Chapter 20

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6lack's POV

Tori had been in the bathroom for a couple minutes.

"You good in there?" I called out.

"Uh...yeah, I'm good," Ri responded quickly.

I walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed as I waited her to finish in the bathroom. I heard the trolley flush, flowed by the sound of the faucet turning on.

As soon as I laid back I heard the door cream open slowly. I felt Tori creep up on the bed and lay beside me.

"You sure you good?" I asked again.

She smiled softly, but it wasn't her usual smile. There was some sadness mixed in her expression as well.

"Mhm, I'm sure." She took my hand in hers and wrapped her little fingers around mine.

"Going out with the boys tonight?"

"Not if you want me to stay in," I brought the back of her hand up my mouth and kissed it.

A soft chuckle escaped her, "Nah, go out. I'll be fine, I just want some chill time to myself honestly."

"Want me to bring you anything back? Soup? Medicine?"

"Thank you, but I'll be okay. Just take some shots for me," she joked.

Tori's POV

It was around 10:30 at night and the guys had finally left for the club. I was finally alone and able to lose my head. I kept my cool in front of Ric but I was having an internal panic attack.

I paced throughout the suite and tears began to form in my eyes. When I made it back in the bedroom I picked up my phone and FaceTimed my sister. I didn't have anyone else to talk to, my so called best friend was non existent and this shit would for sure push her to insanity if she wasn't already there.

"Hello," my little sister answered groggily.

I was walking through the living room area again when I burst out into to tears and blurted our the news, "I'm pregnant."

Jade perked up immediately, "Uh, I'm sorry what? Because I don't think I heard you correctly the first time."

I plopped down on the couch and took a deep breath, "You heard me... I'm pregnant. I realized I hadn't had my period and I took a test when we first got here."

"Yooo... what the fuck. Did you tell Ric?" She asked, I could hear the concern in her voice.

I sighed, "No, how am I supposed to tell him that while he's on tour. And me, I can't stay and keep traveling... ughhhh.."

It was silent for a while. I stared at the ceiling in deep thought.

"His first child hasn't even turned one yet Jade, how he gonna have two baby mommas?" I asked "Fuck I look like being a baby momma?"

"Tori, take a deep breath and just look at me okay," Jade spoke softly but she had my attention.

"Listen, you need to tell him. You shouldn't try to handle this on your own. I know you're strong and independent, but don't try to handle this alone. Tell him, like ASAP," Jade encouraged.

I had to hand it to her, Jade's words were comforting. She was fairly level headed to be only eighteen.

"I don't know how to tell him," I gnawed on my bottom lip anxiously.

Jade burst out laughing. "Bitch, say it just like you said it to me."

I laughed too and wiped tears from my cheeks. "I know you may not want to hear this right now, but congrats big sis."

"Thanks Jade, Ima hit you when I get back to the city."

"You're just gonna leave?" She asked incredulously.

"No, I'm gonna tell him I'm leaving. I for sure can't be doing all this traveling while pregnant..." I trailed off.

Jade yawned, "I need to get some rest but call me tomorrow, let me know what he says."

"Night sis," I said before ending the call.

When the hell was I gonna tell him though? Tonight when he came in, high and drunk? Tomorrow before the show. After the show? There just didn't seem like a good opportunity for me to tell him.

Instead of agonizing over how I was going to break the news to Ric, I decided to take a shower and slip into bed. Jade was right. I had to tell him.

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