Chapter 14

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Jaedda walks into the studio parking lot as she leaves her audition. The producers said that they'll contact her agent later in the week but she is pretty confident that she got the role. She types in Sikowitz's address into her GPS and starts her car.

Before she drives off she is sent a photo by Cat, a selfie of her in her costume.

'You look amazing as always. Love the hair Red' she texts back.

'How was the audition?' Jaedda reads after the three typing dots disappear.

'It went well. I'll tell you all about it later. Right now, I'm heading to Sikowits'. Do you need anything?'

The three dots appear, disappear and reappear again.

'A puppy' Cat responded. Jaedda assumed she was joking but something told her that she wasn't. Jaedda puts her car in drive and heads off to the nearest pet store.

After flashing her name and a few hundred under-the-table bucks, Jaedda left the pet store with a new puppy, toys, leashes, collars, shampoo, a cage, and a carrier.

Surprisingly, Jaedda was only an hour and a half late to Sikowitz's house. She knocks on the front door with the new puppy in one arm and his toy bag in the other. The door is opened by Sikowitz himself.

"Jaedda, welcome to my home," Sikowitz says leading her inside. The apartment was bigger than Jaedda expected as he lives off a teacher's salary and lives in Los Angeles but that wasn't her business.

"Nice place you got here" Jaedda compliments looking around. It described Sikowitz perfectly and matched his style.

"Thank you Thank you. Who is this little guy?" Sikowitz asks noticing the puppy. Jaedda pets the puppy before answering.

"Cat said a puppy when I asked if she needed anything so I went and got one"

"It is no wonder that redheaded girl has a crush on you," Sikowitz says.

Jaedda processes his words "What do you mean-" she started to say but Sikowitz had already walked off. Jaedda raises an eyebrow but shrugs it off. She hangs her jacket up on a coat rack and walks up to Cat.

"Hey Red, I got you the puppy. Hope it's one you want you weren't really specific," she says approaching the girl. Cat looks up and immediately gasps at the sight of the puppy thinking it was adorable but she quickly gets back into character.

She grabs her microphone and speaks into it, "That puppy is so cute that the pup-arrazi will be fighting to get his photo"

Jaedda had to stop herself from laughing at the corny joke.

Jaedda looks around and notices that Robbie is missing. "Where's Robbie?"

"Oh, he had to leave because he broke character"

"Thank you Officer-Kiss-A-Lot" Jaedda says annoyed at Tori's loud voice.

"You're welcome. Do you want some raisin bran?" Tori says shaking the box in the girl's face.

"No thank you," Jaedda says looking at the open box in disgust. Tori doesn't reply and pours Raisin Bran into her hand and eats it, crunching loudly.

"Hey Jaedda," Andre pants as he pretends to be a pregnant person, "can you be a doll and get me some water?"

"Sure. Anything for my new godson" Jaedda says standing up from her seat on the couch.

"I'm having a boy! Oh, that's great!" Andre says immediately groaning pretending the baby kicked him. Jaedda walks into the kitchen and greets Jade with a small hug and Beck with a nod. She grabs the water for Andre and goes and hands it to him. Jaedda and Cat talk about what the name of the new puppy will be with Cat still making annoying commentary as her comedian role.

Tori walks up to Beck who is looking at a statue, "I'll need to see license and registration"

"Oh, sorry there, constable. I don't own a motorcar and therefore have no such documents in me trouser pockets" Beck replies grabbing Tori's chin and moving it while having his arm wrapped around her waist holding her close.

"Why don't you stop invading my personal space and enjoy some raisin bran?" Tori replies but doesn't do anything else to back herself away from Beck. Jaedda looks over and sees Jade who motions her over to where she stood. Jaedda gets up and walks over to Jade who listens to Beck and Tori's conversation.

"I'm game, so why don't you pop a dabble in my mouth?" Beck says in response. Tori shakes her box, pours some in her mouth, and shoves the cereal into his awaiting mouth.

"Well!" Jade says with her hands on her hips. "Aren't you two having a fun time eatin' raisin bran together?" she says in her southern accent.

"Well its-"

"Just be careful now, Mister British man. Cause who knows what terrible things will happen to you if that continues?" Jade threatens walking up to the pair in slow steps.

"Hey Sikowitz? How much trouble would you give me if I beat up two students in your house?" Jaedda calls out. Sikowitz heads pops from the kitchen.

"Considering we aren't on school grounds and I'm off duty. I say none. You will be charged for whatever you break though"

"Got it. Do you happen to have a stick of butter by chance?" Jaedda says not breaking her gaze at Tori and Beck.

"Well yes I do"

"Good, keep it in the fridge for me"

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