Jaycina sent me the picture of all people... how are you feeling though?"

A pout formed on her lips, "I'm feeling all types of ways Ric, but mainly I'm pissed. This was just a few days ago...who is this fucking 'anonymous' source they're talking about?"

"I'm not sure-"

"And then they have the nerve to question the paternity of my unborn child and call me a clout chaser? What the actual fuck?" She blurted before I could finish my sentence.

I sucked my teeth, I wasn't really sure how to comfort her. What they were saying was absolute bullshit, but once it was out, there was no stopping the wildfire.

"Listen, I'll be home in about a month and you wont have to deal with this alone all right?" She nodded in response, but didn't say anything further.

A thought popped into my head, "Gem hasn't been harassing you about this has she?"

Tori furrowed her brows, "Oddly enough... no."

I check the time, ten minutes til I was supposed to go on. "Interesting.... Tori I gotta go, but I swear we will get through this. Don't let these internet niggas stress you out."

She wiped her eyes and smiled, "I'll do my best."

"I'll check back with you later tonight. I love you."

I realized it was the first time that I had sad that to her, and I truly meant it.

Tori's POV

My eyes went wide with surprise, "I love you too."

The call ended just as quickly as it began, Jade was eyeing me. I couldn't quite read the expression on her face. It looked like approval.

"Ya'll are too cute," she squeaked.

Jade had stayed with me a few days after that clinic appointment. I didn't want to go home and have my parents find out, but I didn't want to be alone either so she came and stayed with me. Then the thought crossed my mind.

Shit, my parents.

They weren't really tech savvy, and they definitely didn't keep up with gossip sites. In theory they shouldn't have had a clue about anything.

"Victoria Rose Greyson," my mother's voice boomed through my phone. I could have just rolled over and died right there.

"Hello to you too mom," I emphasize the word mom and Jade's eyes went wide.

"What are these pictures Victoria? Why would someone put these in our mail!" she demanded.

In the mail, who does that shit anymore, and who knows my parent's address?

I acted as if I didn't know what pictures she was talking about. "I'm not sure what picture's you mean mom."

My father then chimed in, "These pictures of you with this man, and you and your sister at a clinic. What were you doing at a clinic! Why does this say 'must be exciting to have a grandchild on the way?"

I rubbed at my temples and listened as all his words ran together. I immediately knew who was behind this and why she hadn't harassed me directly. Fucking Gem.

"Daddy, listen," I started.

I calmed my parents down and explained the story to them, the whole story from the beginning. They had no idea I had even been on a song or left and went on tour. They weren't happy about the drama coming to their front step; they damn sure weren't happy that I was "having a child out of wedlock", but they weren't as angry by the end of the call.

Jade and I rode by the house and looked at the notes ourself.

"This is her handwriting," I said as I crumpled up the images along with the short note.

"Hey hey hey, keep that. We might be able to use it against her somehow," Jade watched a lot of crime related television shows.

"You mean as evidence?"

"Duh, this has to be illegal. Like some form of harassment," she stated as she slipped the note in her purse.

I smirked, "All right detective."

We sat on the stairs outside of our parent's home and just looked at the images in my hand. "She's gonna make my life a living hell from behind the scenes... and I can't even beat her ass like I want because I'm... pregnant".

It crossed my mind to let Jade get a crack at Gem, but Jade wasn't like that, neither was I really. I thought back to our altercation at the meet and greet, and it was out of character for me. Sure, I had a smart mouth on me and could fire off comebacks with the best of them, but I was never a physical person. That was always Gem, getting into fights just because.

"What's that?" Jade asked, breaking me out of my thought process.

"What's what?" I asked looking around.

The Christmas lights and decorations still were up. The fountain was functioning as it should. I couldn't find anything out of place in our private drive.

"This," Jade said as she walked over to my car and felt along near the passenger side tire.

"What are you feeling for?"

Jade struggled to reach whatever it was she had noticed, "I saw a light flashing under here."

I got up and went to inspect the tire as well. I used the flashlight on my phone to examine the area as well.  "Son of a bitch," Jade exclaimed and she held up a small metal device.

"That cannot be what the hell I think it is," I said.

"Well it is, I saw this on an episode of Criminal Minds you know."

I flared my nostrils up and put my hands on my hips. "Anonymous source, fucking Gem. She was there, she followed us to that clinic."

"Now that we all don't like her, I'm just gonna say she was shady from the beginning to be honest," Jade stated as she tossed the device in the air and caught it. "So what are we gonna do about this little thing and what the hell are we gonna do about her?"

I sucked my teeth, "I think I've got an idea."

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