Chapter 16: "My school"

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"Jefferson." The Reynolds finish each other's sentences. It's a little habit they took, kind of creepy but funny if you ask me. 

"Maria! James! Happy to see you too." They exchange a glance as if I said something weird. James sips on his coffee knowing his sister will fill his silence for him.

"We were waiting for you."

He finishes his whole drink at once. "We knew you would come."

"O... kay?"

"We didn't think you would be so slow, though."

"You really took your sweet time, huh." 


"Who are your friends?" Maria points at the guys behind me. Oh, I forgot they were there. Laf' seems to love the drama, Herc' seems on edge, ready to attack at any moment, Laurens looks excited to see a fight and Ham looks distracted. Is he alright? 

"None of your business." I know the siblings, they want to know everything about everyone. They're worse than Laf'! And once they have the info they want, they destroy your reputation. They didn't do that to me because I did something for them, and let's just say they have no choice but to be forever grateful to me. 

"Defensive, huh?"

"Cute! It's so rare to see Thomas caring about anyone that isn't Mady-James."

"He doesn't even care about us!" He throws himself back dramatically on his sister.

"You know that isn't true, and I'm not here for your stupidities."

"We're just messing with you!"


"Stop standing there like idiots and come sit with us!"

The rev' seems to hesitate. Are they afraid of them? They probably heard the rumors. It makes them seem diabolic, which is fair, they are. But– Never mind. They are diabolic. Nothing more.

"Y'all don't need to be intimidated. They may look dangerous, but they're real sweethearts!"

"No!" The two say at the same time. I chuckle and the rev' finally sits.

"So... What happened with James?"

"I always hated that he has the same name as me."

"I agree, it's too confusing."

"And it looks way better on me."

"He doesn't look like a James."

"Maybe more of a..."




The heck are they doing? Why are they talking about his name? 

"Reynolds, I asked you a question."

"Ever wonder what life would be like if questions didn't exist?"

"It would be funny! Like, a guy is lost in a city. He goes to someone, and he can't ask questions, so he just says « I'm lost.  »"

"The other one answers with « You look like it. »"

"And then he says « I'm going to the pizzeria. »"

"« Me too! » He'd say, and they walk to the pizzeria happy!"

"The end!"

"What? Are you trying to mess with me?"

"Of course not!"

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