The Truth

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Now During Present Time

What was happening? Suddenly, Virgil's mind was filled with memories of a past he had forgotten. A past of a full family living together in the Light Side of the mindscape. His head hurt as he slumped over in Thomas's arms.

"Woah hey there. Take your time, I think we all are feeling rather confused right now."

Thomas looked to the others who were holding their heads. It looked like they were all having a massive migraine.

"What is this? These memories...are they real?" Roman was in disbelief.

"No please stop!" Patton cried out. Whatever he was remembering seemed to be painful.

"How could we have forgotten? Is this another side-effect of destabilization? How cruel." Logan mumbled.

Virgil stood up, gripping onto Thomas's shoulder for support. "Guys, are you all okay?" It's like they were all having a mind blast! It was going to take a second for the dizzy spell to disappear.

"I don't know, this is all so confusing!" Roman shuffled over to grab Virgil's hand. "Still to think we could ever forget you. I'm so sorry Virgil."

Logan followed suit, except for the hand part. "Indeed, I am also sorry Virgil. This current situation is unprecedented! A complete wipe of someone's existence from the's too much to fathom."

Patton remained as the others looked to him. He was bawling as he continued to wipe away his tears in a losing battle. "I can't! This is...this is too much. It's all my fault Virgil! How could I ever apologize enough to you over what I've done?"

"'s o-"

"IT'S NOT! It's n-not okay Virgil. I-I-I caused you to destabilize!"

This was the shocking truth. Sides didn't destabilize by nature and they didn't do it to themselves. Destabilizing always required a catalyst and for Virgil, that had been Patton.

Many years ago in the mindscape Virgil was known as Curiosity. He was naive and full of questions. He had no sense of danger and this had led to a tragedy no one would remember. The aftermath is the story of his own destabilizing.


Many Years Ago in the Mindscape had been months since Janus was erased from the others minds. Yet, for some reason I remember him. How he was like a big brother to me and would always keep me safe. How did this happen? Was it my fault, or was it them who made him disappear? Virgil felt like he was losing his mind as his doubts grew day-by-day.

"Hey kiddo! How are you doing?" Suddenly, Patton snuck his way into the sulking sides room with a fresh batch of cookies.

"Fine I guess...I'd be a lot better if you told me where Janus went to though." Virgil pleaded with his eyes as he stared at Patton. If he could trust anyone it should be Morality right?

"Oh no. Did you lose your imaginary frien-"


Virgil shoved Patton up against the wall with a loud thud. His strength was unreal, the innocent cookies fell to the ground in horror. "Woah! Woah! Virgil I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to upset you. Please you need to calm down."

"NO! What I need is big brother Janus!!! Where is he? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" Virgil came in fast for another go, but Patton dodged as he scrambled to the door. "I'm sorry."

Patton let out a sorrowful apology as he fled from the room to find the others.

"Patton! What happened to you?" Virgil's shouting and that large thud had alerted the entire household so some kind of trouble.

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