Chapter 3

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Tori's Pov


"You made a fool of yourself Gem. He probably was probably horrified by you," I said as we pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

It was a girl's day and time for some unapologetic shopping. I didn't really need anything, but there wasn't anything wrong with padding one's wardrobe.

"Ohhh god, how could I?" Gem anguished.

"Well, you were drunk... so yeah, that's how you could," I responded laughing.

We got out of the car and entered the busy mall. It was always like that no matter the time of the week or day. The trip started as it always did, with a stop to the cafe to grab an iced coffee.

"Well, what were you guys talking about," Gem asked me.

We wandered over to Express and I gazed at a beautiful floor-length dress in the window. "Helloo, earth to Tori."

"Oh, uh, we didn't really talk much. Talked about twitter and me being the designated driver, then your drunk ass came over and that was it" I said as I walked in the store to feel the Fabric of the aforementioned dress.

Gem sighed, "I can't believe I just threw myself onto his lap. I mean I can believe it, but I'm embarrassed."

I can, that's how you are with every nigga ever.

I shrugged, "It's all right, I'm sure he'll forget about it soon enough. I'm sure he'll forget about the both of us soon enough."

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out and looked at the notification on my screen. It was from Instagram.

@6lack started following you

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Okay...maybe not."

"What?" Gem asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing. It's nothing." We left Express empty-handed and made our way to Victoria's Secret.

My phone buzzed again.

Hi Tori

It went off again.

This is the Tori I met a few days ago right?

"Girl who is blowing you up?" Gem looked over my shoulder. She gasped. "No... no fucking way."

"He'll forget both of us my ass..." She muttered and walked away.

I rolled my eyes at her and responded to his message.

Yes, this is she Mr. Valentine

I smiled to myself, I had looked up his real name after the club incident. It felt weird being able to read up on someone. I had learned so much about him in only a few minutes.

I continued to wander around the store alone, and I laid my eyes on a gorgeous red lace lingerie set. I didn't have anybody to wear it for, but the idea of walking around in my apartment in it feeling good as hell was enough for me to decide to buy it.


6lack: So that's what you're going to call me?

Tori_Belle: Yeah, until I decide on something else

I shopped around a while longer while Gem had her tantrum. I ended up with the lingerie set, and five new bras, and matching panties. I texted Gem to meet me at checkout once she was done having her fit.

6lack: I don't know, maybe you could call me 6lack

Tori_Belle: Nah, I'll stick to Mr. Valentine for now

Tori_Belle: How did you find me by the way??

"That'll be-"

I passed the cashier my black card before she could finish reading me my total. Gem left Victoria's Secret once again empty-handed, arms folded across her chest like a two-year-old.

6lack: It wasn't easy, there were tons of Tori's to sift through

6lack: None of them were as pretty as you

I busted out laughing. Did that nigga really just say that?

"Are yall really messaging right now?" Gem asked, salty.

"Stay out of grown folks business," I teased as I pulled off into traffic.

"What did he say to you?" Gem continued to poke for information.

"Oh, he said to tell that red head friend of mine that she owes him for puking on his shoes."

She gasped, "I threw up on him?"

"No, I'm just fucking with you."

Tori_Belle: Did you actually just say that? You must be quite the lady killer

6lack: I actually mostly keep to myself. I'm a little faded right now so, I'm feeling kind of bold right now

"So.... Then what?" Gem was curious.

I sighed, "Nothing, he hasn't said much. Literally, nothing has been said other than am I the Tori he met a few days ago."

Gem was starting to piss me off with her thirsty ass. She was my girl, but she was being too much. "Oh... all right, did you want to come out with me again tonight?" She asked.

I pulled into the parking lot of my complex and parked in my normal spot, "Sis no, it's a Monday and I have a shift tomorrow. I'm good."

"All right, your loss. My ride should be pulling up soon so... I'll see ya later." She gave me a short hug and got out of my car.

I leaned my head against the headrest. "She's insane," I thought out loud.

Tori_Belle: How bold?

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