The Flashback Week (Day 4)

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Seo Jun was mercilessly teasing his sister and brother-in-law. Dressed in a loose white T- shirt and a pair of his favourite faded jeans.

"That's not fair hyung! Why is Chi Hoon- hyung your best man? In fact I flew all the way from America here in case you changed your mind!" Taehyung yelled as soon as he entered into the Kang dining room.

All eyes looked at Taehyung, who looked depressed.

"In case you don't know Taehyung-ah , I'm Jun-ah 's best friend. He was the best man at my wedding and its only natural for me to be the best man at his." Chi Hoon explained.

"Can't you have 2 "best men" on your wedding?" Taehyung asked, sounding hopeful

"Then Aiden and me would have somehow adjusted and filled the spot." Ji Yong answered.

Seo Jun sighed and said, " Taehyung-ah why don't you join us for breakfast? I'm confident you'll enjoy it."

Taehyung sulked and took a chair next to Yura. He grabbed a bowl of cereal and was about to start eating when Hanbin, who had gone out to attend an important call, returned and cleared his throat, standing behind HIS chair.

"Good Morning Kim......something got stuck in your throat?" Taehyung asked.

"Good Morning to you too.......can you kindly get out of my chair?" Hanbin retorted and though he used the word 'kindly' his voice was far from polite. It was cold and irritated.

"Why can't you get another place? Its rude to ask a guest to get up and sit somewhere else." Taehyung smugly replied.

Yura could literally see Hanbin clenching his fist.

Before anyone could reply to anything, she got up from her chair and said, "I'm done, excuse me....and Hanbin-ah you can sit here....." and headed towards the living room.

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She was sitting all alone in the huge living room, solving a crossword when out of the blue a voice said, "So Seo Jun was correct.....Everything is not alright between you and it Yura-yah?"

"C'mon Chi Hoon oppa - Hanbin-ah and me are perfectly fine." she immediately replied to Chi Hoon who sat in the couch across hers.

You know what Yura-ah, I've known you and Seo Jun all my life.......and I'm very good at detecting lies."

Yura smiled, "Of course oppa.....But seriously....."

"But seriously what Yura-ah? You can't hide your emotions behind your mask forever .....Seo Jun - he seriously believed you when you told him everything's okay - that you are okay..... But from what I see.............NOTHING, not even you are okay.."

Yura didn't reply.

"I'm not sure about it but.....I guess the rift between you and Hanbin is deep enough to get you both down to this.......act of pretension.........Yura-ah, every couple has their ups and downs...but what keeps their relation going is neither love, nor trust, but the will itself...." Chi Hoon stated.

On hearing this Yura shuddered, " say this so easily......Its easier said than done.....because you've never come to 'this' state.........when......when you don't know whether you even have the will or not...." she managed to say.

Chi Hoon smiled and replied, "Of course you'll say that Yura-yah because you've only seen the bright side of Meiko and my relation.....You wouldn't be saying this if you'd know how we came to be what we are today......"

Yura asked, "What do you mean?"

"You don't know our story.........." Chi Hoon said, exiting the room.


It was the night where Chi Hoon's batch were officially bidden farewell.

Chi Hoon spotted Meiko who was dancing with her group of best friends. They seemed to be enjoying the party.

Suddenly she disappeared inside the crowd and Chi Hoon lost sight of her.

A few minutes later, someone called Chi Hoon from behind.

"Yeah Yong-ah? You require something?" Chi Hoon retorted.

"Have you seen Meiko?" Ji Yong asked.

"Ummmm she was with her friends....Why? I mean is everything alright??" he questioned.

"'s not. But I promise everything will be alright before this farewell ends." Ji Yong muttered, more to himself than to Chi Hoon before disappearing into the crowd.

"Hoon-ah, let's go out for a walk.....I'm feeling stuffy." Seo Jun suggested.

"Sure why not...." Chi Hoon replied.

Unlike other times there was no conversation going on between the two.

"Hey isn't that Meiko?" Seo Jun pointed out as he saw Meiko at a distance.

"Yeah........and Yong-ah." Chi Hoon replied.

To both of their utter surprise, their stoic friend hugged Meiko.

"I don't believe my freaking eyes! Did he just hug her?" Seo Jun remarked, but Chi Hoon was too shocked to answer.

"I just hope that someday she'll come to know the whole truth...." Seo Jun muttered.

"Pardon?" Chi Hoon asked.

"Don't worry Hoon-ah, you'll understand it only when the time comes." Seo Jun replied.

Chi Hoon smiled and both continued with their walk.

After four months everyone had come back to school to collect their results. Everyone except Ji Yong, he never showed up.

Meiko had decided to study sociology at Yale University. After six months Chi Hoon also transferred to Yale and instantly clicked with Meiko.

Ji Yong was practically lost - no one knew about his whereabouts. Chi Hoon hated to admit it, but he could see that Meiko missed him.

"Did you like Ji Yong-ah?" He asked her one day

Meiko took a while to answer, " He was the most annoying person I ever met. But I do miss him and his remarks....."

But the Gods were in his favour......because there was no sign of Ji Yong....

End of Flashback

Yura looked at Hanbin who was busy playing CRICKET (a game that he had never played) with Mino and Seo Jun.

Looking at his bewildered expression when Seo Jun used cricket related terms, which were beyond his understanding, Yura laughed.

Chi Hoon's words echoed in her ears.

Was everything over between them? Or did they still have the will to keep them going without growing apart.......?

Saving All My Love For You (Kim Hanbin/B.I Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now