chapter fourteen

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i changed into a different outfit. nova helped me so now i was wearing ripped jeans with air jordan 1's, and a baggy shirt that had the movie "the outsiders" on it. i also had a denim jacket.

my hair was brushed down and i had some makeup on. just mascara and eyeliner.

"you look fine, stop worrying." nova tells me and holds my hand as we walked into the gymnasium. everyone was sitting on the bleachers and we sat in the middle row. we saw quinn sitting down all the way in front and waved hi to her, she looked a bit down but smiled and waved back as she saw us.

"heyy jules." kairi sat down next to me, and behind him was alejandro and mattia. alejandro sat down next to nova and mattia was sitting beside kairi, after the julia situation it was awkward. we looked at each other for a second then looked at another direction, kairi noticed. "i'm gonna go get some popcorn."

"no! kairi!" i mumbled to him and he shrugged his shoulders, getting up and leaving. mattia and i were like 4 feet away from each other now. "so you're dating julia now?" i asked him and he nodded.

"i guess."

"right. congratulations." i said sarcastically and he noticed. and just to annoy me, he comes closer to me and literally took up all of my space shoving me.
"you're jealous."

"i'm not jealous, you and julia would last like two days."

"chill, why are you so worried about our relationship?"

i gave him a look for a second, "she's my twin sister you idiot."

he shrugged and went back to his seat when kairi arrived. i turned around to nova and alejandro, they were both arguing. i didn't want to be in their business so i moved over a little bit closer to kairi.

the basketball game started, and we just concentrated in the game and quinn. she was dancing with her cheerleaders and cheering for our school team. i noticed nathan sitting in the front, and beside him was his friends. they were pointing to another girl and clearly checking her out, it made me so angry that i was about to scream.

"i'll be back." i said, standing up and making my way out of the gymnasium. taking my phone out and started to text my mom so she can pick me up.

"you good?" i heard mattia behind me, i groaned to hear his annoying voice. "why are you texting your mom to pick you up?"

"why are you so nosy?" i replied.

he took my phone before i could send her the text and erased my sentence, turning off my phone. "seriously, what the fuck?" i raised my voice and tried getting it back but he raised my phone high.
i couldn't get it because he was taller than me.

"tell me why you're going home. the game isn't over."

"i'm tired and i have some homework to do."

mattia furrows his eyebrows at me, and we heard a whistle go off in the gymnasium. we both walked in, and everyone was looking over to quinn. she's touching her ankle and guessing that she fell, and sprained it.

"don't touch me!" she yelled at her friends trying to help her walk. she limped over to the girls locker room. i saw nova run after her, and i wanted to help. i grabbed my phone when mattia was distracted and ran after nova.

"i embarrassed myself out there, fuck.." quinn says to herself, combing her hair back with her fingers and sitting down. whimpering at the pain of her ankle. "now everyone's gonna be laughing at me at school. it's a nightmare."

"calm down. you didn't embarrass yourself, okay?" nova cupped her cheeks with her hands and they both made eye contact. heavy eye contact. i definitely missed out on something.

"quinn. you're gonna be fine." i sat beside on the other side of her and broke the eye contact between them.
"where were you when the moment happened?" nova asked me, and i cleared my throat.

"outside with mattia. i was gonna go home but obviously he had to be so annoying and take my phone."

"what's up with you hating on mattia lately?" quinn asks me, and i hesitated for a little bit.

"he's dating my sister."

"what?" nova and quinn said in sync.

"damn." nova says in disappointment, "i wanted you guys to be together." i looked at her in the most confusing way and ignored what she said.

after the game, we helped quinn get home then after go back to our own homes. it was quiet when i arrived. i went upstairs to my room, changed, and went to bed. all that i could think about was mattia for some reason. i tried getting my mind off him but it wasn't working at all.


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