Chapter 37: Simply him

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My whole body hurts. Honestly, what is Washington thinking? It's just practice, but he's so intense about it. Dear God, I feel like I'm gonna faint any minutes now. I really don't feel like walking...

I could take the bus. That's an option... or the subway?

No, no way I'm going in that hell of a transport. If you gave me the choice between eating a raw cat or going on the subway, I would choose the first option without a doubt. 

Okay, then, the bus it is! Plus, there's a stop near the school, so I won't have to get lost trying to find one (which, mind you, would have certainly happened). 

The normally busy streets are calm on this breezy evening. I like it better this way. I feel like I can let my mind slip through the cracks of the real world and explore the unknown, whatever that may be. A peace, not one that's particularly quiet, but nonetheless one that puts its fragrance in the air and makes everyone just a bit more serene. I sit on the bench of the stop mechanically. What a good time to be outside. Not too cold, just enough. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding go. The orange-ish sky reflects on the bus that's coming, and I stand up in a halt. 

I pay for my ticket and walk to the first untaken seat I see. My head presses on my backpack, I think about how I long for my dear bed. I feel like I'm already in it, yet so far away. 

The bus stops again, and someone enters. I close my eyes. I could just rest a little, wouldn't hurt anyone. I think back at my practice. I've gotten better and the boys are starting to, at the very least, get used to my presence on the team. So that's pretty good, I won't have to dread that part of the week anymore. Also, I think I'm gonna start running again. I need it, and it helps me clear my mind. 'Wonder if Wash-

"Youhou! Jeff', is anyone there?"

I jolt my eyes open. "What?"

"I said: Hello, what are you doing here?"

I look at the familiar face. I seem to bump into him so much these days. His pupils look at me expectantly, waiting to see my reaction to his presence. 

I smile at him. I didn't really notice it, but I did. Even in my tired state I still have the energy left for a chat with him. 

"Hi, Ham'. And, I could ask the same question."

"Well, I asked first, but whatever, I live around here, I'm going home. You?"

He puts his head on the window, never quitting fixing me. You'll think I'll feel uncomfortable with the staring, but no, actually, I feel relax under it. 

"Hmm, I also happen to be going home."

"Oh, does that mean you moved here?"

"Yeah, like two stops away."

"Really? Can I walk with you, then? I live a little further, but I'll like to see where you live."


While he talks, I started to notice little detail that I never saw before. The way he ties his hair so lazily, and yet still have a cute style. His hands that move and move with every word as if they had a language of their own. The fact that he's actually very eloquent, the swearing could have told you otherwise, but it's really true. Even the bags under his eyes were shed in a new light, instead of just being part of what I think is his face, they feel like intruders, and I wonder what he would look like with them. He would probably be cuter if that's possible. I feel my cheeks warm, did I really think that? I shrug the thought away, doesn't matter.

We get out at my stop and I show him the way. 

"Do you think aliens exist?" He asks.

"Dunno, probably. I mean, there's so much space out there, so the chance of not having aliens would be weirder, no?"

"I agree, but I don't think they look like what they show in movies."

"Yeah, they could be literally anything."

"I have a hard time wrapping my head on that. Like, they could be forms or colors that are impossible to imagine. It's really fascinating."

"You know what's fascinating?"


"The chance of us existing. Like, we are exactly at the right place, at the right time, in the right condition for us, humans, to live. When you think about it, it's like the biggest coincidence of all!"

"Hmm, it has nothing to do with what you just said but, well, I wonder, would you like to walk to school together, in the morning."

"Huh, yeah, I'll just have to say though, I'm not a morning person so if I'm not outside after a while, knock."

"You better not take too long, I have no patience."

"Okay, captain. Ah, we're here!" 

I look up to the building. It's pretty standard-looking. 

"We'll see each other tomorrow morning, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll see you." I start walking up the stairs. 

"Okay, oh, and jeff'?"



He turns around with a sneaky grin. I watch him until he turns a corner. I then realize where I am and enter the apartment.

I let out a laugh. What a character. He's the only person who could literally say anything, and I'll still be listening like it was the answer to life. It's not my fault! It's just that he makes everything sound so important. Like a secret that no one's supposed to know, but he decides to tell you anyway. Not only that, but he also makes you feel important. He looks at you like he knows you, the real you, without all the artifice, and still listens to every word you have to say. He's just that kind of person. The kind you want to impress. The kind you want to follow. The kind you just want to be with for the mere hoping he might want to be with you too.

It's really not my fault. 

It's just him.

Quicksilver - Jamilton -जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें