Chapter Six

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2nd Person POV

You guys were called to dinner and you realize that as of recent you actually enjoyed eating with people you consider family.

"Y/N, Honey, I saw Toby's stream, I'm so happy I'm your favorite woman," Maria says with a smile. You blush in embarrassment before looking down at your plate and continue eating. 

Later that night, you, Tommy, and Tubbo watch a movie. You were sat in between Tommy and Tubbo. About halfway through the movie, you fell asleep on Toby's shoulder, but he got up to get water, your head swayed onto Tommy's shoulder.

Tommy's POV

Y/N rests her head on my shoulder. I blush down looking at the beautiful girl. I think back to earlier at the beach.

Y/N had just dunked me under the water, wanting to get revenge, I pulled her down with me. I don't know why both our eyes were open, but they were. I stared deeply into her dark eyes. She was beautiful, her hair floating around her. I don't know what it was, but I couldn't look away until she looked up and started swimming up towards the surface, broken from my trance (music for racing game), I followed her up towards the surface. Those couple of seconds felt like it lasted forever.

Tubbo came back to the couch and took a seat.

"Don't think about it please," Tubbo says, looking at Y/N and me.

"What you mean, Big T?"

"She's been hurt by those close to her and I can see the way you look at her," Tubbo sighs.

"I don't like her like that," I defend, scrunching my nose.

"Whatever Big man, just please," Tubbo says, turning down the film a bit.

"I hear ya, Big T," I say, looking away from Y/N and back towards the telly.

There's no way I like Y/N. She's Tubbo's cousin, I wouldn't be able to do that to him, would I?

After the film finished, Tubbo goes to shake Y/N awake, but I stop him. "I can take her to her room," I say, grabbing his hand before he could shake her awake. 

He raises an eyebrow at me and I shrug before picking her up, her hand falling on my chest and the other falling limply next to me. I bring Y/N up to her room and place her on her bed. She shifts a bit and mutters. Her eyes open slightly as her back touches the bed. "Toms?" She mutters looking up at me. I look down at her, eye wide, face flushed.

"Good night, Y/N," I say, kissing the crown of her head.

"Stay with me?" She mutters, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Tubbo won't be happy, neither would your aunt or uncle," I mutter back.

"Please?" she whispers, looking up through her eyelashes. I feel my face flush brighter. "You look adorable when you blush."

Tommy fought the urge to shout, letting the comment slide with a smile. "I'll stay with you."

"Thank you, Toms," she mutters, scooching over to the other side of the bed. Y/N snuggled into my chest and I couldn't move, in fear of waking her up. I was shocked, maybe I do like her. I couldn't do that to Tubbo, I shouldn't do that to Tubbo, but maybe I couldn't stop myself.

The next morning, I wake to the bright sun. Y/N is still asleep in my arms. I get out of bed and check my phone. 5:30. It was early enough that people wouldn't be awake yet, I head to the guest room where I was supposed to be sleeping the night before. I quickly change out of my clothes and put on sleepwear and got back into bed, wanting to sleep some more before I meet up with Wilbur.

I wake up again around 9 am, I get changed and head downstairs to eat breakfast with the Smiths. I couldn't help but be drawn to Y/N while she was happily talking with her family. While moving her hands it was close enough to Tubbo that his face caught my eye. It was an 'I told you so look' and I knew that I was utterly and completely fucked.

After eating, there wasn't much time left for me to stay there, fatherinnit was going to pick me up so I can meet up with Wilbur and a couple of other people. I got changed and packed my stuff and my father was there. I say goodbye to Tubbo, the Tubblings, and Y/N.

I wish I could hug her but when I tried to hug her, she flinched. Her eyes widen as my face flashes with hurt. "I'm sorry," she mutters before going in for a hug. I hate that she flinched but it's all made up by the warmth of the hug. I smile and look down at the shorter girl, who was now blushing before I wave goodbye and head to the car.

We drive the half an hour to Brighton and I meet up with Wil.

"Hi, child," Wilbur says, opening the door. I wave bye to my father before turning back to Wil.

"Fuck off, won't ya?" I ask with a smile, the words holding no malice. He pulls me into a hug and lets me into the house. Phil and Kristen sat on the couch, he had an arm around his wife, they were watching Dr. Phil. I enter the living room and sat on the couch beside Phil. "Hey, Phil."

"Aye, Tommy, good to see you," Phil said, lifting his hand closest to me and ruffling my hair. I was in a great mood so I didn't bother screaming about him messing with my hair.

"Come on now, we're going out," Wil says, walking into the living room. I get up, I was really excited to go to the arcade. 

It wasn't much of a walk so we all chatted and I vlogged a bit. When we got to the arcade we played some games. I looked up from one of the games and saw a couple. I don't know what it is about them but the long dark hair reminded me of Y/N, I could help but stare. Maybe I could have that one day.

"Child," Wilbur says, touching my shoulder, breaking me out of my trance(music for racing game).

"What's up?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunched.

"You were just staring at that couple."

"It just reminds me of someone I know," I sigh.


"Y/N," Tommy sighs. We walk to a nearby table.

"Tubbo's cousin?"

"Yeah Tubbo's cousin," I run a hand through my hair with a sigh I admit. "She's so nice, funny, and pretty. I can't help but be drawn to her. Apparently, she's been hurt by people before in the past and Tubbo is really protective of her."

"You like her?"

"Ya, Wil, I like her, I like her a lot," I sigh, putting my head on the table. Phil and Kristen walk over holding hands.

"What's up with him?" Kristen asks, taking a seat beside me with Phil taking a seat on the other side of me.

"He has feelings for Tubbo's cousin, Y/N," Wilbur says, I look up, betrayed.

"That's alright just talk to her about it," Phil says, folding up his tickets before handing them to me.

"Tubbo's protective of her," I mutter, putting the ticket with the rest of them.

"Well you're his best friend, talk to him," Kristen says, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You're right," I mutter, I sit up with a smile on my face. "Sorry for being serious, let's have some fun," I say, standing up from the table, the others look at me worriedly before joining me to play more games. 

At the end of the day, I get two vlog guns and a yoyo. I took Wil's wallet and got to his office with Bavid who had joined us for dinner. I go live from his computer, not meaning to go live from Wilbur's account, but it happens. I laugh and banter with Wil. (We've all seen the clip imma tired and ya know lazy).

As I said bye to Wil and my other friend my thoughts couldn't help but be drawn back to Y/N. I can't understand it, did I really want to though?


[1,409 words]

A/N gave you guys a bit longer of a chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed. 

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