Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Anna's POV

After Rapunzel finished telling her story its like my mind found the last puzzle piece. I knew exactly where we were! It was Elsa's castle she built on the North mountain with her powers. No wonder it seemed so familiar! But I didn't have enough time to tell Rapunzel because right when I was about to tell her Isa came down the stairs with lunch. The think that still confuses me is how does Isa look exactly like Elsa? Who is she and what does she want?

Elsa's POV

The guards left about 2 hours ago. I know it takes just that amount of time to get to the mountains but I couldn't help but worry. I could feel my powers starting to react. I thought to myself no not again. I just needed to calm down. I decided I needed a trip to our library. I decided to read a book on our family history. Maybe finally figure out how I got these powers in the first place. After finding our family tree in the back of the book I looked to see if anyone had any traces of power or if it was just some random occurrence that I had powers. I looked and looked but couldn't find anyone... until I found my great aunt it said she had the powers of all the elements. She could control anything and everything. It said they started to appear to get stronger as she aged. Just like mine I thought to myself. But later on in her life all her records disappear like she disappeared. Nobody has seen or heard from her ever since. Some believe she found immortality others say she died of a broken heart when her lover married another. Either way she is either alive or dead. So thats where I got my powers. I finally know where they came from! But what really caught my eye. Over by Anna and I's name was another barely there, it looked like it was scratched out but not entirely. I saw right in between Anna's and my name the name Anisa. Who in the world is Anisa and why is her name next to mine?!


Oooooooooohhhh!!!!! She kinda found out!!! Sorry if it sucks and I'm sorry I'm a little late on publishing I promise there will be more soon!! P.S. sorry it's so short, Thank You!!! ~Cam

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