Flashback Week (Day 7) The Wedding

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"Oh my God! You're getting married Jen!" Yura  hysterically stated looking at her best friend.

Jennie's eyes widened on hearing this.

"C'mon Yura-ah you're scaring her......" Kahi said.

Yura was the bridesmaid of Jennie just like she'd been hers. To Yura, who'd grown up with Jennie, Jen had always struck as someone who was more of a daredevil rather than some delicate darling. But looking at a flushed Jennie who was nervous to the extreme, Yura was surprised.

"Yura-ah I'm scared to death! What if something goes wrong? What if I do something that's wrong?" Jennie asked.

"Don't worry everything will be alright Jen....now since your wedding is exactly three hours away why don't you go and change into your wedding dress?" Yura suggested with a reassuring smile.

Jennie smiled and rushed inside the changing room.

Currently Yura, Kahi, and Nana were at Jennie's place while Suzy and Meiko  were at the Kang Mansion, busy preparing and checking the guestlist.

Kahi and Nana were talking about how nervous they were before their wedding which had taken place some years back.

During their entire conversation, Yura was totally lost in her own thoughts. She was mad at Hanbin. How dare he say stuffs like, "Jagi-ah let's not get divorced" so easily when he was the one who'd brought up the entire divorce thing himself?

She avoided  talking to him since yesterday..... But she knew that she couldn't ignore or avoid him especially today. She was brought back to reality with Jen asking, "Do I look okay?"

Looking at her best friend who was practically looking gorgeous, Yura  replied, "You look stunning...... " As soon as the words left her mouth Yura was back to the previous days events. Hanbin had told her the exact same thing! This couldn't get any more worse than this......she had to stop thinking about it and him......


"Geez Jun-ah calm down...We'll find your watch....." Chi Hoon reassured the groom.

"We better........ or else I swear I can't get married !" Seo Jun seriously replied to which Chi Hoon replied, "Man......are you getting married to your Rolex or Jennie?"


Hanbin sighed in frustration once again......Damn! His bow was not  getting made properly...... The whole time his mind was preoccupied by the previous days events......And the best thing - Yura was not  even talking to him.

"Yaaah Hanbin you've spent about half an hour working on that stupid bow! You're still not ready and we are supposed to be there at the church in less than an hour....this is what happens when you don't give your freaking consent to Readymade bows!" Taehyung scoffed, as he eyed his dishevelled rival.

"Taehyung-ah, Chris is outside, searching for you." A voice sounded as the door to the changing room creaked open.

"Namjoon-ah you finally made it.....Anyways I'm in a hurry so see you later at the church..." Taehyung said as he left the room.

Namjoon was about to leave when he abruptly turned and asked, "Hanbin, right? You need some help with that?"

Hanbin was too stunned to answer.

"Since you're neither answering,nor are you being able to make your bow, I guess I'll help you." Namjoon said and taking the cloth from Hanbin's hand, he started making the bow.

"Gomawo (thanks)" Hanbin muttered.

"It's alright and well here's your bow....." he said, handing over the bow to Hanbin.

As they exited the changing room Namjoon said, "Give my regards to Yura-ah..... " before both headed their separate ways.


"Hoon-ah I can't feel my legs!" Seo Jun dramatically stated.

On hearing this statement, Chi Hoon said with a sigh, "Jun-ah It's like the fifteenth time you've said the same thing to me. Don't worry,everything will turn out to be perfect... "

Seo Jun nodded and was silent for a while. Though he started drumming his long slender fingers against the plane of the grand piano.

Knowing that his friend was nervous beyond repair Chi Hoon stood up from his chair and said, "Jun-ah let's go out for a while to get some fresh air. This way you'll feel a lot better before the wedding."

A few hours later

The gentle music filled the air. Seeing her brother stand there at the altar waiting for her best friend, made Yura remember all the times and the memories she had shared with her brother while growing up.

Kim Jiwon, Jennie's brother, who's be giving her away on this occasion came forward and said, "Well as much as I hate to interrupt you ladies, it is my duty to remind you all that its time...."

The bridesmaids all smiled. Anne gently pushed forward the door of the chapel and entered. Nana in her lilac bridesmaid dress followed by a trail and at last the maid of honour, Yura entered in with the bride and her brother a few steps behind....

The entire room was filled with "Wows" and "Aahs!"

The bride indeed was looking good in her traditional white wedding gown. She hardly wore any make up But her beauty was radiating.

But Hanbin couldn't take his eyes off the lady in the sea green gown....... He smiled as the memories of his own wedding flooded his mind. Suddenly he was broken from his trance because of a loud, hysterical wail.

"Jun-ah! You can't do this..... don't leave me?!" One of Seo Jun's psycho lover cried.Everyone turned around to see her.

Hanbin could see Seo Jun and Jennie exchange awkward glances and mentally thanked God for not letting Niel or Taehyung create a scene during his and Yura's wedding.

Amidst all this, Yura suddenly made her way out of the chapel and re-entered it after a short while. She gave her brother and the others in the altar a quick nod and with that, the priest started his speech.

Before that psycho lover of Seo Jun could start wailing again, two men in black suits walked in and dragged the lady out.

"Freaking banshee" Yura commented with a scowl as she went up to stand next to Hanbin.

"You, not going up there? " Hanbin asked.

"Nope......Jen and oppawanted me to stand beside you.....Guess I'm not the maid of honour for the moment." Yura said with a sigh.

"I disagree with you on this.......You're M-A-D-E of Honour, Yura-ah..... you always were and will be. "

Yura stared at him.

Father Celedon then started up with the vows. Suddenly Hanbin asked, " Yura-ah although we didn't have a traditional church wedding, you do like our island wedding, don't you?"

"Will you keep shut! I need to concentrate on my brother's wedding. " she replied.

"Okay i get it.......but answer me......" he insisted.

She thought for a second then looking at her brother and Jen she said, "Yes I do." with a smile.

Hanbin grinned and said, "Yes I do too...."

It was then that Father Celedon announced, "You may now kiss the bride...."

Before Yura could figure out Hanbin's whole plan, he stooped down and kissed her.....

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