chapter 7: New project

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"So, does everybody understand, or do I need to repeat myself?"

Wait. What?... Mr. Adams is talking? Fuuuuuuuck. I didn't listen at all. I was thinking about what I'm going to eat tonight, miss Shelter said she would do some French dish and I love French food. I look around and everybody seems to have taken notes.

I lock eyes with a classmate on my right.

"Pss, could you pass me your paper. I forgot to take notes 'cause I was too busy thinking of my radiant beauty." I try to make a joke, most of the time, it works.

"Your lazy ass isn't my problem, Jefferson."

Ok, ouch. This girl has nerves. How can she refuse my smile? What do I do now?

"Make teams of three. You're going to start planning today, but as homework, you'll need to do research. Organize that with your team, if you can't see each other after school, there's the library, so no excuses, huh. Now don't talk to me, I'll be occupied."

I hate team projects. I'm pretty sure they were invented to make people feel like losers. Plus, I still have no idea what the heck this is about. Everyone goes with their friends but, the only friend I have in this school isn't in this class. While scanning the room, I realize that all the teams are already made, how fast are they? I sigh, now I need to do the least cool thing ever, ask the teacher for help.

"Mr. Adams?"

"What did I say about no talking to me?"

"Yes, well I don't have a team."

"How is that my problem?"

"I think there're not enough people, can I go on one of the team, we could be four."

After my sentence, someone barges in as loud as they can.

"I'-I'm here! And I'm alive!"

"Hamilton, could you be louder?"

"Sorry, sir."

Mr. Adams seems to think of something, then looks at Hamilton, then at me, then at Hamilton.

"Problem solve! Jefferson, you're going with Hamilton, as for the third person..."

"They are four, one of them could go with them!"

An argument explodes in the classroom, no one wants to go with us. The girl of earlier, yes the one who called me a "lazy ass", stands up.

"I can go."

Her teammate tries to make her stay, but she seems to have settle for us.

"Perfect! Now, I'm serious, don't talk to me."

The three of us scan each other, looks like no one wants to be here.

The girl takes her paper, then glances at us.

"So, do you have an idea?"

"Huuuuuh, I kinda, don't know what this is about."

"And I was late, so at least I have a valuable excuse."

She takes her face in her palm.

"Okay, well, we can start by presenting ourselves. I'm Angelica Schuyler, but you can call me Angelica."

"I'm Thomas Jefferson, but everybody knows me."

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, but I want to get to work. Can you explain to us what this project's about?"

"Sure, we need to write a document about an invention that we find interesting. We'll work each on a different part, following specific criteria. Our paper needs to have at least 800 words, it needs to look professional and the transition between the parts needs to be smooth. So, do you now have ideas?"

"There's a lot of interesting invention..."

I kind of stop listening from there. I mean, they are doing alright without me, and I'm not saying this in a sad way! I just observe them, two people I dislike working together, how funny. They seem comfortable enough around each other, they were probably in the same class before. I turn my head to the side and see the clouds. I like looking at them, there is something so fascinating about the way they are so big and always in motion, yet no one notices them. I find them relaxing, they ground me, they make me aware of the time that's passing. They exist in my vision only for a moment, then disappear, to never be seen again. Kinda like every minute of every day, what you're living right now is something you'll never live again. Soon, it's the past and distant memory. Thinking of that, I feel like living in the present, well I mean, not right now. The two chickens are fighting and bickering about the best invention we could take, so I can't see the good thing I could take out of this and I'll be happy when it'll be passed. Preferring to look at the sky. The gracious birds are flying in the wild and big open spaces. They look so scared yet so free. Unlike me. Oh, how I wish I didn't need to do this stupid project, with these stupid people, in this stupid school! Why am I even here? It's so annoying. Actually, everything here is annoying. I am as popular as the trashcan. I hear murmur everywhere I go, with some "Jeffershit" and "The poor brat". I'm not on the football team, and no one respects me! Especially the little grumpy gremlin. The controlling prick even hurts Aaron feeling 'cause he didn't like me. Like, who does that?! My fist clenches just imagining 'ron look when he first told me this. Plus, what did I do to him? Like, I never did anything bad to the guy. He just saw my reputation and hates me for the thing he heard? How petty. Suddenly, I'm not so relaxed anymore.

"Arrg, I'm telling you, Angelica! MY idea is better."

"Yeah, well let's see who Jefferson thinks got the best idea. So, glasses or cars?"

I glare at them. I feel and know it's their fault, or more his fault, I'm angry. I hate his aggravating face and just want to let it all out, which I don't hesitate to do.

"Can't you two just shut up!? Fighting is getting us nowhere. I thought you were intelligent but, guess I was clearly wrong. You puerile, foolish, half-witted, deficient dumbass!"

They sit there for a second, simply chock at my reaction.

"What got into you? You weren't like this earlier."

Hamilton lets Angelica talk first, which is rare for him. I don't answer either, don't feel like it.

"Well, we still need to figure out our invention. We take mine or...?" She glances at him, at me, then sighs.

"Okay, fine! Do you want to know why I join you? It wasn't out of kindness." The two of us are interested again. 

Hamilton lets out a dry laugh.

"Yeah, I figured that."

She smirks at him, and I can't say I don't let one little, microscopic, smile slip as well.

"I went with you 'cause I was with bitches who tried to put all the work on me and do nothing. Last time, they would talk behind people back in front of me while I did the work. I really hated that. And I knew that with you two, that wouldn't happen. Hamilton is too stubborn to let me do anything, pretty much. As for Jefferson, he's really good at writing his opinions and generally his knowledge in a way that would convince anyone, and he knows that. I knew you would do your part and do them well."

She smiles proudly, like a mother who just told good advice. Hamilton and I make eye contact. I think he feels the same way I do about compliments. Too embarrassed to say thanks.

"That was really cheesy."

"Totally agree."

"Can't you let me have my moment?!" she fakes scoffing, and we all laugh.

"So, the project?"

"We'll do it about glasses."

"My idea? Hamilton! You finally recognize I was right!"

"I never said that!" And the bickering re-starts. The difference is that I'm not so displeased about it anymore.

"I think Angelica's right, cars were waaay too complicated."

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