Spelling Bee-Kini Wax II.

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"Link, your word is, putrescine." His sigh was impossible to miss as he started making random noises from his mouth. A nervous smile and laugh were all he could manage.

"Can I have a Damien sentence please?" Sarah agreed and waited for Damien to join the set as she then waved the mic over to him. Delilah didn't try to pinch Damien but he was ready if she did.

"Hey, if telekinesis was possible and I forgot what a movie scene was, you could just putrescine into my mind." Link laughed at the suggestion and began to quietly spell the word to himself. As Damien was walking away Delilah caught his hand and tried to bite it. Damien managed to get away as the pair silently challenged one another.

"Okay, putrescine. P-U-T-R-A-S-E-E-N." Link's spelling was clearly off as he attempted to spell it and Sarah called him out for it. The countdown had begun so quickly that Link wasn't ready but as soon as the time was up, his yelp was heard and the room was quiet as they waited for the last strip, it was loud but not loud enough to overcome the shouts from Link.

Rhett was then moved to and he seemed a little more than just disheartened by what had happened."okay, are you ready?" Rhett shook his head and scrunched his face up, as tight as he could make it.

"No. Give me a second." Silence was heard as Rhett loudly breathed. "Okay, go." The signal set Sarah into action as she glanced back at her card.

"Rhett, your word is, noggin." Rhett, after a few moments, managed to spell it aloud.

"Okay, okay. Noggin. N-O-G-G-I-N." Rhett instantly recoiled as he waited for Sarah to speak.

"Rhett, that is correct." A loud sigh was released and Rhett looked around the room with a loud laugh.

"This feels great Link. You should try spelling your words right." Rhett's teasing filled the room and all but Link laughed as he was still reeling from the waxing he had just experienced.

"Shut up dude, you got noggin, which is easy to spell. I got a word I ain't even heard before." Link argued but it did little to stop Rhett. Sarah still moved on though and stood between Rhett and Delilah.

"Delilah, it's lovely to see that you're still with us and to celebrate, can you spell something for us?" Delilah shook her head at Sarah.

"The answer to your question is no. I cannot spell something for you or anyone. So, Link's turn?" Her answer was turned down as Sarah assured her that there was no way to escape the video until she spelt the word.

"Delilah, Your word is cummingtonite." Delilah smiled nervously and then turned to Damien.

"Can I have it in a sentence?" Rhett and Link mumbled about how they could have put it into a sentence as Damien joined the scene. Delilah immediately noticed the douchy attitude he adapted as he readied to say the sentence.

"Oh, girl. You should come back to my place tonight because let me tell you, I'll have you cummingtonite, all night." Delilah smiled as she heard the sentence but the sight of Rachel reminded her of what was about to happen. Damien didn't even try to reassure her as he disappeared back to his seat.

"You're so stupid. I hate you all. Ugh. Okay, cummingtonite is spelt, C-O-M-M-I-N-G-T-O-N-I-T-E." Sarah's breath out was enough for Delilah as she knew exactly what was about to happen and she grunted, as she waited for the wax to be poured onto her. The yell was just as loud as it had been last time and Delilah swore under her breath a few more times before regaining composure as the next round was begun.

"This round is based on words that Twitter suggested." All three of them swore and waited for the inevitable.

"This is one of the worst days of my life. I thought eating pig penis was bad." Link's admission did little to stop Sarah, instead, it egged her on as she smiled at them, menacingly.

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