Chapter 6

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Stage fighting-Part 1

Jaedda, Cat and Andre walk towards their morning class and see Tori struggling to put an instrument into her locker. Jaedda attempts to walk past her completely when Cat tugs her back.

"I'm having a horn problem" Tori complains. Jaedda reframes from rolling her eyes, she is trying to be more nice towards the brunette for Andre's sake. "Why do I have to play an instrument anyway?"

"Everyone at Hollywood Arts has to play an instrument," Cat explains.

"Okay, well, I sing. My throat is my instrument,I'm a throat player" Tori retaliates.

Jaedda bits the inside of her cheek to stop herself from saying something cruel to the teen.

"Doesn't count and it sounds gross" Andre replies.

"Why did you pick the french horn?" Jaedda asks deciding to join the conversation.

"I don't know, I like french fries, french toast-" Tori was cut off by Cat.

"One time, when I was eating french toast at a restaurant, I started laughing and then I started choking," the red head says. The three give the girl concerned looks.

Cat ignores them and keeps smiling, "So let's hear your horn"

"Yeah, play that funky music, white girl," Andre encourages.

"You know, I'm half latina"

'Ok but you are still white' Jaedda thinks to herself.

"Then hit it Muchacha"

Tori raises the horn to her mouth and blows into it. A horrible broken sound escaped from it.

"I think it's broken," Tori justifies.

"Here, let me fix it" Andre says reaching for the french horn. He takes a few steps away from the locker and plays the horn. A beautiful sound escapes it and heads turn towards him. Jaedda claps for her best-friend and catches Tori rolling her eyes.

Cat turns her head torwards Tori. "It's not broken" Jaedda laughs loudly as she starts to dance to the tune. A crowd begins to form, they watch Jaedda dance and twirl as Andre plays the instrument. Another African-American joins in playing his keyboard. The hallway is filled with good vibes and smiles as Tori huffs and stomps away.

Jaedda watches intensely as Beck and Russ stage fight. Tori walks into the room and sees them fighting.

"Hey, Hey you guys!" the brunette shouts. "Leave him alone!" Tori takes off her bag and runs at Russ, jumping on his back. Jaedda laughs loudly, having to hold her stomach as her core starts to hurt.

"Get off of me! Who is this chick?" Russ asks trying to get Tori off of him.

Andre, Beck and some teacher get Tori off of Russ's back and calm her down. Jaedda has to wipe away tears from how hard she is laughing. She finishes laughing and walks until she is standing next to Jade.

"What are you doing?" the teacher asks Tori.

"That guy was beating up Beck!" Tori exclaims moving hair out of her face.

"Oh you poor thing," Jade says sarcastically.

"We were practicing." Beck says.

"This is Russ, he is a professional stuntman. Thanks to Ms.Williams and her connections, we were able to get him to join us to teach us about stage fighting," the teacher explains to Tori.

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