Chapter 14: Falling

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"This blue suit really doesn't suit me, huh."

I chuckle at my stupid pun while trying to make my tie. I have an interview today. It's for a café as a waiter. I'm not sure if they're going to take me, my CV is bad. I have no experience at all. I never even babysat. Most people my age have already had at least a summer job! My parents gave me a pretty good amount of money, so I never needed one. It's not the same anymore, right?

I have the house for myself, well these days I always have it. It's weird because nana hasn't been there for some days now, did they fired her? I hope not! She's like family to me, I know her since the moment I was born! Plus, they are still not telling me anything. These assholes— oops, sorry. I shouldn't say that about my parents. But, like, it's really mean and unfair of them. I'm almost an adult, why can't they trust me? A big sigh escapes my mouth. This is going to give me a headache. I should stop thinking about it, but I can't help it! It's the only thing in my mind. Well, that and my conflicts with James and Aaron, the weird way the park guys are acting, and now this job thing. 


My life's a mess. "Aaaarrggh!" 

Talking about Aaron, I haven't talk to him since the cafeteria incident. It's like we're back to square one. He completely ignored me, as if I didn't exist! All of this is so tiring. I don't even know what I did wrong. I didn't invite these guys to sit with me, and it's not my fault I didn't hear him. He has no reason to act like this. I don't know what to do.

Well, today is not the day I should worry about this! Think professional, Thomas! 

I get out of the house but realize it's colder than I thought, so I go back inside to get my scarf and a better jacket. Where is it? I put it there last time. Did someone move it? I rush to my room, maybe I put it there? I check everywhere. Under and on my bed, in my closet, behind my library, nothing! I run to the entrance, not there. The kitchen, no. Living room? Of course not! The laundry, the two bathrooms, my parents' room, guestroom, dad's office. It's not here! I hate losing things. Ahhhhh–

I need to think logically. Where did I last put it? I close my eyes and concentrate...



... I have no idea.

And now I'm late, frick!

I run out, without the damn jacket. It's fine, I'll just be cold! I can take it! I didn't feel the first raindrop, but it starts to pour real fast. So I go faster. I check my phone, 9:41 am. I'm eleven minutes late! I don't want them to think I'm not punctual. you know what, this is the kind of moment where I can say–

"Fuck!" This doesn't feel right on my tongue.

I see the café and do my last sprint. 

I almost fall when I enter. "Yes, only 15 minutes late!" Everyone in that little café turn and look at me. 

"I– huh, sorry." I'm soaking wet, and out of breath. I probably look like a freak. I get closer to the counter.

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Hi! My name is Thomas Jefferson. I'm here for an interview. Oh, and I'm also a bit late so, sorry."

"It's fine, it's raining after all. Go into that room, an employee has been waiting for you."

"Ah, thank you very much."

I walk to the back of the room where she points. Inside, two surprises were there.

The first one, the employee in question is sleeping.

The second one, Hamilton is the employee.

Yes, gremlin's the one that's going to do the interview.

Well, that's great, Isn't it? Hahaha.

I sit in the chair that was installed in front of him. I'm not sure of what I should do, wake him up? But he looks so peaceful...

Joke, he looks like he hadn't slept in ten years, and he's in this weird position that his neck's probably going to hate later. Do I just scream at him? Lightly touch his arm? 

I've got something!

I try to stand up from the chair but, because my shoes are wet, I trip and make a huge sound.

"What– I'm awake! I'm awake!"

I'm on my back, on the ground, when he looks in my direction. 

"Huh, hi...?" I say.

"Jefferson? Am I still dreaming?" His voice sounds like he has been smoking more cigarettes than you can buy, is that his waking voice? Not very sweet you'll ask me.

"Welcome back to the real world! Hope you slept well." I sit once again on the chair.

"What are you doing here? I'm supposed to do an interview."

"Well, I'm supposed to pass an interview, so..."

"Don't tell me you want to work here?"

"Eh, I could always lie to you?" 


This awkward silence fills the air. Why every time it's just us two, this happens?

"Let's start."

After the interview, I made my way back home. I won't have an answer for some days, so in the meantime I applied for other jobs, so even if they refuse me, it'll be alright.

I took those that are the closest to school, and I think that might be the reason somehow, in a very curious and cruel way, I bumped into Hamilton many times. We did this untold contract that neither was going to ask why we had/wanted to have all these jobs. Your business, my business, that's the end of it. Though, that doesn't mean I'm not curious to know. It's just not my business. 

I did the last interview I had on Monday, but we didn't have school, so I returned home in the evening. I'm now watching T.V. on the couch. It's a marvel movie. 

The front door slams open and for a second I got scared. I go to check who it is with a pan in my hand. 

"Thomas! Why do you have that in your hands?" She chuckles a little and I smell alcohol on her. Did she drink? 

"You're not with dad?" 

"Noo, he said he wanted to stay with a friend for a while."

"Did you guys had a fight?" 

"Nothing important sweetheart. What are you doing awake at this hour?"

I help her walk to the living room.

"I was watching a movie."

"Ah! Those superhero movies you like, right? I never liked them, you and your dad are so weird."

"What happened?"

"Really, it's nothing you should worry about!"

"But I'm still worried! And I want to know."

"Thomy, it's fine. You'll understand later."

"Why can't I know?"

"It's not the right moment. Do we have chicken nuggets? I really want some!"


"What! If you don't want to eat chicken nugget we can make pizza. No need to get angry."

"That's not- Aaarrgh!" 

Even drunk she doesn't want to talk to me. I'm their son, I deserve to know!

"Just tell me! I WANT TO KNOW! OUR FAMILY IS FALLING APART AND YOU ARE NOT TELLING ME WHY!" As my voice elevates into the air, it cracks, loud without reason. Just a pathetic plea, that I knew would fall flat.

"THOMAS, JUST SHUT IT! You're way too naive to understand! We don't want to tell you because we know how you'll react!" She breaks into tears. I don't know what to do, so I just hug her.

"It's... it's going to be alright." 

Honestly, I don't know who I am telling this to. Her or me?

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