Chapter 16

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When does everybody get out of school?! I get out in 2 days!!! I'm super pumped but also nervous for finals. Kill me now😷. Well here is chapter 16!! ~Cam😘 P.S. Jackunzel or Jelsa???😈

Chapter 16

🌀Evil Queen POV🌀

"Anisa?! Where are you and how could you have let the prisoners escape?!" I immediately screamed once I entered the abandoned castle. There was no reply. This worried me. "Anisa? Deary where are you..?" Still no reply. I ran/wobbled up the stairs to her room, but she wasn't there. "Oh no, ohhhhh no." I said to myself. "You mean to tell me you lost her too?! Can't you do anything right Adaliz?!" Pitch yelled. Obviously outraged. "I can see ever since I left you, you have started to loose your game. Maybe I can't help you after all." He said walking out of the room and down the stairs. "Wait!" I yelled. "Please don't leave me again." I mumbled.
🌷Anna's POV🌷

I woke up from my slumber to see Rapunzel hopelessly try and cook some eggs. "You know maybe you should start a fire first." I groggily told her. "Oh! Anna I didn't know you were awake!" She said. "Don't worry I just woke up. Do you have any idea at what time of day it is?" I asked her. "Well since I spent the first years of my life trapped in a tower with absolutely nothing to do I charted the sun and if my charting is correct I would say..hmmm..uhhh.. around 9:15 in the morning." She told me. "Have you seen Elsa or Jack yet?" I asked. "Nope, I haven't heard a peep from anyone." She said. "Hmm thats funny, maybe we should go check up on them? What do you say?" I asked her. "Sounds great. You go to Elsa and I'll check up on Jack." Rapunzel stated.

☀️Rapunzel's POV☀️

Anna and I had parted our separate ways. I'm standing outside Jack's door contemplating on if I should knock or let him be. Maybe he was fast asleep and didn't want to be disturbed, Or what if he was in need of immediate help but couldn't ask. My mind was racing but I ended up choosing to knock. After a few moments of silence I tried the door knob and was thrown off balance as someone opened the door from the other side. I fell forward into a pair of strong and might I add bare arms. "Woah! Isn't that a wake up call." Jack said. I could tell my face was crimson red out of embarrassment. "S-Sorry about that I thought you were still asleep." I nervously said. "Aha don't worry about it, It's all good." He said. "You wouldn't happen to have any food would you?" Jack asked. "Yes i was just starting.. well trying to make some eggs. Would you mind starting the fire?" I asked him. "Sure of course I'll help!" He replied.

🌷Anna's POV🌷

"Elsa! Elsa! It's time to wake up we have to get home!... Or at least try to!" I yelled. "I'm up, I'm up hold your horses" I heard her say just behind the door. "Don't forget Olaf!" I yelled back. "Ya right." She said. And with that she opened the door. "You wouldn't happen to have any breakfast would you? I am starved! She said. "Ya Rapunzel and I just finished making some eggs. "Perfect, those sound and come to think of it, smell heavenly." She said. "Rapunzel hand me over a plate of eggs for Elsa." I said. "Uhmm I-I would if there w-were any left." She said. "What do you mean there isn't any left? Did Pascal eat them all?!" I asked. "Haha no of course not silly, Jack was just so hungry he couldn't stop himself." She said. "But I'll go back and try to find some more." Rapunzel said. "I'll come with you!" I heard Jack yell.
❄️Jack's POV❄️

I don't know why I volunteered to come with her but I can't feel like i know her from somewhere I just cannot think where. She is starting to intrigue me. "Sooo whats with the hair?" I asked her. "O-Oh, that haha i-it's n-nothing, I've just b-been growing it whole life." She said. Hmm I can't help but think she is hiding something from me. "What's with the stick?" I heard her ask. "It's what lets me use my power." I told her. "Any luck with finding those eggs?" I asked. "No, not ye-Wait! I found some!" She said. "C'mon help me!" she said. "How many do you think we will need?" I asked. "I think 4 will be enough." She said. "Ya your right." I said. "You know you look strangely familiar, you know that?" I told her. "I was just gonna say the same thing about you." She said while blushing and walking to camp. "Your name is Rapunzel right?" I yelled. "Yup!" she replied. "I feel like that is too long how bout I call you... Punzel?.. no Punz?.. No I got it! Punzie!" I said. "See ya around Punzie" I yelled giving her a wink. "Goodbye Jack!" She half giggled have yelled. And with that she turned around and walked back to camp leaving me alone in the forest.

I hope you guys like it!! Don't worry for the Jelsa shippers there will be some action. BUT this story isn't just about "Jackunzel $ Jelsa" Remember that^. Anyway I finally updated! I tried to make it a little longer but I don't know hope ya'll liked it. Happy Reading!📖📚 ~Cam

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