Chapter 15: Endless sky

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My palms are sweating, my hands are trembling, my mind is racing, I'm a nerve-wracking mess. I look around in the classroom. Am I the only one stressed? I didn't sleep enough last night, mom kept me awake. If it wasn't for the horrible feeling in my stomach, I would probably fall asleep right about now. A student that I don't remember the name is presenting their art project and soon it'll be my turn. Let me tell you, I am not good at art. Not even a little. I don't understand it! I always have a beautiful image in my head, but my hand can't seem to follow. They often tell me that practice is the key and blablabla. I know that! But why would I make the effort to practice when I could do something so much more fun? Anyway, back to the present, Mrs. Washington sips on her coffee before thanking the student that was talking. 

"So, who is next?" She checks on her list.

"Thomas! Come here. Bring your project, please."

I sigh, this is going to be over before I know it, I just need to do it. Yes, I'm amazing, I'm going to do the best presentation ever! 

I stand up with my painting of clouds with me. My mind is everywhere and nowhere at the same time while I try to concentrate on what I'm going to say. I wait for a second. Thomas, don't forget to breathe. Make them interested in your stupid painting with your words. You're not good with brushes, but dammit you're good with words. So do your thing, and be great.

"Whenever you're ready."

Let's do this.

I dramatically turn to face them with what I hope is a charming smile.

"Do you know what's one of the most photographed and painted thing in this world?" I pause, I know I intrigued them with this thought-starter first sentence. I mean, why bother saying my name or what this is going to be about? Everyone already knows that! 

"The sky!" I put in the most intonation and "passion" that I can. If I don't seem interested, why should they be?

"But the question is, why? I mean, it's not like the sky will go away anytime soon. And it's kind of the same thing your whole life." I walk a bit while talking, and then stop to look at them. 

"Well, I can't talk for other people, and maybe they just find it an easy thing to sell but..." 

"As for me? I chose it because it holds a special place in my life." I notice this freaking John Laurens sleeping! How disrespectful! How dare he!

"Everyone with the ability to see can look up and observe this vast place where there's no ceiling. Some people never really notice it, it's just part of daily life. Others will find a personal meaning in it, like it was made just for them. It's the same thing for everyone, yet we all see something different." The teacher seems to like it so far! 

"Why is it important to me, you may ask? Well..." They all have their full attention on me, aside from Laurens.

"It's the one thing that's always consistent. The sky will not change. I mean, yes, depending on the time and the weather it may be different a bit. Sometimes it's gray with a lot of clouds, other times it's just blue. But it never really changes. I always know what to expect." 

"That's why I chose to paint the sky. Because, even if it's a bit of a realistic painting, it's abstract in its message. Thank you very much." My classmates applaud. Finally, it's over! I can breathe again.

"Thank you, Thomas, now who's next?"

I go to my seat. I hope I'm going to have a good grade! 

For the rest of the period, I just space out and stop listening. I feel kinda down today. Something feels wrong. What am I saying, of course, something feels wrong! Like, I could do a list of all the things that are wrong in my life right now. I feel hopeless. I don't know what to do, yet it feels like I'm the only one who can do something! Why in hell and heaven are they relying on me? Why does it feel like it's all my fault? I did nothing wrong from the start! So why does it go all on my shoulders? I don't deserve it. 

I walk to my locker, it was my last class before the day end, yay. As always, Hamilton is with his friends at his locker, and it's close to mine so... annoying. Why are they always there? Like, is it to show me how much they have friends, and I don't? They walk right past me, I hear a bit of their conversation.

"Did you know that that Madison guy from the other school got into a fight?"

Wait... James got into what?!

I run to catch them. The fresh breeze tells me it's going to be autumn soon, but I don't notice it. 

"Wait! Hamilton!"

They turn around, and they look at me like I'm a ghost.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, you just never approach us first."

"O.. kay? Anyway, I'm here to ask you about James. I heard your conversation and well I got curious."

"You heard our conversation? If you wanted to talk to us, you could have just come."

"You're so loud I'm sure the whole school heard you."

"And James? Who's that?"

"James Madison. You said he was in a fight?"

"Ah! Yes, but you know it's just gossip."



"Does gossip go that fast?"

"You don't know the power of gossip."

"With who?"

"Another popular guy, Charles Lee, I think."

Charles Lee? CHARLES LEE?????

He was one of my closest friend at Chilton. Why would they get into a fight? I mean, I can see Lee in a fight, but James? It's so not him. He would never do that. The worst that he could do is argue with his words, not with his fists!

"Jeff', Jeeeeff'!"


"You spaced out a bit."

"Right. I need to go to Chilton to talk with James and Charles."

"We're coming with you!"

"What– why?"

"'Cause, it sounds interesting."

"Oh, that's such a good reason, I have no chose but to say yes."

"It wasn't a question anyway, let's go!"

We walk to my old school. "We" as in Hamilton, Laurens, Hercules, Lafayette, and me. I am the most important though. I need to see what's happening between them. I was always the one that made them agree, so I think I can do something. 

Chilton is not far, so it's easy to walk there. My heart skips a beat as I see the school. This is where I should be. I have so many memories there. It's like stepping into the past. As I make my way into the school, every eye are on me. People are used of my presence in my new school, but here? Not so much anymore. I don't miss this feeling. I go to the little rest era where my old friends often met. There I find the siblings Reynolds. 

Time to find out what happened!

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