Chapter 26

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6lack's POV

The tour was finally coming to an end. I was back in the city for my last show and it was sold out. Tori had texted me earlier in the day and said she would be in the audience. She had said, "I've never actually seen you perform, I want to watch from the other side."

I thought it was cute and let her know to meet me backstage after the show was done.  I was alone in my dressing room rolling up to shake off some nerves. I couldn't pinpoint why I was feeling anxious, but I was.

There was a knock at the door followed by a familiar voice, "Yo, can I come in?"

"It's open T," I called out as I inhaled from my blunt.

"How you feeling? I know the last month has been kinda crazy with everything going on..." He trailed off.

I shrugged, "Man... I've been taking this shit one day at a time, but it's a lot. I wont lie."

"Have ya'll talked about what ya'll are gonna do, as far as the baby goes?" He asked as he accepted the blunt I extended out to him.

"Not really, I've just been focused on finishing this tour."

T was hesitant with his next question, "Would you consider  an abortion?"

The blunt was back to me and I took a long inhale before responding, " I don't know man, ultimately it's up to Tori. I'm going to follow her lead."

"Five minutes til show time," A stage hand popped in and said.

I put the blunt out and gave a half smile to T, "It's show time."

We walked together down the long hall to door that lead to the backstage area. My DJ was getting the crowd hyped as usual. I shook any last little feelings of anxiety and pumped my self up. The beat to Ex Calling started playing and I jogged out on stage with a microphone in hand singing.

"Three in the morning, I'm on do not disturb. My last little fling, I put that shit in the dirt!"

The whole time I was singing I was scanning for Tori's face in the crowd. I found her, about two rows back smack dab in the middle. She sang along with me and bobbed her head to the music. She was standing beside someone I had never seen before.

The rest of the show went off without a hitch. Part of me wanted to invite Tori up to sing with me, but I knew I'd better not. I closed out the show with PRBLMS and stood and bowed for a solid minute before going backstage. When I reached my dressing room, Tori and the girl she was with were back there waiting.

"You did great!" Tori said as she wrapped my sweaty body in a hug. "Oh this is my sister Jade,  Jade this is Ricardo."

"Nice to officially meet you," Jade said.

"You as well," I said as I shook her hand.

"You don't have meet and greet tonight do you?" Tori asked with pleading eyes.

I smiled, "Nope, I am all yours my lady."

"6lack! 6lack!" I heard someone call out. Myself, Jade, and Tori popped our heads out of the dressing room and saw Gem running down the hallway followed by two security guards.

Jade sneered at her, "Just desperate, get a grip!"

"Hear me out! Hear me out!" Gem screamed. "I have proof that Tori isn't pregnant with your baby!"

I furrowed my brows "What?"


I told the security guards to back off but stand by. What the hell was she talking about now.

"The only proof that you have is that you are insane!" Tori chimed in from the room.

Gem was huffing by the time she made it in front of my dressing room doorway, "I know, I know I've acted out of character; I'm serious though." She sucked in a hard breath, "That's not your baby, she had been sleeping with our boss Daniel at work. It all lines up."

Tori was getting heated, cussing up a storm and trying desperately to push past Benny and Terrence. I remained silent.

"It's all right here, look at these texts," she said as she passed me her phone. There were countless texts back and forth between the two of them. Messages detailing what this Daniel character was like in bed. Messages about how she thought she might be pregnant, and how she was going to pin it on me.

"I don't believe you," I said as I roughly tossed her phone back at her.

Gem quickly opened up a new text thread and showed it to me. It was between her and Daniel. "See look, he told me himself that he's pretty sure that he's the father! What more do you need!"

I turned to Tori, a million thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't believe anything Gem was saying but the evidence was convincing. I squeezed my eyes shut, I couldn't bare to look at her, "Please, please tell me this is all bullshit Tori."

"I can't even believe you would... how could you..." she couldn't get her words out.

Gem chimed back in, "I say get a paternity test."

"And I say you need to shut the fuck up! All you have ever done is wallowed in your jealously and wished you had my life. You can't fucking have it." Tori's voice was a dark and raging storm. I had never heard her speak like that before.

"If you've got nothing to worry about take the test Tori," Gem taunted. Tori launched towards her, but not before Terrence could step in the way and stop her.

I massaged my temples harder than I ever had before, "Would you... do the test?"

Tori snapped her head in my direction, her eyes were filled with hurt and betrayal, "What... are you seriously thinking I'd try to pin a baby on you that wasn't yours?" There was a brief pause before she spoke again. "Do you even hear yourself right now?"

Before I could respond, Tori had gathered her belongings off the couch and stormed out of the room pushing past Gem. Jade scowled at me and Gem before running off behind her sister.


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