Chapter 24

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A/N: Hello people of the internet! I am terribly sorry I hacven't updated in AGES! I have no excuse but I have a task for all you techy people, which I have no good field of expertise (I don't even know how to even spell that word /:) Okay well anyway my quest is to make the best youtube trailer for this book! send it to my email at this quest ends on November 2nd you have one month! he winner gets their book shout outed (if you have one) a dedication to a chapter and a follow back! The time starts now thank you!!!!! -Cam :P

*Jack's POV*

After days we finally are back on the road and this time with yet another person. I feel like she can really help us afterall she does have fire powers for petes sake! "Jack", Jack" I hear someon say breaking me out of my thoughts. "Jack which way?" Punz asked. "I looked behind me to see everyones eyes peering into my back." Well crap, I zoned out yet again. "Nice going Jack" I said to myself. "hopefully you didn't stray from the path" the voice in my head yet again had to say. "Let me chek real quick." I said while flying up to the crisp morning mountain air. Once I landed I said "Right." And with that we were on our way once again.

2 hours later

"Jaaackk" I heard Anna mumble "how much further?!" she said again.  "Just hold on just a little longer" I said. And with that I moved a long pine tree branch to see the view of Arendelle in the distance. "You see there it is." I said half relieved half my cocky self. "Oh thank goodness!" Anna yelled running down the mountain but ending up slipping and sliding the rest of the way down. "Anna!" Elsa yelled. "Don't worry I'm fine! But c'mon down everybody!" Anna yelled.

Once at the castle Anna burst through the doors yelling "Kristoff! Kriiistoff! Kirstoff!?" "Where could he be?" Anna said on the brink of tears. At that point I noticed Elsa had gone pale. "how long were we gone?" She asked. "Uh well um that's  good question if I were to guess I would say just short of a week, why is something wrong?" I asked her. "well.. you see Kristoff and I came up with a deal, if I hadn't returnd home with Anna in 3 days he would come up to the north mountain and try and save us. "So.. so that's probably where he is now." Elsa said cringing.

"You mean we have to go back?!" Olaf said. "We-" Elsa was cut off by Anna "Of course that's what we are saying." She said while giving Elsa a stern look. "Oh boy." Anisa said. "Can we at least just sit down for a moment I cannot walk another foot without my legs giving out." She said. "Yes that sounds lovely it will give us all time to think things through and come up like a plan instead of being stupid and marching right back up there." Elsa said this time giving Anna the glare. "Fine I'll have the cooks make us some dinner." Anna said in defeat knowing shecould never win against her sister, after all she was Queen.

Elsa's POV

I get that Anna wants to get Kristoff back as soon as possible but I know he is a strong man and he can deal with the EQ. Right now we have to stop acting on impulse and start thinking. "Dinner!" Anna chimed. "Thank heavens, I'm starved!" Punz said diving into her hazelnut soup and chicken. We all alughed and talked about what exactly we should do. It was perfect, we all will work together like one big happy family. "Alright evryone I suggest we stay the night here and leave in the morning for the North Mountain. Now nyone who objects say 'I'." I said. *silence* Good then it's settled we will leave just after dawn.

A/N: hey sorry it's supr short but more is to come and it won't be a month later but don't forget about the trailer! Happy Reading!-Cam

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