Part 14 - Truth Be Told

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I finish the first set of the show feeling this familiar rush from the crowd

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I finish the first set of the show feeling this familiar rush from the crowd. I miss it, a lot but I still miss my kids more. The rush was there but it wasn't fully there cause Andi hasn't yet showed up, I'm starting to think she's not coming because of what happened last night. I take my headphone out walking down off stage ready to wipe this sweat off my forehead. I see Cash first with his phone in his hand standing next to La Mar. I can't kick La Mar off the tour since he's a huge part of what goes on behind the scenes, so I'm gonna keep it cordial for now.

"Aye, y'all heard from Andi yet? Is she here?" I ask.

"Naw man," Cash says. "She's at the hospital with B, she went into labor."

"What? She's early!" I exclaim with my eyes wide. "Oh, I gotta go down there-"

"Uh uh, slow your roll." Le Mar catches me off guard touching my shoulder, I quickly look at his hand before shaking it off my shoulder. "B had a rare delivery and had a baby boy a couple hours ago. You can see them after the show, for now just go ahead and finish the show."

"You guys sure?" I ask with concern.

"That's what Twin told us. She said everything is fine and she wants you to finish your show. And don't rush it, man, just perform like you normally would."

I nod my head not really wanting to perform now that my nephew is here. I kinda wanna use that as an excuse to end the show early but I know it would've been a trashy ass excuse to see Andi.


I smile down at my nephew, Moses, as he sleeps wrapped in the hospital blanket

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I smile down at my nephew, Moses, as he sleeps wrapped in the hospital blanket. He's so precious and cute with his little tiny fingers and thick black hair, almost makes me want another one already but that labor pain is no joke and I don't care to go through that pain again. I do feel bad about what happened at the wedding boutique, cause I don't want to be the reason she went into labor. That's another thing, that was a pretty scary labor to witness, precipitous labor is no joke we barely got here in time! I could've easily had my nephew in the back of my truck if I wasn't speeding the way I was.

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