Chapter 13: Interesting conversation

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I hate eating alone. Like, is there something more pathetic looking than someone eating alone? No. I remember at Chilton, I would never be in this situation. Even if James or the others weren't there, there was always people that wanted to be with me. Now, I'm eating alone in the cacophony of a cafeteria. I don't even hear it anymore. My book is the only distraction I have, though I don't want to stain it. If I do, Aaron will literally kill me, It's his. Then again, why should I care? He's a traitor! He left me for some chicks. A girl he met, she's a cheerleader. I don't know her, but he said he wanted to spend some time with this girl. Couldn't he do it after school or something? How selfish. I mean, I'm way better than this girl. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter. 

Suddenly I feel people sitting at my table. They are all talking really loudly as if it was theirs. I'm too in my book to check who it is.

"This table is private, go away." 

"Is that mac and cheese?" My eyes light up at the subject.

"Yes, it's my family recipe. Isn't mac and cheese the best meal ever?" I see who I'm talking with and, yes, it's the revolutionaries. "Huh... It's y'all." Freckle boy takes out his lunch, and it's a salad. I didn't think he was the salad type.

"What does that mean!" I close my book, it's useless, they're not going away.

"Besides the fact I never said you could sit here? Nothing much."

"Well, there's no sign saying we can't, and we did this 'cause you looked sad alone– Ouch!"

Hamilton glares at Laurens. What is he trying to do here? He hates me, he said it to 'ron! It's the reason they're not friends anymore. This Ham' boy is a real mystery, huh.

"What he means is, we just thought you would like company." The other two nods in agreement.

"I am self-sufficient, I need no one but myself. And like, you can't get greater than me!" 

"God, you're arrogant."

"I call it confidence." I do a silly pose and they laugh. Hamilton seems to think of something, I can't tell what, but he weirdly enough seems more light, like something got off his shoulders. Wonder what.

"So, mister Tjeff, what do you like? Other than mac and cheese I mean." 

"Huuuuuuh, I like French food, reading, fashion, football, riding my bike and, I guess, writing?"

"Oh, that's Alex's subject, and when he starts on that, you can't make him stop." 

"Hey, Jonny boy, I can hear you."

"Haha, that's the point ."

"Anyway..." He fake glaring at Laurens. "What do you like writing about?"

"Nothing very interesting, you?"

"Pretty much anything, I'm not really a fiction guy, though." 

"You don't look like one." 

"Okay, well that's just mean! I could write fiction, I just find it too childish and useless."

"How dare you! Have you ever read a novel? Do you find them useless?"

"The only thing it does is entertaining, and that's not very useful."

"What!? No! Of course, it doesn't just do that!"

"Oh? It doesn't?"

"No, it can influence people, change their opinion and point of view! Isn't that pretty neat? And, it can help people get through things by giving them new worlds to explore. Yes, it can also kill time, but not just that! Stories that make you happy, or sad, or angry are the ones that stays with you. From children to grown adults, we can all enjoy the escaping that books give us! You ignorant birdbrain!"

"That is definitely a touchy subject. Now mes amis, you want to know what I heard this morning?"

"Yesss!" While john throws his hand in the air, he knocks Laf's juice box and it goes all over the table.

"Oops, sorry." They start to clean while I lost myself in my head. Is there something I'm missing here? Why am I talking to the guys that made me so angry some days ago? 'Cause they gave me my five back? And why am I enjoying this? That's not supposed to happen! Normally, I just ignore people that hurt me, like what I'm doing with my mom and James, but not with them? I don't even feel angry anymore. Which is weird, I'm the kind to hold a grudge until the end of time, so what piece of the puzzle am I missing! It just doesn't make sense. Do I actually like spending time with them? Why would I? They're not like me, or like any of my friends. So what is it?! What makes them so special I'm making an exception? Like they're loud, gossipers, outgoing, and their relationship is so weird. They don't show they care for each other — they actually do quite the contrary — but somehow, they all know they do? That's not logical. Jame and I bicker sometimes, but our conversations are more on the serious side, same with Aaron.

"Thomas! I'm so sorry I left you..." Talking about him. "Why are they here?" He looks at me, but I'm still spacing out. "Thomas." 

"Huh? What?!"

"Explanation please."

"On what?"

He does a big sigh.

"Never mind." He turns his back on us and walks away.

"Aaron, I really just didn't hear! Come back." I go to chase after him but I'm interrupted.

"Thomas Jefferson is asked in George Washington office." 

"Okay, that's just great. I'm going."

"Okay, good luck Jefferson!" 

"I look back at their table and see Hamilton look down, like he's feeling bad about something. What is it now? I don't have the time to think about it. I rush to the office. It's probably about football.

"General Wash- I mean Mister Washington?" 

"Yes! Thomas, close the door, please."

I close it and go sit on the chair in front of him. 

"You know that I know people call me general Washington? It's fine. I don't mind. Just don't tell them that, okay?"

"Yes, sir." 

"Great. Now, do you know why you're here?"

"Because I didn't give you the paper yet?"

"Yes! What are you waiting for?"

"I just... didn't have the time to tell my parents."

"Find the time, son!"

"Yes, I will."

"Okay, well, before you go, do you have any questions?"

I think about it for a little before finding one.

"What's the cost?"

"Ha! I have all the information here." He gives me a paper and... The heck! How expensive is that? I don't think my parents will say yes but I really want to play...

"Is there a problem?"

"No! It's fine, I'll tell my parents asap!"

"Okay, have a good day Jefferson, and I hope I'll hear from you soon!"

"Yes, good day to you too."

I'm in trouble. I don't know what I should do. Ask my parents? I don't want to talk to them. Certainly not about money. I walk to get to my locker 'cause I don't know where else to go while trying to find a solution. 

I could work, get a job? No, no way I'm working. I like my freedom, so no! I'm not doing this!

... maybe I am?

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