Chapter 10

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. Track for my school has just started and I have been super busy witht that everyday and I am starting to type out the Frozen Fire chapters on the computer because I didn't realize how short the chapters really are. Also Frozen is on DVD!!!!!!! So far I have watched it 5 times not even kidding. I still can't believe I can watch it whenever I want without it being illegal. Hahaha I even threw a Frozen movie party. Oh P.S. I'm changing Isa's name to Anisa pronounced like (AnnIsa) ~Cam

Chapter 10

Anna's POV

When Rapunzel and I woke up from our afternoon nap we were confused to find out that there had been no sign of Anisa at all that day. Come to think of it no sign of anybody. It felt odd because lately Isa has been acting different, she has actually treated us like we are actual people and almost had a conversation with us. Rapunzel and I still don't know who exactly is in charge of keeping us in here or who is controlling Isa, but we are more than determined to find out especially with this "new" Anisa. Anyway back to real time we have been sitting here waiting and waiting for our dinner. We were growing hungrier and hungrier by the second. "Where do you think everybody is?" Rapunzel asked. "I honestly have no idea". I stated back. "Do you think..." "Noooo no no" I interupted her knowing exactly what was going to escape her lips. I was not going to let us get our hopes up. "They probably just got caught up in something and forgot all about us" I told her. Not completely believing in myself. Just then we heard the great gates of the castle above open. "See thats probably them" I told Rapunzel. We heard gasping and soft murmering but of course there was a floor between us so we couldn't make out anything they were saying. Rapunzel was closest to the door upstairs so when we heard the door open our heads shot up to see who is coming. I couldn't see who it was but by the look on Rapunzels face I wanted to know more and more. The anticipation was killing me. When I saw the icy blue hem of her dress I knew exactly who was here. Relief washed over me. "Elsa!" I screamed out " I thought you forgot about me!" I yelled. "Shhhh!' Anna, I could never forget about you!' I love you!" She replied back. A smile swept across my face. At that moment I totally forgot about the chains and got up to hug her but was soon roughly thrown back on the ground. "Anna!" Elsa yelled. She ran over to my side and we both started laughing. Rapunzel caught our attention and gave us a nervous glance. It was then I heard footsteps upstairs. My face went pale. Anisa or her controller was home an coming this way. Where was Elsa going to hide!? She can't be caught she is our only hope in getting out of here! The door to upstairs opened and we all looked up in anticipation. It was at that moment when Rapunzel burst out in laughter. I gave her a confused look but once again she wouldn't tell me who was walking downt he stairs. Right when I heard his bubbly laugh come to the last step I knew exactly who it was. "Olaf!" I yelled. "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs he said to Rapunzel. "Oh!' I forgot!' Rapunzel this is Olaf the snowman.' Elsa created him and he has been living ever since.' As you can tell he loves warm hugs." I told her. "Hello Olaf I am Rapunzel and I am Anna and Elsa's cousin from Corona." Rapunzel told him. "Woah your hair is really, really, really, REALLY long!" Olaf told Rapunzel. "Hahaha, ya I'm growing it out." She jokingly said.

Elsa's POV

It was a relief to finally see Anna again. Even though it was only 3 days It felt like 3 years. "Elsa, when you first came in did you see any sign of Flynn or my mother and father?" Rapunzel asked. "I'm sorry but I didn't' Did you Olaf?" I said. "No I just saw a door creaked open and saw some people in chains." He said. "Thats probably them!" Rapunzel explained. At that moment we heard the door above us slam. "Do you happen to know anyone else coming to the castle?" Rapunzel asked.

Frozen FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora