Part 17

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One Week Later

"I don't know why he won't stay down. I burped him and everything. But he won't stay down for more than 30 minutes." Bri says quietly over the phone, bouncing Moses in her arms. He was born with a full head of hair so I can see his thick wavy curls sticking out from underneath his tiny white cap. I can hear Moses starts to whimper and squirm on the screen before Bri shushes him to calm him down. She plants a quick kiss on his forehead and rolls her eyes.

"Try white noise, always helps with Kehlani. For now, just run the vacuum with the door closed." I flush the toilet before heading out to the living room where the kids are. Ditri aimlessly running his hot wheels across the rug occasionally looking up for two things; his baby sister in her bouncer and Dragon Tales playing on the tv. "I also need to stretch, my muscles are so sore from training again."

"Speaking of," Bri continues. "AJ is cute now.... And single, you should go for it."

I scrunch my face up and head to the fridge to get Ditri his favorite fruit, apples. "Now hold on. How you know he's single, I never told you that Bri!

She playfully hesitates as she walks around her extravagant LA home bouncing Moses around, the sunlight hitting the sparkling decor of her home causing little circles of rainbows to sprinkle across the walls and ceiling. "I may have.... done a little snooping and found out he got divorced last year. I figured, since you're not tied down to Abel anymore, then AJ is perfect for you."

I roll my eyes and head over to the pantry in search of creamy peanut butter. Taking the jar in my hand I place it on the counter and start the search for the cutting board. "Bri, you don't even know AJ like that, y'all were not close so, how would you know if he's good for me?" I rummage through the cabinets where I keep all my plastic tupperware, digging through the unorganized waterfall of plastics, and finally pull out the wooden cutting board.

"I know he's better than your baby daddy that you're fucking again."

I put my hands on my hip with the cutting board dangling on my fingers staring straight into the camera. "Ima need you and Stephanie to stop talking to each other, you leave her over there with Aaron." I put my attention back on the plastic that's on the floor to put them back inside it's designated cabinet.

"Shit, you know I get the family drama from Stephanie, y'all never tell me nothing." Bri and I laugh with each other over the sound of running water rinsing off the apple.

"Because you got a big mouth! You and Diaz can never hold water. He told Mom and Dad I was dating Abel first but that was only because you told him. And I bet you told TJ too." I turn the water off and start chopping away at the apple.

"And did." Bri responds with a sneaky smile on her face. I froze in place and stopped cutting eyeballing Bri in the camera. "Chill out, it didn't make that big of an impact. Ooh! Are you coming to Steph and Aaron's anniversary party next week? Please go cause I don't know none of they friends."

"Of course, I RSVP'd. What about Diaz? I haven't heard from him much."

"Ugh. He gets a girlfriend and don't wanna talk to nobody. God forbid he gets married, baby just gone disappear!"

This time I'm the only one who laugh. "Now, you know how he is. You never like any of his girlfriends, plus, it's not that serious cause he hasn't even told Dad yet. She cute though, I saw her instagram."

"Yeah, he sure knows how to pick 'em. Let's see how she is at the party, and you better bring Abel too, I can't be the only sober one at the party."

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