Chapter 1: Mom, just why?

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"WHAT! No– why!?"

"I'm not changing my mind, Thomas. I talked with your father and he agreed. This is the best thing to do right now."

"Well, you didn't talk to me! And may I say that I veRY MUCH DISAGREE."

"Honey, we are your parents, we do the decisions. Now go to your room, all that screaming will distract your dad." She pitches her nose as if I am the one in the wrong while waving me off to my room. I scoff loudly before storming out and going outside. I mean, I can't just let them win! I need to do something –anything!– to make them change their choice.

I don't think I've ever been this frustrated in my entire life. Why do they do this to me?! How cruel of them. They never said no to me before, I'm their only son, their baby! Though I hate it when they call me baby, it still proves they shouldn't be doing that! They always said that I was worth all the stars in the galaxy, the shining moon at night, and the burning sun in summer vacations– So why? I find myself looking up at the sky, thinking that maybe it'll answer my question. And whoah, surprise! It doesn't. Oh well, it was worth trying. Should I go to James? He always has advice... Naa, I don't think he'll understand. He always said I was a "spoiled brat" or something. Pfft, as if. It's just that, when I ask for something, they usually say yes! They could've said no all these times, but they said yes! It's not my fault. Well anyway, it doesn't matter now.

I go to that little park close to my house. The sun already hides under the horizon, so close to no one is outside. I sit on one of the swings. In three days, I'm going back to school for my senior year and instead of going to my modern, amazing, rich private school, I'm going to this crappy, crowded, cheap public school. "My god..." I murmur under my breath. I just can not believe it! My friends are going to make fun of me, that's for sure. Heck, the whole school is probably going to make fun of me! I'm known for being the rich kid. The worse is that... I don't have a choice! I can only face the fact that I'm going to a public school.

While thinking about the fact that my social life is now dead, I hear loud laughter coming from behind me. Four figures seem to be approaching the park. I'm in no mood to talk, so I just pray they won't speak to me. One of them runs to the playground, and they don't seem to notice me, which is perfect. Now that he's under the light of the streetlamp, I can examine him. He seems to be my age, a little short, has freckles all over his face, curly hair, and he's so freaking loud! Can't he just shut up, my god? The other three walk over to him. They seem to be in a really funny conversation, but I can't hear what they say. So I check the other power rangers. There's the tall as heck giraffe, a bitch taller than me! He has an amazing fashion style, I can give him that. The one next to him seems like a kind guy– he wears a beanie and a denim jacket, is of an average height, looks like he gives the best hugs. Though he is kinda scary, I wouldn't want to mess with him. Then there is the little guy shoving his mouth with pizza like it's the last meal he'll ever eat. He has a small ponytail, brown hair, and is wearing the most common outfit ever; ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between..... a pair of jeans and a t-shirt! Wahhh, incredible, yeah I know. Freckles-man suddenly points at me like I'm an animal in the zoo. "Oh no." I say quietly.

"Hey! Who are you and when in hell and heaven did you appear!" Mister-that-I-just-discover-has-a-French-accent says. I can't tell by his tone if he's joking or is straight-up angry.

"Yeah were you, like, just staring at us...?" Beanie-boy looks very confused. Do they really not noticed me before?

"Wait? Isn't that Thomas Jefferson? Laf' you didn't tell me you lived so close to the star of our rival school?" Oh, dear god no. Little gremlin knows me! I mean, I should have known, I am a celebrity. But, I don't feel like dealing with this, so I just try to moonwalk away... slowly.

"Herc'! He's trying to escape, take him!" He's so fast I don't even have the time to run. He puts me in front of the other maniacs, that are now all in a line.

"Take your filthy hand of me, "Herc,'" I say with my majestic and iconic poker face.

"Aww, you're as polite as I imagined." Say the pizza man.

"You got fantasies about me? I'm not surprised, but like, kinda creepy? And who are you anyway?" He seems to be taken aback by my reply, maybe even flustered? Who knows.

"Well, I'm Alexander Hamilton, This is Hercules Mulligan, Lafayette and-"

"Jonh Laurens, In the place to be!"

"... Yes, But don't bother presenting yourself, we all know who you are."

"You do?"

"Yes, you're the princess of Chilton private high school."

"–The captain of the football team."

"–The mean, rich, and popular kid."

I should probably be flattered by all they know about me, but the only thing I can think of is the fact that most people at their school will know who I am and ask questions and make fun of me and create rumors and–

"Tommy, your mother was dead worry about you! I can't believe you just left, that's so not you!" I'm not even embarrassed that my nana calls me Tommy in front of people, just relieve because I can finally get out of this uncomfortable situation.

"I'm sorry nana, it won't happen again, I promise."

"It better, and oh is that your friends! I've never seen you with anyone other than James." Laurens, I think that's his name, tries to reach out his hand, so she can shake it, but I put myself between them before he can do it.

"Ehh you could say... that. Hum, didn't you said mom was worried? we should go!" While we walk away, I hear a bit of what they say.

"He has only one friend?"

"Didn't his nana said that he ran away?"

"What a freak."

What a freak. No one has ever called me that before. Sure many people said I was a brat, a prick, a pretentious bitch. But not a freak! I think my nana notices my change of mood, 'cause she offers me to talk with my mother so I'm no too punished. I directly go to my room and try not to think about it too much by playing video games. I hear mom and nana fighting, even through my headphones.

"It's normal to be in shock after such news!"

"No, you know what, I think we were too lax with him! We need to be more strict so it doesn't happen again!"

Today is definitely the worse day ever.

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