Chapter 33: Lazy day cancelled

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I stare at my feet while I drag my body to the mall. I'm exhausted. My mind was particularly pesky last night and didn't let me fall into the dreamy world of unconsciousness. What am I even saying? It has been like that for some time now since the 'you're actually moving' thing, and dear god did sleeping become a luxury. In fact, I should go buy some pills for that, but anyway, I look back at the text Ang' sent me.

Angelsky: Okay, great! Come to the mall at 11 am, 'kay?

What does she want, now? She better not make me buy clothes, I really don't feel like playing the model. Plus, I had plans for this weekend! Well, if you consider playing a video game until midnight and doing the same thing the next day a plan, but it's still what I wanted to do! I could have said no and not come but, I'm too kind for that. My eyes meet my reflection from a store window, and I sigh. My hair is sticking out in every direction, I'm wearing a sweater with jogging, and my face scream "I just woke up!". Eh, could've looked better, that's for sure. Oh, you know what? I don't care, they're gonna have to endure. I walk into the entrance of the cafeteria and am welcome by the delicious smell of coffee. My body moves by itself, and before I know it, the marvelous drink is sitting in my hand. Okay, now that that's done, where is the fricking girl that invited me here? I scan the place, and here she is- 

With two other people... Great, Awesome, that's exactly what I need. I slouch my way there and don't even greet them back before sitting down.

"Whoa, you look...comfy." Angelica try.

"Duck off, will you?" I take a sip of my coffee and immediately regret it as it's way too hot and burn my throat.

"Aww, don't be like that."

"Can you explain why you invited me here, so I can go back home faster? Oh, and by the way, you never mentioned you would bring them?" I point with one finger at James and Eliza, they suddenly look like they would prefer to just sink in their own respective drinks. 

"Ah, I guess you could say I forgot to mention this tinny detail, but it doesn't matter! Now, we're all here, so let's have a good time, yes?"

"Sure." I roll my eyes at her attempt to cheer me up. 

"Hmm, so," She clears her throat. "We noticed that you seem to not be feeling well since... You know, so we thought you shouldn't just be sulking in your room all-day. Instead, we thought you might like a day at the arcade! What do you say?"

My face light up. A day at the arcade, huh? I still don't really want to be here, but I can't say I don't like going there. 

They all look at me with interest, expecting my reaction.

"I wouldn't have sulk all day,"  They all look down, thinking that I'm just gonna stand up and walk away. "... But this does sound a bit more pleasing than what I wanted to do, just a little." They all cheer, clapping and smiling at my positive answer. I can't help but laugh at their reaction. Angelica finishes her drink in one gulp and throws it away.

"Then let's not waste more time! Come on everyone, to the arcade!" 

We walk for a few minutes, after all the actual place is on the other side of the mall, and final stop in front of the neon sign saying "Litwak's Family Fun Center & Arcade".

"Let's go in!" Angelica and I are the first to enter and then come Eliza and James, who are more reserved than us. I couldn't contain a giggle of excitement escaping my mouth. It's been a while since I last came here, and man, that atmosphere is something! The light of all colors is making everything look like a dream and the smell of popcorn and candy could make any kid scream to have some. 

"Where do y'all went to go first?" 

"Let's start with the dance machine thing." Eliza runs to the game like a dog seeing its owner after a while.

"Who wants to go against me?"

James steps on the machine. "I'll go." 

They start to dance like their life depends on it.

"I bet James's going to win." I challenge Angelica.

"Okay, then I'm going for Eliza. No chance he's going to win, Eliza's good at everything she does."

"Very encouraging!" Scream James, already in sweat.

"Go, James! I know you can do this!"

"Eliza, I'm going to pay you popcorn if you win!"


"Yes, so, go!"

In the end, Eliza won.

"Ah! You see, I was right!" She high-fives her younger sister who's smiling to her ears. 

"Sorry, Thomas, but I really tried!" 

"It's alright." I look back at her stupid grin and a fire lights in me. "Hey, it's our turn. Oh, and just for a warning, I'm gonna kick your butt."

"Whoa, confident, aren't you? Well, hate to break it to you, but I'm the one who's gonna win."

"We'll see."

After me winning, because of course I did, we go take the popcorn that Angelica promised Eliza, and we also all get some snacks.

We kept challenging each other while the rest cheers for every victory and failures. While looking at the two girls playing a racing game, a memory comes back to me. 

"Isn't going to the arcade a little bit childish? We're freshmen, we're not babies anymore." Charles Lee looked at me for an answer, but he probably didn't actually expect one from me.

"No, I always see seniors go here, so stop whining, or you're the one who's acting like a baby." Maria Reynold replaces a lock of hair behind her ear like she does every two minutes.

"Who cares anyway if it's cool or not? It's fun and that's what's important." I lead the way to the entrance. 

"Hmm, let's not stay here too long, I have matters to attend."

"What would the great James Reynold have to do that's so essential?" Charles insisted on the word 'great'.

"I have a movie to watch, and I also just don't want to spend more time than needed with all of you."

"Even me, your dear sister?" She put a hand to her heart to dramatize her phrase.

"Specifically you, my dear sister."

"Shut up, I know you love me."

"In your dream, old woman."

"I'm not old, I don't even have a wrinkle on my perfect-looking face."

"Gosh, you can't resist complimenting yourself, can you?" 

"Charles, why are you even asking? Obviously, I can't."

"Guys let's go to the racing one!"

"Wait Thom', I want to get something to drink."  

"Oh, jemmy I'm coming with you, then."

I chuckle to myself. Those were fun times when I was still hanging out with the gang. Maybe I could do that sometime, in the future.

We stay for a little over two hours, before we all get tired and propose to go.

"Hey, thanks guys, I had a lot of fun!"

"Ah! You're gonna have to say thanks to Ham', he's the one who got the idea. He couldn't make it, though."

"Then, I'll text him. See you two soon!"

The second she turns her back, I smile like an idiot. Hamilton planned this for me? How... thoughtful.

"You want to come to my place?" James asks.

"Huh, yeah sure."

Quicksilver - Jamilton -Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora