Chapter 21

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A/N: I'm feeling in the writing mood so here is another chapter and it's Random Follow time!! ((: ~Cam

❄️Elsa's POV❄️

Wow. We have a lot more in common than I thought I said to myself while walking Anisa back to camp. "Elsa! Anisa! Thank goodness your back Jack almost ate all of the supper if I hadn't save any for you guys you all would have starved. "Oh c'mon Anna you were eating just as much as me!" Jack said. "Well thank you very much Anna." Anisa said.

We both sat down on a log while Anna presented us with 2 pheasant legs covered in a berry glaze. "This looks absolutely incredible!" I exclaimed. "Rapunzel made the glaze while Jack and I cooked the pheasant." "Rapunzel where did you learn to cook like this?!" Anisa said. "Well when your stuck in a tower for 18 years you start to pick up things." she shrugged.

"Well I guess it's about time to hit the hay we have a very big day tomorrow." Jack said walking back to his shelter. "(yawn) ya come to think of it I'm super tired. Goodnight everyone!" Anna said before walking to her and Rapunzel's contraption of a tent. I gave Anisa a look as if to say "talk to her." She nodded and thats the last I saw of them before the comfort of sleep took over me.

🔥Anisa's POV🔥

"U-uhh Rapunzel" I said. "I am so so so so so sorry I didn't mean to you gotta know I had no intentions to try and hurt you. I had to learn how to use my powers all by myself and so they are a little uncontrollable. I just am so ss-sorryy!" I breathed bursting into tears at the end. "Oh Anisa it's okay I understand and I'm still here so at least that's all that matters and you should really ask Elsa to help you with your powers, but now I know to steer clear of you when your using your powers haha." She said giving me a huge hug. "I was so worried you were never going to talk to be again." I whispered into her shoulder. "You can't get rid of me that easy." she said and I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"Well I should probably get some rest after all Jack did say we have a big day." Rapunzel said getting up and walking to her and Anna's tent.

I moved as far away from everyone as I could making sure I wouldn't be in any distance of hurting anyone and created my own shelter from hardened lava. You could say I slept like a baby.

A/N: It's a little short but I was feeling really bad about the last update so I whipped up a quick filler chapter. Hope you like it and as always Happy Reading! 📚📖 ((: ~Cam

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