Chapter Eleven

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Tommy's POV

I hadn't been speaking with Y/N since Oliver told me about their relationship. It annoyed me that she didn't tell me and I had to hear it from that bastard but now I just don't want to know the truth, maybe it was to try and keep the rest of my heart from being broken.

Beta male

lmk when the lore stream is set

im ready when u are

It had been two days since I had sent that text and it had been a week since I had streamed. I was getting ready to start so I let out a sigh of contentment.

That day I start my stream with a smile and a coke. It felt really good to be streaming it felt l could forget my girl problems for a bit.

Fuck that's such a cringe statement, makes me sound like I'm still in intermediate school. But for now, I have to focus.

"Sup chat!" I shout with a clap. "Today we will be preparing for the taking back of L'manburg. Yes, L'manburg." I say, putting emphasis on the L'. I do some light lore with Tubbo, Wilbur, and Techno. We're all super excited tomorrow it's gonna be awesome, more awesome than chat could even guess.

After an hour and a half stream, I end stream and send them over to Tubbo because he was going to be streaming a bit longer doing more prep for the big day. 

When I get off, I look over at my phone and see a text from her. She sent it about halfway through my stream, for a minute I considered not opening the text at all but the heart wants what it wants and I can't fault her for that. I also should try to continue being friends with her because that's what we were original, friends, just friends. (play close attention to the next section -specifically the name)



i understand u need time

i thought id let u know that im

here for u if ya need it


2nd Person POV

After a week of not talking to you, all he says is thanks, What a prick. You had wanted to text him to talk about your part in the lore but since he wasn't in a talking mood, you decided to lie down and FaceTime Oliver. 

No matter how much you wanted to talk to Tommy, you knew he wouldn't pick up, but you also knew you haven't slept the best since you stopped your nightly FaceTime calls with Tommy. You thought maybe you missed the sounds of someone falling asleep beside you, you hoped it was just that and not something deeper. Even though deep down inside you knew it was bull shit, you knew that it was him.

When you called Oliver, he picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, you" he smirks to his phone. He's laying down in his bed with just light in the distance making it so you could see his face.

"Hey, Ollie."

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to fall asleep with someone," you flushed, you're kinda embarrassed that you missed him that bad that you were willing to call your friend to fall asleep to.

"Oh cool, I would love to fall asleep on a call with the most beautiful girl I know," Oliver smirks.

"Haha yeah," you say, letting out an awkward giggle. 

You turn off your light and copy him by laying in your own bed. It was harder than you thought to fall asleep, after a while, you felt awkward and decided to just close your eyes. You hope he falls asleep so you can hang up without it being too much more awkward than it already was. It had just after five minutes of you pretending to be asleep when you heard the well-known click of a screenshot.

What the fuck..?

Luckily your battery was lower than you thought because only just forty-five minutes into the FaceTime, your phone died. You let a sigh of relief and decided to stick to a white noise app because you definitely weren't desperate enough to fall asleep to one of his videos to just hear his voice, you weren't.

Maybe just this once you thought to yourself as you pulled up a video. (god you guys desperate).

You fell fast asleep.

When you woke up the next morning it was to Toby knocking on your door, starting your day.

"Y/N," he says drawing out the last half of your name. You stumble out of bed rubbing your eyes, you yawn as you open the door. He looks pissed, more pissed than you had ever seen him.

"I just got a text from Tommy," he says, pushing your door open so he could come in.

"Congratulations," you say, taking a seat on your bed, you sit criss-cross apple sauce (if ya don't know what it is look it up and reevaluate your childhood.)

"This isn't a joking matter," he says, sitting down on your desk chair.

"Whatever it is, he's probably being dramatic about it," You say, rolling your eyes. You fiddle with the hair tie that sat comfortably on your wrist. (it was the type that was perfectly stretched out).

He grabs out his phone and showed you a screenshot from Toms. It was a tweet from Oliver's account.


@tommyinnit bet you wish you were me

:Image: attached:

"That's me," you say, your eyebrows scrunched. It was a picture of you from last night. Oliver must have taken a fucking permission.

Fuck that's what that sound was...

"Yeah well he's been a prick to me, ignoring me and shit," you say, standing up. "Now please get out I have school."

He takes a deep breath and pulls you into a hug, you tense up before hugging him back. "I'm sorry, I just don't want my best friend or my younger sister to get hurt," (no they're not actually siblings they just feel like it).

"Thank you, Toby," you say, taking a step back from him. "Am I still needed for lore tonight?"

"Yeah, just remember it's all acting," Toby says as he leaves you to get ready for school. As normal you do your routine before running upstairs and grabbing your skateboard. As you're about to leave the house Toby is by the door with a too-big smile and a set of keys.

"Wanna help me make my crash rate 50%?"

"You're asking me if I want to die?" You ask, leaning your board up against the wall.

"What no!" he responds feigning hurt and disbelief.

"I fear nothing," you say as you brush past him. He lets out an excited call as he follows out the door. "Can we stop for donuts?"

"Yeah I forgot breakfast," you say, buckling.


"A literal child."

You guys eat your donuts and as you're pulling up to school you're finishing off your breakfast. Some people stare at you as you get out once you realize that Toby had rolled down his window and was waving at you. You roll your eyes as you throw out your garbage from breakfast before heading into school.


[Words 1196] 

This is sponsor by complaints by the author's sister that lead to this...

Not me forgetting to change the name again lol

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