Fruit Can't be a Name.

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"So, my name in credits is actually Delilah Vargas but on my birth certificate, my first name is Lemon. Also, I am a twin. And finally, at 17, my best friend of 17 years stopped all contact with me because she started dating my cousin." Her facts had been spoken and Shayne had relaxed considerably.

"Well, it has to be Lemon. Maybe her real name is Leanne or something. It can't be Lemon. Can you imagine?" No visual response came from Delilah as she watched the two men sniggering at the first name she had claimed.

"Is that too obvious though?" Noah asked as the pair mocked her and instantly they put the idea down.

"Lemon isn't a first name." Once again, they laughed slightly.

"Can you imagine if her first name is Lemon now?" Courtney asked with raised eyebrows and puckered lips.

"Well, your best friend could have just been a snake and that is something people do. And twins are quite common aren't they? I doubt they can speak that many languages though." Delilah made no move as she watched water drip from their faces. Damien sounding so sure of their decisions.

"But, sometimes Lemon is a real name. Like in Thailand Lemon wouldn't be too strange. I have heard of it before." Shayne admitted as he then leant back and thought on the name. "But, I don't think that Delilah would change her name drastically. Why not go as Lisa or something a little more similar. Lemon and Delilah are nothing alike." 

"Maybe her best friend actually dated a brother or a sister." Shayne and Damien turned to one another and looked before they then turned to Delilah who sat before them.

"We don't know you," whispered Shayne as his fingers met and he started making Italian gestures. "I am now Italian." Was then mumbled before Shayne and Damien leant back, unsure of where to go.

"She isn't called Lemon. Final answer." Two fingers lifted and gestured Matt over with Sarah at his side.

"Wrong." The buckets tipped and they were drenched. Both men sat, defeated and wet until they met her eye, regret filling them both as they saw her.

"I am so sorry. We just made fun of your name." Damien was almost pleading for forgiveness as he didn't bother to wipe the moisture from his face and instead watched Delilah.

"So, my name is Lemon. I have my father to thank for that. He went down and registered it without my mum knowing. She was furious and since I was made fun of in school from the age of eight, I have refused to tell anyone my real name and I just went by my middle name. And, I am not a twin. I am actually the only non-twin. I have eight brothers and they are all twins. None of them are named after fruit though. And as for my friend, she went to school with my cousin and she would literally blank me, I would greet her and she would act like I hadn't spoken. Her mum ended up telling my mum what happened." Aw filled their faces as Delilah spoke and she smiled politely as they watched her like a monkey in a zoo.

"Wait, did your parents ever think that maybe they will have like five children at once?" Delilah shook her head.

"No, plus, we were all born in March. 40 weeks after my dad's birthday." They laughed with Delilah as she admitted to her family life.

"And then they just stopped?" Delilah nodded as she sipped at a bottle that had been left for her.

"Well, there is only a year between each set of kids and then dad left us after the youngest two were born. So, mum was left to raise nine of us, we were all five years old and under." Horror struck their faces and Shayne turned his nose a little.

"How can anyone do that? When I look after my niece I am in awe of single parents but nine children, half must have been in nappies." Delilah tilted her head slightly.

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