Chapter Nineteen

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2nd Person POV

Once you had said goodbye to Tommy and sent him on his way back home, you get started on your homework and tidying up your room. Before you know it, you're getting a notification for Tommy's stream. You hop on the server and prepare yourself for the lore. You already had an idea of what was supposed to happen to progress the plot, but not enough to make the lore feel less authentic.

As soon as you get on you rush off to the Holy Lands for the meeting. As you are Tommy's probation officer of sorts you have to be present. You join vc as you enter the meeting hall, Dream being the only one present at the moment.

"Dream," you nod, taking a seat to the right of him.

"Y/N," he nods back before going back to idly spinning his sword.

"When's the clown squad getting here?" he asks, looking up from his sword.

"I don't know si-, Dream."

"Did Tommy do well?"

"We'll discuss in the meeting," you say, looking over the door waiting for your friends' familiar faces to appear in the doorway. A minute of silence later, Toby and the L'manburgian cabinet appeared in the meeting hall with Tommy in tow.

"Dream, Y/N," Toby greets, taking his seat at the head of the other side of the table.

You nod and let the meeting begin only responding and adding your input when someone talked directly to you. You shake your head in disbelief and disappointment when Tommy gets all big in the head and tries to threaten the green boy. When Tommy confidently leads the cabinet and Dream to the walls of L'manburg you trail the group around 20 blocks behind. You watch as Tommy's plan falls apart and Dream reveals he does not give a fuck about his dead horse, who died ages ago.

"Three days, he's exiled or there's not leaving the walls, no armor, weapons, or trading. I will hire Sapnap and Punz to guard the entrance day and night. I will build it to the walls to the height limits, I have the resources because L'manburg can be independent, but it can't have it's freedom," Dream threatens, practically screaming at this point. "Three days." He finishes, leaving the vc.

You follow him out of the vc as he starts building the wall higher.


"You'll keep an eye on him, right?" he asks, not stopping the placement of blocks.

"Of course," you agree before joining back to the vc with everyone else.

"In court, Tommy said it was just him when there was proof that I was a part of it," Ranboo admits.

"That's true," you mutter.

"You know?" Toby asks, looking away from Tommy.

"I mean it was quite obvious, sorry, Ran," you say, a sympathetic smile, spreading across your face.

"It's fine. I would say he's far from selfish."

"Are you going to be exiling me?" Tommy asks, tearing his eyes away from you and Ranboo.

"Do I really have a choice?" Toby asks, looking Tommy dead in the eyes.

"Just remember, Tubbo, if I can't be the next Wilbur, you can't be Jschlatt," Tommy says, confidently.

You sigh and let the scene play out before you, with Tommy's ultimatum and lack of options, the cabinet was stressing and rushing to try and find a resolution.

Tubbo's Cousin~ Tommy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now