chapter 36: smooth move

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"The strawberry tart, for two, please."

"Alright, coming right up." I smiled to the costumers, or at least tried my best to. Tonight's full, which isn't surprising for a Friday night. I wasn't supposed to work today, but a coworker got sick, and I'm trying to get money where I can anyway.

"Alexander, come here a second." My superior waves at me. I hesitantly crawl up to her. "See, tonight we have really important clients, and I'd like you to take good care of them, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

She gives me the menus. "Table seven."

Well, important clients, heh? Maybe That's my opportunity for a good tip? Okay, you really need to put in a good impression, Alex.

I walk up to the seventh table, and stop in front of it. I put up my best and most professional smile.

"Welcome to The Heights restaurant, I hope you'll have a good time." I start to put the menus in front of each of them and met one's eyes.


"Hamilton?" That's a surprised.

"Jefferson?" I was about to ask him what he's doing here, but he sure isn't alone. His father and mom are here, as well as Madison and what I believe is his family. 'Gotta suck it up, this time. "Happy to see you here!" I put my smile back up. "Mister Jefferson, miss Jefferson, glad to have you tonight."

"Oh, I agree!" His mom smiles. "That's a pretty bun you got there." Ugh. I see Jefferson wheeze in the side.

"Thank you."

"I didn't know you worked here, young man." Jefferson's father says.

"Oh, you must be one of Thomas's new friends, am I right?" It's Madison's mom turn.

"Yes. Of course."

"Sir, sir I'd like one more drink!" A client yells close to me. I apologetically glance at Jefferson's table.

"Make me a sign when you're ready to order."

I hurry and take the bottle of wine from the kitchen, I also take on a tray someone's dish. Fill up the glass, take another order, give the dish, take some tips, clean a table. Coming and going. That's probably why I enjoy being a waiter, there's always something to do.

I finally arrive back at Jefferson's table, and I take on all the chatting they want. Perhaps it does make me rush even more, but hey, what wouldn't you do for rich people's tips? Jefferson will most likely make fun of me for being such a "suck up" but it's maybe the last of my concerns right now. And he would never use a term like that, anyway, the guy's a prude.

I chuckle to myself while someone tells me their excruciating precisions on how they want the meal. "Excuse me, are you laughing at me?"

"No, No, my apologies. I just thought of an old joke."

I didn't talk at all to him in the evening, surprisingly. I did, however, caught him a few time looking at me while I worked. I think he did that the whole time, which means he was either very bored, or I'm just super interesting to observe working.

"Addition please!" Oh, it's Jefferson's father. They're ready to leave. I pass them the wireless terminal and the Madison's directly take it.

"It's on us, today." The Jefferson's cheeks take a little shade of pink, but they don't argue. "Also! Very good service, young man."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from Thomas's friend." They give me a relatively good tip, although I would've expect more.

Once they get ready to leave, I give a final glance at them, and Jefferson smirk to me before making a silly face. I wheeze, but since I'm walking I manage to hit something with my foot, and everything on my tray falls off. Good move, Alex. Real smooth.

2 hours later, I finally finish my shift and I wrap up the last cleaning I need to do.

I hop onto a bus, and return to my little apartment. Usually, I'm happy to come back, but there isn't a lot for me to expect, except empty rooms.

I unlock my door and close it after me. "Oh, hello, big guy. I didn't know you were working so late." Ah, maybe not so empty, after all.

"Hello, Catherine." Catherine is my mom's coworker, she comes here once in a while. She leaves some left-overs, and just check in with me. It's better than nothing, I guess? She comes and go like the wind, so I can't rely on her ever, really.

"How was your week? You did great on your exams?"

"I didn't really have any exams, but I did fail a P.E. exercise."

"Tell me about it! P.E. is a pain."

I warm up the left-overs and take them to my room. When I'm back in the living room, there's no one. However, she did leave a little paper on the table.

"I'll come get you at 9 AM tomorrow, we'll go see your mom! You also have someone she'd like you to meet :D

Xxx, Catherine"

Heh? I wonder who that could be? Maybe another one of her friend, who knows.

Catherine isn't mean, she's actually really kind. I know she doesn't have it easy, and yet she always finds time to make sure I'm okay. So I don't know why I just... can't talk with her. It's probably because, unlike everyone, she knows I'm miserable. And she knows why. Who wouldn't be? Miserable, I mean. What else could anyone feel or do with the cards that I've been dealt?

She sees me for who I am, which is a pathetic child who's just trying to get by. She's not bias by the fact that she's my parent, or that she loves me, she just pities me.

People say I'm talkative. They're not wrong, but more often than not I'm talking for the sole reason of not staying in silent. My silence would tell far too much, because who am I if not what I make myself out to be? With my words and tone I put up these barriers that show everyone exactly what they want to see. Or maybe exactly what I want them to see.

I think my barriers are breaking. I don't know exactly when they started to crack, but I know they do. One day, I don't know when, it will shatter and completely fall to pieces, leaving me naked to the world. I don't want this day to ever happen. I don't want anyone to see my like that.

But it's inevitable, isn't it? We'll all break down one day. And we'll be alone against the world when it'll happen.

That's just life.

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