Where There Is A Will...There Is A Way

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"Seriously Meiko did he buy your blunt lie?" Seo Jun asked, before laughing like some lunatic.

"God! Jun-ah how many times can you ask the same question? I mean aren't you tired of listening to the same answer?" Meiko retorted

"I know......its just that Niel.......He isn't somebody who can get tricked so easily..... from my experience he isn't someone who gives up easily." Seo Jun said, getting a little serious.

"Its been like more than 5 years since we last had a talk with him..." Chi Hoon stated

Seo Jun was silent for a moment before replying, "You know what Hoon-ah? People might change but their habits don't change so easily..."

"Enough of talking about that psycho...He must be getting hiccups.....Lets just continue with our own work." Meiko said, finally putting an end to the topic.

Everything was fine until Yura barged into the room, panting heavily.....

"Hanbin......... met with an accident!" she blurted out.

The trio present in the room all looked at Yura with surprise.

"What?" Seo Jun asked, shocked

"Hanbin met with an accident!" she replied, her voice and face devoid of any expression.

Crossing her fingers behind her back, Meiko asked, "Is Hanbin-ah okay?"

Yura didn't reply

"Yura-ah?" Meiko asked again.

"Hanbin..... he's okay.......Hanbin's okay! But HE is not! Yura whispered.

"Yura-ah what exactly happened?" Seo Jun asked

"I.......Hanbin had gone for a drive around the estate when NIEL threw himself at the car and now he's lying at the hospital with several fractures....." Yura muttered.

"Okay.....and where is Hanbin?" Chi Hoon asked

Yura breathed out a heavy sigh before replying, "He's being interrogated by the cops...... they are still waiting for Niel to gain consciousness.

"Meiko & Yura  stay back here while Hoon-ah and I go and check on them both..." Seo Jun suggested.

"No..,I'll come along with you guys" Yura protested.

"But Yura......." before Seo Jun could complete his sentence, Yura interrupted saying, "Jebal! Let me come along."

Seo Jun was shocked to hear Yura using the word 'jebal'...... having no other alternative option Seo Jun looked at Chi Hoon for help.

"Okay Yura..... You can come along but only on one condition." Chi Hoon stated.

"Okay fine, what's the condition?" Yura asked, her voice impatient and anxious

"You are gonna deal with this matter legally no matter what the consequences are......... you are not going to take any brash step against Niel....Okay?" Chi Hoon asked.

Before Yura could protest, Seo Jun stated, " Guys lets go before that maniac can do anything more stupid."

In less than 15 minutes they reached the hospital.

"I seriously thought that Niel was no more of a branded psycho' Chi Hoon absent mindedly remarked.

" I told you... Niel can never be normal......But even I thought that after so many years he might have changed." Seo Jun stated.

"Walk faster......We gotta reach to Niel's room before he regains his consciousness and puts Hanbin in more trouble." Yura stated, shutting both Seo Jun and Chi Hoon up.

In a short while they ended up in Niel's room.

To Yura's utter horror, Niel was sitting up in bed with Hanbin and the cops standing beside his bed.

"Good afternoon" Niel wished with a huge grin.

No one replied and Yura just rolled her eyes at him.

" Well Sir........Hanbin here is not at fault........Niel......I mean Daniel intentionally came on his way....So you can't blame Hanbin for any of this." Yura thundered at the cop.

"Mrs Kim....Mr Daniel has already told me that none of this is Mr Kim's fault. So you can be assured that no action will be taken against your husband..... I guess I'll take my leave then." The cop clarified and left the scene.

At this Niel smiled and said, "Yura Darling.....Don't worry......Your husband's safe because of ME! So I do think you guys owe me...."

"How much?" Yura snapped.

"Oh! Darling I don't want your money.......I want you all to arrange a room for me at YOUR house.............cause I'm gonna stay there for a week and attend Seo Jun's wedding!"

As soon as Daniel completed the sentence, Hanbin punched him hard on the face.

"You know what Niel? That's my wife you're talking to!" Hanbin thundered.

"Oh that means I'll have to call the cops to arrest you for assaulting an injured man" Daniel threatened.

"No......Don't do it.......You......You can stay back for Jun-oppa's wedding......I'll get the room arranged." Yura stated.

On hearing this Niel smiled in victory, Hanbin left the room in irritation, Chi Hoon and Seo Jun sighed while Yura felt helpless.

Saving All My Love For You (Kim Hanbin/B.I Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now