Chapter Fifteen

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2nd Person POV

It's been a week since you talked to Tommy, you've spent a bunch of time collecting materials on the server. You've also been hanging out with Oliver, he's really sweet, and you've spent even more time avoiding Delilah. The day after the lore she bombarded you with a seemingly endless amount of questions and you really didn't want to deal with that.

It's once again calm on the server, you're sitting on the server and in vc while collecting materials and just relaxing. You jumped when you heard someone join your vc, you hadn't expected to talk to anyone today.

"Hello?" you ask, sitting up straight.

"Hi, saw you were sitting in here alone and I was wondering if you could give me a tour?" the guy asks, you knew more people joined at the beginning of an arc but you didn't recognize his voice.

"Ummm... sure, but first, this is awkward but who are you?" you ask, mining up from where you had been collecting materials.

"Hi, I'm Ranboo, I'm new and I'm streaming by the way," he says as you approach spawn. You climb up the wall and realize Dream is there.

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're about to die," you say, looking down on the pair from the top of the wall.

"What do you mean?"

<Ranboo was slain by Dream using [Nightmare]>


"It's kinda his thing," you say, almost falling off the wall while you're trying to contain your laughter. You start to calm down when you hear the telltale sound that someone joined your vc.

<Tommyinnit joined the game>

Your heart starts beating a bit faster.

"Are you older than me?" Tommy asks, appearing beside your character.

"I can not answer," he answers, struggling to get away from Dream.

<Ranboo was burnt to a crisp while trying to escape Dream using [Nightmare]>

"Run to the Holy Lands, that's your best bet," you recommend, opening a hole in the wall for him to escape from. Your character gets pushed forward as Dream hits you.

<HoneyBee_> piss boy

<Tommyinnit> bitch boy

<Dream> people die to me first

"Conor! DOn't shoot me!" Ranboo screams as you assume he runs down the prime path towards the Holy Lands.

"So Ranboo are you born before or after April 9, 2004?" Tommy asks, jumping off the wall to follow Ranboo to the Holy Lands. You turn to Dream and toss him the blocks before heading out the hole you made in the wall. You throw a couple of ender pearls, getting to the Holy Lands before Tommy.

<Dream has left the game>

"Before that."

"So I'm older than you," Tommy snickers, a smirk evident in his voice.

"No, that me-" you say before you realize he's already gone. You shake your head and lead Ranboo to your house.

Not even two minutes after Tommy left he was back and with Toby this time. "Tubbo told me that it means I'm actually younger than you," Tommy sighs.

"I mean that is how dates work," you snicker, handing Ranboo some old armor of yours.

"Hey, at least I'm not the youngest," Tommy says, making a jab at you.

"At least, I'm not the shortest," you shrug, leading Ranboo from your house.

"Hey, what did I do?" Toby asks.

"Nothing, Tommy's just in a mood because he's not older than Ran," you explain. "By the way, Toby, this is Ranboo he's new to the server, Ranboo, this is my cousin Toby, literally everyone besides me calls him Tubbo though, he's the current president of New L'manburg.

"Hi, Ranboo."

"Hello, Tubbo."

"At least I'm not American," Tommy mutters.

"Hey! I already told you that I'm Canadian."

"That was probably aimed at me, I'm American."

After a while Tommy ends his stream, sending his viewers over to Toby, you guys meet Toby along the tour. You realize that he and Ran are becoming fast friends. 

During the tour, you guys find a baby zombie pigman that was riding on a chicken, they decide to name the baby Micheal and then they name the chicken, Micheal's Chicken. They promised that they would build a home and adopt him at some point.

After a while, Toby ended his stream, sending his viewers over to Ranboo.

You guys sat on the top of the tower in the Holy Land watching the sunset of the Dream SMP.

"Thanks, guys, this was really cool," Ranboo says, leaning back.

"Ya you're pretty cool," you say, sitting forward.

"I...ummm Thank you," he stutters out.

You all just sit in silence until Toby gets off to start editing his video.

"I'm going to deafen a minute, I want to say goodbye to chat," Ranboo says, you nod your head in acknowledgment. After a bit he undeafens and you guys sit in a comfortable silence as the last bit of natural light fades of the horizon.

"So your character is quite tall in game," you point out.

"Ya I guess I am," he chuckles.

"How tall are you?"


"Damn," you say, leaning back. "Hit your head much?"

"More than I'd like to admit," he chuckles.

"Got any thoughts on what you want to do for lore?"

"I haven't thought too much into more like I'll let it begin whenever," Ranboo explains. "But I think it might be starting soon, Tommy dm'd me at the end of his stream and asked me if I wanted to do things with him soon."

"That should be fun," you mutter.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just realized I have homework to do," you say, standing up, you want to log off in your house. He's up before you though, he grabbed your wrist.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's not you, I'm not really on speaking terms with Tommy right now that's all," you mutter, letting the arm he was holding hang loosely.

"What happened?"

"He just stopped talking to me, and I... I don't know why, and it hurts cuz I have to act like everything is fine for stream," you say, letting a couple of tears fall. "I miss my best friend, ya know?"

"Understandable," he says, pulling your character into a hug.

"I do have homework to do though," you say, letting out a small giggle, backing away from the tall teen.

"I probably do as well, I haven't checked but school," he shrugs.

"Bye, have a good night," you say, rushing to your home before you log off for the night to do your homework.


[Words 1,094]

For the next chapter, would you like to have it longer but out later or shorter and earlier.

Also, what's going on with you and Ranboo? how are you going to fix your "friendship" with Tommy? Wonder what materials you're collecting and who you're collecting them for.

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