Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

When I had finally woken up from the darkness I looked around. I couldn't quite tell when exactly I was but it reminded me of the dungeons we had in the basement of our castle. It was cold and damp but there was nothing to keep myself warm so I was left to sit there until someone came. I was tied to a bench so I couldn't get up and walk around. I begun to look around and across the room I saw my cousin Rapunzel fast asleep in the same situation as me. I didn't want to be rude and wake her but I needed answers. After about 10 minutes of trying to wake her I finally gave up and decided to let her rest. I realized I had dozed off and was woken by footsteps coming this way. My heart beat quickly increased. But when I was who was coming it quickly relaxed. It was just Elsa! She was coming to get me out! But once the figure got closer I saw that she looked exactly like Elsa but her dress was jet back and her hair wasn't snow white it was a mix of fiery red and black. How odd. I asked the mysterious girl where she had taken me but i got no reply. Hmmm. This will be harder than I thought. I asked who she was and what she wanted my family and I for. But once again I was rudely ignored. I was about to open my mouth again, to ask another question when a ball of fire wizzed past my face. You could say that shut me right up. I found out the fire ball came from the mystery girl. The sound of the fire ball woke Rapunzel from her deep slumber and she immediately saw me. Fear swept through her eyes when she saw the girl. The girl came over to me and said he name was Anisa and that she could not tell me why I was here. When she came closer I couldn't help it but feel as if I know her. It sounds crazy I know, but at this point anything is possible.



Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this story it means soo much!! I can't thank you enough. I'm sorry its a little short but it's really late! Thanks again!


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