Chapter 21

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6lack's POV
I stumbled back into the suite around 2:00am. I kicked my shoes off at the door and quietly made my way to the bedroom. I pulled off my clothes and left them on the floor near the bathroom door.

Tori was in bed sound asleep. She had soft classical music playing in the background.  I gently kissed her forehead before slipping into the bathroom. As I was about to relieve myself I spotted something in the trash can. I blinked hard to try to clear my vision, I was seeing double.

There it was, clear as day. A clear blue pregnancy test box, but the test itself was not in the trash. I finished using the bathroom and flushed and washed my hands. I decided to be nosy and snoop around. I started looking in the cabinets for the missing test, but came up empty handed. I quietly slipped back into the bedroom and crawled into bed with her.

I couldn't sleep though, I was wide awake. I knew something was going on with her.

"Tori," I said softly.

She stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. "Ri," I said again as I wrapped my arm around her."


"Are you pregnant?" I whispered.

Tori opened her eyes slowly, "What?"

I brushed some hair out of her face, "I saw the box in the trash..."

She brung her hands up to her face and covered her eyes. "I was gonna tell you tomorrow."

"It is tomorrow silly," I said.

There was a pause before either of us spoke again. "I have to go home."

I didn't know what to say, I just hugged her. The skin on my chest slowly became damp, she was crying.

"Don't cry Ri, we'll figure this out," I reassure her.

"I'm sorry," she said I'm a shaky voice.

I held back a laugh, "Why should you be sorry, I'm the one who should be apologizing."' I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.

"What are we gonna do?" She asked after a while.

"I don't know, but I promise that I'm in this with you no matter what happens."

The two of us fell silent again. Tori fell asleep but I stayed up well past 3:00am.

Nigga how the hell you let this shit happen

Tori's POV

I woke up before Ric did and sat in the living room area of the suite. He didn't know, but I was planning on leaving after his show. I mindlessly flicked through channels on the tv while I waited for the food I had ordered for us.

A solid thirty minutes went by before there was a soft knock at the door. "Room service!" A male voice called out.

I answered the door and the attendant rolled the cart in.

"Thanks," I said as I tipped him.

"Thank you," he responded before disappearing.

Ric sleepily walked into the living room once the front door was shut.

"I'm guessing you heard the arrival of food," I teased him.

He playfully rolled his eyes, "Shut up. What'd you get me?"

"I ordered some waffles, eggs, bacon and fresh fruit," I said as I brung his plate to him.

"Ugh, you got my soul. Thanks Ri." Ric planted a kiss on my cheek before digging into his meal.

I started to eat as well, but then I lost my appetite. "What a waste," I muttered.

"I'll eat your scraps," Ric stated.

"I was thinking..." I said as I rolled grapes around on my plate. "I was thinking about going back to Atlanta after your show tonight."

Ric looked up at me, "You serious?"

"Yeah, I don't wanna be on the road and pregnant...and I really don't want everyone in our business..."

Ric was quiet for a while, "Your right, this is a private matter. I don't want you to go tonight though," he whined.

I smiled and moved over to where he was sitting. "I know... and believe me I don't want to leave either," I said as I reached for his hand.

"It's probably for the best... tour isn't over until March..." Ric said.

I looked in his eyes, "Three months without you... that's gonna be rough."

"We'll get through it," he smiled and kissed my cheek.

At the venue

Ric killed his performance, per usual.  Maybe it was because I wasn't going to see him for a few months, but when I performed with him it felt extra special. If I could have slowed it down I would have.

We were in his dressing room chilling with the rest of the crew. I was sitting on Rics lap with my faces nestled between his shoulder and neck. I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to the hotel.

"Post show turn up? Where we heading, that club from the other night was pretty cool," Benny asked.

"Man, your ass always tryna be in somebody club. I'm out tonight, I'm chillin with Ri," Ric said which causes me to smile.

"Aye, I need a lighter," Terrence announced.

Benny quietly handed him a lighter and Terrence proceded to light a blunt.

"I don't wanna be in here," I whispered to Ric  before sliding off his lap.

"We out, somebody keep they eye on Benny's ass please," Ric said.

Terrence perked up, "You for real not coming out tonight,"

"No nigga, now say goodbye to Tori cause she's flying home in the morning," Ric announced.

The voices in the room overlapped but they all seemed to be confused.

"You leaving us Tori?" Terrence asked with sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, things I need to take care of at home," I quickly said.

Everyone said their goodbyes and Ric and I left the venue. We rode in the back of an Uber back to the hotel in silence. In truth, I was nervous about going back home. I already knew my parents would have some shit to say. I could hear my mother's voice clearly.

"Pregnant? Pregnant Tori! You've known him for a few months and now you are carrying his child, are you stupid?"

I rolled my eyes at the thought of what she would say. Then there was Gem, she'd find out and go crazy and I don't have time for her dramatic ass. I closed my eyes and laid my head on Ric's shoulder, we had a lot of shit to figure out.

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