Chapter Eight

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Tommy's POV

When Tubbo had told me that we had to put off the stream a bit because Y/N was doing homework with a guy named Oliver. It took a minute to comprehend what he was telling me. She was hanging out with a guy, I had this weird feeling in my stomach, I didn't know what it was. It made me want to just grab her away and maybe push Oliver, I didn't really know.

I called Y/N after I hung up with Tubbo. She sounded happy when she picked up, but my momentary happiness was interrupted by a smooth voice asking her something. It filled my stomach with a pit of rage. She took my call outside her room and I felt a bit happier, happy to have her full attention. Our conversation was over quickly, she had hung up with a promise to play Among Us with me and my friends.

When she joined the call, for the first time I was drowned out by other people. I kinda wanted to hang out with her but other people held her attention, I felt pouty, I just wanted her attention. Chat called me Poutyinnit and I criticized the Chat for their lack of originality. 

Later when I followed her around a bit people were saying things like 'Tommy woman pog' 'Awwww's' and hearts. I ignored them choosing to focus on the pog champs.

"Oh come on Chat, full caps pog," I say with a smile as the pogchamps start flying by.

I'm disappointed when Y/N says she's going to be getting off. I continue to play though, I don't need to be called out for getting off at the same time as her. I only played a couple more games and when Tubbo decides to get off, I decide to get off as well, ending the stream. I sigh letting thoughts run over me for a couple of minutes before ringing Y/N on discord.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep after we started our FaceTime, I look at her, actually being able to study her face. She had a cute nose, long eyelashes, and cute plush lips.

God I'm a fucking weirdo...

I stand up and do my nightly routine. I left Y/N on FaceTime in my room. When I came back she's still asleep, not wanting to wake her up, I fell asleep listening to her adorable snoring. I smile as I drift off to sleep. It was the best sleep I had gotten in a while and honestly, it was probably because of Y/N.

I wake up the next morning to see my phone dead, I groan and throw it on the charger hoping it will be charged enough to last the school day. I quickly get changed and run downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, I finish getting ready for school, I run back up the stairs and into my room to see my phone at 48%, I decided it wouldn't get much higher before I left so I grabbed it off the charger and run to the bus stop.

I sit in silence, listening to Spotify on my phone, and just vibe until a girl I recognized got on. I rolled my eyes and got ready for the stupid flirty remarks. (im sitting watching the stream where Ranboo got over 18k subs pog and honestly, he deserves every second of it). I decide to ignore her and continue listening to my music. She talks to me, touching my shoulder every once in a while, trying to get my attention or to get me to react. I brush past her and get off the bus.

That night I got home and start streaming, excited to do the 'You Laugh You Lose', I'm super hyped because Y/N promised to watch the stream. I start stream a bit early and shoot Y/N a text letting her know that I'm starting stream. She sends you back a smiley face and I go to VIP her in chat while I wait for the notifications to go out, but I realize that I don't actually know her twitch, so I just have to hope that she's in chat.

It doesn't take long for the viewers to start rolling in and along with viewers came the media shares. It also didn't take long for some good memes to come in, there was the awful Jump in the Cadillac video, and more surprisingly, Y/N and I edits. Near the end of the stream I got a FaceTime from Y/N.

"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" I say, showing the screen to Chat. She gives a wave before I turn my screen back to myself, I wanted to see her.

"I just called to let you know that your stream is... interesting to say the least," Y/N says with a giggle. I look at Chat to see their reaction to Y/N.

"Yes, Chat she actually watched one of my streams," I say, doing the pog face.

"Only cause you asked," Y/N admits with an eye roll.

"You're lying," I say, I can feel my face flushing in embarrassment.

"You're adorable when you blush," Y/N mutters in the phone, barely audible but I still heard it and the mic picked it up. My face flushed a bright red at her words. More 'Awwws', hearts, and 'Y/N x Tommy'.

"Good job, Y/N, farming awws now," I say before muting myself. "No I'm not red, you're all just blind." I look over at the time and realize it's a bit late and I want to be able to talk with Y/N a bit before bed, so with a clap I say, "Okayyy Chat, that's where we're going to be ending stream for today. Remember to follow and sub with twitch prime, and I hate saying this but streams have not been daily so make sure to turn on the notifications so you know when I'm going live next, ya know I've been into the 'Tube recently. We're going to be raiding Wilbur, I'm pretty sure he's going to be playing some Geo Guesser. Bye, Chat," I say, pressing end stream button with salute.

I unmute myself on Facetime, she's not looking at me, she's looking down at a paper writing some things down every thirty-ish seconds.

She looks up with a smirk. "Take a picture, it'll last longer, Toms." I blush before looking away from the screen and her, when she looked back down I took a screenshot. Later when she looked back up she smirked. "You know, you've been blushing a lot recently, if ya keep looking at me like that people are gonna think you like me."

"YOU'RE STUPID, YOU'RE STUPID!" I shout, she flinches at the sound. "Sorry, I'm just messing around."

"I know Toms, you shouting shocked me, by the way, would you jump in the Cadillac with me," Y/N smirks, looking up from her work. The question shocked me.

"Are you asking me out?" I ask in disbelief.

"No, Tommy, I'm messing with you because that stream was the first time I saw your cringe video," Y/N says, a slight blush to her cheeks, catching me off guard.


[1,212 Words]

A/N hope you like the Tommy content

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