Chapter 30

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Jaune had spent the last week less than relaxed. Unfortunately for him and Penny they hadn't really had any chances to talk to each other face to face. He knew of course he could simply pick up his scroll and call her, he probably should have. But talking to her about just what they expected to do together in a hotel room was not something he felt like discussing over his scroll, it felt like something that should be talked about face to face.

And so the week passed with his imagination going wild. He couldn't say that he wasn't excited at the possibilities. He couldn't deny that he had thought about it, thought about Penny that way. When she had been modeling clothes for him he couldn't help but appreciate her figure and he wondered why he hadn't thought of her in such a way before. He hadn't bothered to tell anyone, he had wanted to seek advice or some form or at the very least discuss his feelings on the matter but he didn't really know if that would be right. He also wondered if maybe he was drawing conclusions and making himself a fool and telling someone he was expecting to get laid seemed like a good way to make a fool of himself. He also felt that his choices to talk to were limited.

Talking to his team didn't seem right. Nora was already drawing those kinds of conclusions and telling her that Penny had suggested they spend the night together from the comfort of a hotel room would be pouring fuel on an already out of control fire. And Ren, he wasn't sure what he would get out of talking to Ren, he didn't know if he had any kind of experience in this sort of thing whatsoever.

He had decided that whatever was going to happen he would at least come prepared but that had quickly deteriorated. His first thought had been to get condoms but he quickly realized that would probably be pointless since the chances of any happy accidents seem nil. He only wished he realized that before he bought some that would likely expire unused. That did at least ease any worries of anything unexpected happening, unless he was wrong and Penny was far more advanced of a machine than he guessed.

With contraceptives out of the way he had thus drawn a blank on what to do next, he was still going out in his combat clothes with Crocea Mors sheathed at his hip so making sure he was well dressed wasn't a problem. So far the only thing different about tonight compared to his last date was the cologne he had bought for the occasion. Now it felt a little silly, he hadn't really known Penny to but much importance to his scent.

Dating an android certainly was different. Not that he had a lot of experience with regular non mechanical girls to compare to.

He waited outside the movie theater waiting for her. Usually they would meet up and take the bullhead together but she had texted him that there was a robbery that needed her attention so it would probably be best for him to meet her at the theater and get the tickets. She could finish up her job and fly to and back from Atlas on her own faster than any bullhead.

He had purchased their tickets and currently waited on a bench outside trying to distract himself with dumb scroll games while he waited for her. The little dumb games about sweets or enranged avians did little to take his mind away from his imagination spinning out of control despite his attempts. He wanted to relax for this, be chill and not get himself anxious but it was impossible, it was all he could think about.

The dull familiar roar of jet boots pulled his fragile attention away from his scroll. He smiled seeing her touch down and smile his way. "Hey honey," she greeted him stepping close.

"Hey babe," he said standing up and approaching her. He greeted her with a kiss taking her hands in his. She wasn't dressed differently, she was still wearing her green and white combat dress and her black choker. But a week of an active imagination had apparently had an effect on him. He noticed things, things he hadn't given much thought to previously, he stole a glance towards her legs noticing the exposed patch of flesh on her thigh between her boots and the hem of her skirt. The way her blouse and suspenders framed her bust. He blinked and forced himself to look away awkwardly.

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