Chapter 26

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A/n: hey guys! I'm back and no I didn't die. At least I don't think so haha. Anyway I have no excuse so I won't give you guys one! I hope you can forgive me! I'm trying to put out an update for all my books so everyone feels the love once again I am so sorry.

Anisa's POV

"Anisa I have to tell you something." Hans said stopping to turn around and look me dead in the eyes. "Oh okay." Is all I manage to say. Obviously nervous for the upcoming conversation. "What's up?" I asked. "Here come sit." He says motioning for me to sit next to him. "First off I cannot let you leave your family. "What?" Is all I could say my heart dropping to my stomach. But I want you to know one thing, I want you to come with me but I have to flee for what I am about to tell you. "Here goes.. He says. "You know how I worked for your mom. "Yes". Well she isn't actually your mom which I take you found out bc you know you are actually twins with Elsa. She is actually your great Aunt and the secret of Elsa and your powers. Anyway she wants you Elsa, Anna, and Rapunzel because you all have great power and all are descendants of her. "But..Anna doesn't have any powers." "That's what you think. They just haven't emerged yet. But they will in time." Well she wants all of you together so she can conquer all the European kingdoms so she can become an actual Queen. Once she controls Europe she will move over to the Asia's and then the Americas. I am here to warn you that I am her henchman sent to get you four. If she finds out I told you I will be killed immediately. And you should know that she is working with the evil sorcerer Pitch Black. Be careful my love. But I must leave and please tell Anna and Elsa that I really have changed. And with that he kissed me one last time and ran into the night leaving me in a daze.

I walked back inside the castle with my heart in toe. What the heck just happened I asked myself. It felt like my heart was crushed into a million pieces. I may never see my love again. I did the only thing that I could think of. I turned right back around and marched right into the garden and burned everything in sight. Only did I realize what I had done when I couldn't get it to stop. I didn't even realize Elsa had ran from behind me and froze it all over before it could get to the castle. "Anisa?!" What are you doing and are you okay?" Elsa asked in gasps as she finished freezing the fire (hehe get it the name of the book is frozen fire)I.. I don't know I can't really remember much it is all an anger filled daze. "What sparked the rage?" Elsa calmly asks taking me inside to sit down. By now it is almost 5 in the morning. "Well.. I couldn't get to sleep so I went for a walk and all of a sudden Hans appeared. Instantly I feel Elsa tense at the mention of his name. "He said that the evil queen is our aunt and she is the reason we have these powers. He also said that she wants me, you, Anna, and Rapunzel because we all are descendants of her and all poses a power. "Sorry to interrupt but Anna doesn't have any powers." That's hat I told him but then he was like oh just wait they will come and I got super confused and then he said that she wants to use us to conquer the world with pitch black so she can actually become a real Queen. And he said since he told me this he would be put to death so he had to flee but not before he said to tell you and Anna that he really has changed and he isn't the same person as before and he wants your forgiveness. "Anisa I don't know he almost killed me and pretended to love Anna for our thrown. "Please just do it for me, I love him and that was most likely the only time I will ever see him again. I mean c'mon he told us our crazy evil aunts plan knowing he will be killed for it. And Oh! Shoot I forgot he also said she is working with the evil sorcerer pitch black. "Well alright but only because it is you." "Oh thank you thank you" "It really means the world to me you have no idea. I said hugging her. "So I guess we have to work out a totally new battle plan Elsa says." "Yeah I guess your right." I said.

A/N: okay so it actually might suck punctuation wise because I threw it all together and I'm sorry about that and it is super duper short but I had to do a lot of brainstorming and it was getting stressful so I just threw together the best thing I had. I'm sorry guys I'm not living up to my standards. As always happy reading! ~Cam

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