Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The intruding crowd is negligent of personal space, and he's a solid barrier between them and me.

But the position makes me feel like a dainty, feminine puddle of goo, and I want to put on a corset so I call him a hero in a breathy, helpless voice.

His cologne tickles my nose and I can't stop myself from leaning in for a subtle sniff.

Warm notes of sandalwood and citrus seduce my senses, and I want to mold myself into him.

"Are you wearing...Acqua Di Gio?

He looks down at me with a smile of satisfaction. "Have dinner with me."

"Why would I do that?" My voice comes out more soft and shaky than I'd like.

"Do you like food?" He asks slowly, arching a teasing brow. I narrow my eyes at him, to which he smiles broader and grabs my hand. "There's your reason."


He leads us back inside, and instinctively the crowd shuffles to make way. Again, I'm taken by surprise by how he shields me from ongoing traffic. The music is too loud, so I can't say anything until we reach the hallway lined with bathrooms, exit door on the other side.

"Who said I want to have dinner with you?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He smiles, two feet apart. "Fine, no dinner. What do you want?"

The bathroom door opens behind me as someone steps out. I don't think, but on some reckless, physical impulse, I reach for his hand and pull both of us inside. It's a horrible move given the filth and stench inside, but much safer than outside.

My back is pressed against the locked door as I look up at him. I should say something sexy right now.

"Um, uh..."


Jake glances around then back at me, brimming with amusement. My mouth is dry and the ringing in my ears blurs coherent thinking, then I stop breathing altogether because he puts his hand on the door and dips to my eye level.

"Did you pull me in here to kiss me?"

Anger boils over the nerves. "Excuse me, but some of us haven't done this in years. So stop taunting me, you jerk."

His smile widens. "I think I'm starting to really like taunting you, kitten."


"I meant chicken."

I chuckle, letting go of the anxious breath I've been holding. It only lasts a second, because there's a loud knock right behind me and I'm flinching again.

"How about we go somewhere nicer?" He murmurs. "Before we get kicked out by security."

"As if I care. This club's shit anyway." I mutter. As if charged by fight or flight mode, I seize the collar of his shirt and kiss him.

He sucks in a sharp breath. Panic rolls through me. I've made a complete fool of myself, I just know it.

But when his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer, all that dissipates in a flash.

I can feel the rigid muscles beneath the smooth fabric of his shirt. The thought of touching them makes my skin tingle and a small moan ripples out of me.

Dominant, soft lips take over mine and the stubble scrapes my skin. I brush my fingers down his jaw line, mesmerized by the virility of his rugged form. I push forward to kiss him harder, threading my fingers through the silky, short hair and standing on my tip-toes with an impatient appetite.

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