Chapter 10

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6lack's Pov

I approached Tori as she entered the VIP section. She was looking cute, as usual.

"Hey Ms. Belle," I teased as I went in for a hug.

Her small arms wrapped me in a tight embrace, "Very funny Ric. You remember my girl Gem right?"

I turned my attention to the red head girl whose hair was now blue, "Yeah, nice to see you again."

Gem batted her eyelashes at me slowly, "So good to see you again too 6lack."

"Y'all want something to drink?" I asked as we sat down on the suede couches.

"I'm good," Gem and Tori said in synch.


To my surprise Tori extended her hand out and I passed her my freshly rolled blunt. I watched her light it and take a hit. She looked like she knew was she was doing, smoke came out of her nose smoothly.

"Gem?" Tori said as she tried to offer it to her.

"Nah, I'm good."

Tori shrugged, "Suit yourself."

The DJ started to play nice for what and Tori lost her shit. She hopped off the couch quick as hell and ran to the dance floor.

"I just wanted to apologize for last time," Gem said to me over the music.

"Yeah, we cool," I said as I watched Tori move her hips to the beat.

"I really love your music," Gem said, trying to make conversation.

My eyes were locked on Tori the whole time. It looked like she was moving in slow motion, like I was watching a movie or some shit. Our eyes locked momentarily as she rolled her hips and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Hello!" Gem said, bringing my attention to her.

"Oh yeah, thanks, I really appreciate that," I said as I smoked.

My eyes went back over to the dance floor where Tori was. She had started to twerk. Out the corner of my eye I could see Benny approaching her, he gave me the goofiest smile as he made his way over to her. I rolled my eyes at him.

I watched their interaction. Tori was shocked when she felt him behind her. I couldn't tell what Benny had said to her, but it got him a slap to the face. As soon as I saw him grab her arm I got off the couch and quickly made my way over to them.

Tori's POV

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I don't know you like that!" I yelled at him.

I couldn't remember his name, but I knew he rolled with Ric. He acted like I owed him something because of the fact that he's cool with Ric.

"Aye, you better cut all that fucking cussing out. I just asked for a dance!" He yelled back at me.

He was easily two feet taller than me, but I ain't care. I was not scared of his lame ass.

"Nah nigga, you didn't ask. You demanded, and I don't play that shit. Let go of my fucking arm," I said as I hit his chest. His grip on my arm tightened.

"Yo, what the fuck is going on over here Benny?" Ric questioned him.

"YEAH BENNY, what the fuck is going on!"

Benny glared at me before releasing my arm. "Nothing..."

"Yeah. That's what I thought, go sit your drunk ass down," Ric scolded him as he left the dance floor.

Ric turned me to and looked at my arm, "You're a little firecracker. You good? I'm sorry about that idiot."

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks," I said.

Just then Ex Calling started to play, a smirk formed on my lips. "Oh you famous famous," I said.

Ric shrugged, "I guess."

"Do you dance? Or you one of them watch from the wall niggas?" I questioned.

"Nah, I don't dance," Ric said. "I'll dance with you though," he said as he used my waist to pull me closer to him.

I smiled, "Am I a special girl Mr. Valentine?"

I slid my arms around his neck as our bodies moved to the beat of his song. He smelled good, real good. He was draped in a sexy sandalwood a scent.

"Indeed you are Ms. Belle."

I laid my head against his shoulder and followed his lead. We were probably moving the slowest out of everybody on the dance floor, but that was fine by me. In that moment it felt like it was just he and I on the dance floor.

As my eyes found their way back over to the VIP section, I realized that Gem was missing.

"Shit," I mumbled as I pulled myself away from Ric.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"Gem is gone," I said as I rushed back over to the section, Ric was right behind me.

I searched through my purse and noticed my keys were gone. That bitch.

"I'm gonna kill her," I said as I sat down on the couch.

"What happened?" Ric questioned as he sat beside me.

I sighed and ran my hands over my face, "Gem took my car. I am really going to kill her."

Ric rubbed my back reassuringly, "Dont stress, why don't you have a couple drinks or something and I'll get you back home."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," I said with a smile.

6lack's POV

BADBitchGem: I don't know what you two have going on, but it won't last


Mature content ahead my lovelies 💖😉

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