The Flashback Week (Day 3)

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It was his third birthday - He was just a little kid, but he could understand and feel the presence of his father.

His father was supposed to be there, enjoying the birthday party, 5 hours earlier. At the beginning of the party his dad had told him that he'd be there within an hour, but his father never appeared.

Then at around midnight, he heard his bedroom door creek open. Scared to death, the boy was relieved and surprised to receive a bear hug from his father.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier.......But now that I'm here lets go and check out your gift." His father said, carrying the boy on his shoulder.

If he were asked then, the boy would've said that his father's shoulders were the safest and the strongest.

The boy was thrilled on seeing the grand piano placed in the enormous living room - it was his birthday gift from his father.

The scene shifted to his tenth birthday - he was with his friends loitering around the boarding school campus when suddenly he was called to the principal's office.

The moment he stepped inside the office, his eyes immediately spotted his father. His father asked him to come along and they drove to the airport where they boarded his family's private jet and in an hour landed in Incheon Airport.

Once they stepped out of the airport, his father blindfolded him before getting into the white Audi. After a long ride the Audi finally stopped. He and his father got out of the car and his father led him until they finally stopped at a spot.

"Saengil Chukhaey! (Happy Birthday!) Do you like your birthday present?" His father enthusiastically asked, opening the blindfold.

The boy was stunned. His father had gifted him a FREAKING amusement park.

He hugged his father in response. He heard his father chuckle before saying, "Okay now, how about trying out the rides?"

And then finally, the scene shifted to one where all were wearing black. The boy, now thirteen stared at the casket where his father lay.

He was barely two months from his next birthday and the last conversation he had with his father was regarding what gift he wanted for his birthday. And the conversation had taken place just a day ago. At that time the boy couldn't think about his gift for he had everything that a boy who was his age could wish for. A loving family consisting of the coolest parents, great friends, the gadgets and everything.

For heaven's sake he owned 3 five-stars across the continent, an amusement park, a beach house in Florida, a ranch in Texas - and they were all gifts he had received from his father. He'd toured the world twice with his parents and he was the heir to one of the world's richest man.

But suddenly, everything had changed. His father was dead - He died in a terrible car crash.......and for a moment, he thought he'd died as well as he saw his father, the man whom he had loved and idolized to pieces, being laid in a glass casket, wrapped in bandages.

Keeping the attachment the boy had with his dad in their minds, everyone thought that the boy wouldn't be able to handle the loss of his dad. But they were stunned to see the boy not shed a single tear throughout the whole ordeal.

But they could only see his calm exterior - nobody, not even his mother could sense the storm going on inside him. From that day, the teen took responsibility of the entire household. He managed to do well in school as well as take time out for his dad's company which now belonged to him. He grew into a man overnight.

He changed school's when he was fifteen, fell in love at sixteen and married the one he fell in love with at the age of twenty-three. He had been doing well in life, until he learned the most shocking thing in his life.

His invincible hero hadn't died in a car crash - instead he had committed suicide and made it look like a car crash! The boy,now a young man of 25 was crushed. The same evening, he had his first serious argument with his wife. And over the year, their relationship had worsened.

Suddenly all the images flashed across his mind. He saw his dad once again.

"Why did you do it? Why? You made my and mum's life miserable! Why?" He screamed.

His dad smiled and began to fade away......

"NO! Don't leave me again!" He begged as he tried to catch hold of his father......But he was too late his dad had already disappeared........

"Hanbin-ah! Hanbin-ah! Ireona! (Wake up!)" Yura yelled as she slapped Hanbin.

"Hanbin-ah, jebal (please) it's not funny" she choked.

She was relieved when he finally opened his eyes.

"My neck hurts" he complained rubbing his neck with his hand.

"Babo!(Stupid!) Who told you to sleep like this on the desk? Just wait a sec, I have some aspirin with me.......I'll get those for you." she stated, heading towards the drawer. She didn't mention the event that had taken place earlier - the event that had woken her up .

But she stopped when Hanbin caught her wrist. He was still sitting on the chair.

"Hanbin-ah you gotta take some medicine or your pain will get worse......."

"Gomawo (Thank you) Yura-ah....."

Her eyes widened on hearing this.

"Wha.....i mean why?"

Hanbin smiled, his eyes still staring blankly at the space.

"Gomawo (thanks) for being there while I was going through my worst nightmares.......And I'm sorry for waking you up......I'm sure I must have yelled or something......."

Yura laughed on hearing this.

They continued talking for the next two hours about anything and everything.

"Yura-ah I'm feeling sleepy....." he said sleepily

There was no reply. He got worried but once he saw Yura he knew that with her head rested on the desk and her steady breathing she had fallen asleep.

He grinned and muttered to himself, "Calling me stupid when she herself is one! I hope she doesn't wake up with a stiff neck" and tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear. He was about to open his pullover to place it over her when he realized that they were holding hands. Reluctant to let go of her hand, he finally decided against it.

"Call me selfish if you want...... But I love you.........and I'm sorry, but I can't divorce you." He whispered in the dark before drifting off to sleep as he rested his head facing Yura and tightened the grip on her hand......

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