chapter six

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i walked in school, my eyes going looking at quinn as she was talking to her friend. i can tell she did a little smile, and quickly stopped. i did it back.

"mrs. polibio," mattia comes up to me, "good morninggg."

"mhm." i ignored him, and was on my phone scrolling through julia's instagram. to see if she would say something bad about new jersey or me.

i noticed she blocked me on instagram but i created a new account. i don't know why she blocked me though.

"did i do something?" he asked, i was still looking at my phone not making eye contact with mattia at all. i was just focused on her instagram. "helloooo??"

i turn off my phone and close my locker, "what?"

"why are you in a bad mood today?"

"i'm in a good mood, i'm fine." i told him, putting my phone inside my pocket and walking to nova who was talking to alejandro and kairi.

while they were having a conversation, i was not feeling well. i had no idea why. "look, that's nathan over there." nova pointed to a blonde haired boy, which was smiling and talking to his friends.

shit, he kinda had a cute smile.

ew gross.

from this distance, i can tell he had blue eyes. he also had a couple of rings and was wearing a chain.

and he was walking over here. "what's up?" he says to the three boys, dapping them up. waving at nova but he just gave a look at me. "who are you?"

are you serious? i came here like 3 days ago.

"i'm jules." i gave a fake smile to him, and he gave a smirk. i noticed he quickly looked a me up and down. ??!!? wtf.
"jules. pretty name." he smiles, "i gotta go. but i'll see you guys after school to hangout?"

mattia nods his head, and i look at nova. she looked at me back.



it was lunch, i felt so uncomfortable. i feel like everyone is staring at me. i don't know why. i saw that quinn and nathan were sitting with each other and he was touching her, quinn was saying no to him.

i decided to walk past but 'accidentally' trip and spill my lunch on him. "sorry." i said, quickly walking away before he could do anything.

everyone saw.

"girl, did you actually do that shit?" nova ran up to me as i put my lunch tray away since my food is gone. "you're such a badass." she smiles, grabbing my hand to walk me to a table. where there was mattia, kairi and alejandro of course.

but mattia had a girl sitting on his lap. she's quinn's friend i saw earlier. "who is this?" the girl says in an attitude like i was annoying her already. who are you , tf ??

"jules." i gave a quick fake smile to her and sat down besides kairi.

"ew," i heard her mumble. "name's amanda. captain of the cheerleading squad."

i didn't respond because i don't like her already, and making conversation with amanda gives me torture.

pulling out my phone again just to see julia's instagram, i noticed she posted something recently. her post was her in the mall, the caption was
' New Jersey kinda messy, but glad to be with my family! ❤️ '

i knew she would judge. i was expecting this. "who's that? are you stalking someone?" kairi tries to take a peek at my phone but i put it away, before he could see.

"it's just a girl back home." i lied, and he obviously knew i was by the noise he made. but kairi didn't say anything.

after school, i notice nathan and the boys waiting. leaning against nathan's looking expensive car smoking joints. i'm pretty sure.

"is the volume all the way up in these things?" i heard quinn and she took off one of my earbuds, "hey??"

i take off the other and turned off my music, "hey."

"i just wanted to say thanks for doing that. you fucking saved me." she says, and i smiled to her.
"any time."

"i see you two ladies are getting along." nova came up to us in the middle, giving us a group hug as quinn and i groan. "are you two gonna come hangout with the boys and me?"

"yeah, i need to get away from home anyways." i reply.

"quinn?" nova asked her.

"same with me." quinn says, giving my earbud back. we both walked to mattia and the two who were laughing together. "nathan's coming with us?"

"quinn, don't worry. we won't let him do anything to you." nova calmed her down and held her hand. quinn took a deep breathe and nodded, and continued to walk to them.

"look at the throuple finally arriving." alejandro says while he blows smoke out of this mouth. "took you long enough."

"are we all gonna fit in this car?" i asked.

"yeah. quinn is gonna be in the front with me. kairi sits in the right, alejandro in the middle and nova sits on his lap, then you and mattia in the left." nathan explained.

"wait-" i cough, "i'm gonna have to sit on mattia's lap?!"

"been waiting for this moment, mamas."

i hate this. we all get in the car and i sat on top of mattia's lap. i could hear him chuckling.

he put his hands around my hips, slowly caressing my skin. not gonna lie, i did feel butterflies. SOMEHOW??!!

i moved my position cause i was uncomfortable and now i felt something else. did i just- give him a boner ?? what the fuck?!!
"don't move." mattia whispered in my ear, his hands still around my waist.

terrified rn


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