Chapter 2: Be positive

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"Thomaaaaaas, let's go! You're going to be late!" My dad screams at me.

"What time is it?" I scream back.

"7:04 am!"

"'Kay, I still got time."


"Yes, yes, I'm coming, damn."

Today is the day. I'm a senior now, but I don't think this year is going to go like I wish it will. I'm supposed to enter Chilton school like a king in front of his peasants, ready to cut the head of anyone that disrespects him and his nobles: the siblings Reynolds, Charles Lee, and my grand adviser; James Madison AKA my best friend. Our parents were friends, so we know each other since forever! We were always in the same school, often even classes. He went to every football match and was there to see me fail and win! I was there for him, and he was there for me. The two of us (and the others, but they aren't important) against the world. That's how I always thought it would go. But nooOO, they have to change things, don't they! ... Stop it, Thomas! Be positive, it's a new school year. You're going to meet people, have new friends, maybe even a lover. It won't be that bad. And sure, you are in a public school but who cares! It's probably just like a private school. Be positive! You won't have to wear those hideous uniforms anymore.

So I have to choose what I'm going to wear. I scan my clothes, trying to find something good. I settle for a magenta short-sleeve button-up shirt that I wear open with a black t-shirt under it. I also wear black jeans with white shoes and to finish it, I put on a gold necklace. Not bad! Not bad at all. I hop downstairs and go to find my two-parent sitting at the dining table.

"My big boy!" My mom comes to hug me.

"Thom', good luck with your first day. I know it's probably not what you expected but it's still your senior year! And knowing you, you're going to be great, as always." "Thanks, dad. So, back to school breakfast!"

"Yes, Miss shelter made your favorite, waff–"

"Waffles! Yessss, I love nana's waffles."

"Aww Thank you, hun'." Nana kisses my forehead before putting the waffles on the table with some syrup and fruit.

"So, handsome, are you excited?"

"Kind of? Like, I think I'm more stressed than anything." I say while already putting a big chunk of my waffles in my mouth.

And for 30 minutes we all talk and ramble on about anything that comes to our minds. It's in moments like this that I love my family the most. It's mostly just small talks, but it doesn't feel like just that. At the moment, it feels like time stops, and you're in a safe bubble where no one can touch you, nothing can happen and you can't get hurt. But, of course, the bubble needs to explode at one point, doesn't it?

"My! Do you see the time! Thomas, take your things, we need to go! I'll be waiting in the car."

"Okay, dad."

While he says goodbye to mom, I run upstairs to take my stuff. I take a last look in the mirror, messing a little with my hair before letting it go wild... And ready!

"Have a good day, Thom'!"

"You too, mom! 'Love you."I get in the car, and he puts on some music.

While we are halfway there, stuck in traffic, a song starts to play.

"Oh! That's the song your mother and I played at our marriage! I love that song!" Dad starts to sing and I can't help but smile and join in at the chorus.

"Ba de yaaa! Say do you remember? Ba de yaaa, dancing in September! Ba de ya, never was a cloudy daaaaaaaaaaaaay!" We sing in unison. I think other people are hearing us because our windows are down, but we don't really care right now.

"Ba duda, ba duda, ba duda, badu, Ba duda, badu, ba duda, badu, Ba duda, badu, Ba dudaaa!"

We end up finishing the whole song, breathless.

"Son, I see you got the talent of your dad!"

"What talent? Are you talking about your humility, because then you're right, I do have your talent!" The two of us laugh, and I feel fantastic.... until I see the school. Like, can my happiness stay for once!?

"It's now time, young padawan." He tries to make a joke, but I'm not having it.

"Ha-ha, very funny." I fiddle with my fingers, already feeling my stress jumping to the roof.

"Hey, Thom', Don't worry too much okay? You're a Jefferson and–"

"Jeffersons are never scared, yeah I know, I know." I get out and wave at him.

"You're amazing son! Goooo THOMAS!" He says before going. Jeez, thanks, dad. Now everyone is laughing at me and I haven't even entered the damn thing.

I walk slowly, feeling my palms sweating, my hands trembling, and more importantly, all the eyes on me. A TONE of them. I don't know if it's me or there really is a lot of people looking at me, but anyway, it does not feel good. I mean, I'm used to having their eyes on me, but they were of admiration and... well I had people beside me. Now? I'm standing alone, walking in a territory that's not mine. I reach the door, wait for a little, before being pushed in by other students. Great entrance Jefferson. Relax, I don't know what you're so scared of, anyway. It's just like every high school day, cool, chill, litt, good, fine, fine? Yeah, I'm fine, totally fine. I take out my schedule to see which class I need to go to first.

"Hey look! That's Jefferson, isn't it!"

"OMG what is he doing here, shouldn't he be in his fancy little school of his?"

"Some says his parent lost business."

"What, No-way!?"

"Is he here for a prank?"

"I'm telling you the brat's here to stay!"

"He looks so lost, haha."

"Maybe he'll ask us direction?"

"If he does, I'm showing him the trashcan!"


Someone behind me clears his throat.

"Hear ye, hear ye people! My name is Samuel Seabury! And I present to you... Your King!"

"Heeeeeeello y'all!" A weird-looking dude enters the school with a cheap-ass crown on his head and one of those wings they wore in the 17th century or something. The worse is that, other than that it's a normal outfit?

"Welcome to our new students, good luck to the old ones and–"

"Oh shut it, George, no one wants to hear you. You do this every year."

"And I excel at it every year!"

Wait? Isn't that the pizza guy from the park? What's his name again–

"Ha and I'm happy to see you're still alive Alexander Hamilton."

"Well, I can never seem to die, George King, were-" He pauses as he looks in my direction. "Wait, JEFFERSON?"

... Fuuuuuuuuuuck.

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